







汉语拼音:shù qín






  1. 弦乐器。在直立的三角形架上安着四十八根弦。



  1. With a glance of your eyes you could plunder all the wealth of songs struck from poets' harps, fair woman!


  2. Now you are ready to fulfill the last step of your desire, that of building a body of many sounds from your harp.


  3. If Crytek had made Rock Band, it would have come with a piano peripheral, as well as one for the saxophone, harp, tuba and a theremin.


  4. The giant fell into a big hole and disappeared. Jack and his mother lived happily ever after with the hen and the harp.


  5. When he wanted to run away, he heard once more the sound of the harp and the little elf on the hill stood before him.


  6. As they all stood looking in awe Jack pulled a strange goose and a golden harp out of his jacket.


  7. Just as Jack grabbed the harp and headed towards the door, the ogre jumped up and ran after him.


  8. And we agreed it would be best to have the harp, for it seems to amuse her more than the piano-forte.


  9. A sound rose slowly from the Queen Grove as she spoke, deep and resonant, like the stroke of a big, old clock or the hum of a harp.


  1. 竖琴随想曲

    Inventions from the Sacred Harp.

  2. 随意弹弄竖琴

    to thrum on a harp

  3. 他信手弹弹竖琴。

    He was thruming on a harp.

  4. 新加坡竖琴三重奏!

    Tags Harp Violin Cello TrioPor Una Cabeza.

  5. 长笛与竖琴协奏曲。

    Flute and harp concerto in c, k.

  6. 竖琴唱得非常棒。

    The harp sings very well.

  7. 内尔在弹奏竖琴。

    Nell was plucking a harp.

  8. 用竖琴为钢琴伴奏

    Accompany the piano on the harp

  9. 把鹅和竖琴抱走,

    He takes the goose and the harp.

  10. 竖琴在风中鸣响。

    The harp is sounding in the wind.

  11. 弹着竖琴, 加入合唱。

    Strike the harp and join the chorus. Falalalala, lalalala.

  12. 弹着竖琴,加入合唱。

    Strike the harp and join the chorus. Falalalala, lalalala.

  13. 使歌声与竖琴合调

    to attune the voice to a harp

  14. 我有一个竖琴,一个口琴

    I had a harp, a harmonica

  15. 他能演奏竖琴和提琴。

    He can play the harp and violin.

  16. 我不喜欢竖琴的声音。

    I dislike the sound of the harp.

  17. 他能演奏竖琴和提琴。

    He can play the harp and violin.

  18. 她弹的竖琴优雅动听。

    She played the harp beautifully.

  19. 密歇根大学竖琴歌手

    University Of Michigan Orpheus Singers

  20. 她还学会了演奏竖琴。

    She learned to play the Autoharp.

  21. 英雄的竖琴, 恋人的诗琴,

    The heros harp, the lovers lute

  22. 我们倾听那少女弹竖琴。

    We listened to the girl playing the harp.

  23. 那英雄的竖琴,恋人的琵琶。

    The hero's harp, the lover's lute.

  24. 竖琴海豹是现在非法捕猎。

    Hunting Harp Seal is now illegal.

  25. 让这些竖琴能够演奏音乐。

    to make the harps move and play music.

  26. 昨晚我们去听竖琴独奏会。

    We went to a harp recital last night.

  27. 古希腊人用来伴奏的竖琴。

    a harp used by ancient Greeks for accompaniment.

  28. 她轻轻地弹拨竖琴的弦。

    She touched the strings of the harp.

  29. 他用竖琴让冥府守门狗沉睡。

    He put Cerberus to sleep using a lyre.

  30. 我还有个竖琴和一个口琴。

    I had a harp, a harmonica.


  1. 问:竖琴拼音怎么拼?竖琴的读音是什么?竖琴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竖琴的读音是shùqín,竖琴翻译成英文是 harp

  2. 问:竖琴似的拼音怎么拼?竖琴似的的读音是什么?竖琴似的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竖琴似的的读音是,竖琴似的翻译成英文是 lyrate

  3. 问:竖琴海豹拼音怎么拼?竖琴海豹的读音是什么?竖琴海豹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竖琴海豹的读音是,竖琴海豹翻译成英文是 Harp seal

  4. 问:竖琴状的拼音怎么拼?竖琴状的的读音是什么?竖琴状的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竖琴状的的读音是,竖琴状的翻译成英文是 lyrate

  5. 问:竖琴螺属拼音怎么拼?竖琴螺属的读音是什么?竖琴螺属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竖琴螺属的读音是shùqínluó shǔ,竖琴螺属翻译成英文是 harp shell

  6. 问:竖琴形拉索拼音怎么拼?竖琴形拉索的读音是什么?竖琴形拉索翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竖琴形拉索的读音是shù qín xíng lā suǒ,竖琴形拉索翻译成英文是 harp-type stay cable

  7. 问:竖琴样结构拼音怎么拼?竖琴样结构的读音是什么?竖琴样结构翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竖琴样结构的读音是shù qín yàng jié gòu,竖琴样结构翻译成英文是 lyra

  8. 问:竖琴形钢筋束拼音怎么拼?竖琴形钢筋束的读音是什么?竖琴形钢筋束翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竖琴形钢筋束的读音是shù qín xíng gāng jīn shù,竖琴形钢筋束翻译成英文是 harped tendon

  9. 问:竖琴索斜拉桥拼音怎么拼?竖琴索斜拉桥的读音是什么?竖琴索斜拉桥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竖琴索斜拉桥的读音是shù qín suǒ xié lā qiáo,竖琴索斜拉桥翻译成英文是 harp-type cable stayed bridge


