







汉语拼音:pí xiè









  1. An air-conditioner or humidifier filter can quickly become inundated with dust, soot, pet dander, and even potentially harmful bacteria.


  2. Your skin replaces itself every month . Shed skin accounts for up to 90 percent of the dust in your home .


  3. Chiggers, also known as harvest mites, can cause itching, redness and crusting in dogs.


  4. This oil-loving yeast [Malassezia furfur] causes pityriasis versicolor, scaling, and discoloration of the skin and scalp.


  5. Put the sugar in a small bowl. Add lemon juice and rind. Whisk together until smooth and well blended.


  6. A spray-on formula available through veterinarians and pet retailers may also help to reduce the amount of dander found on coats.


  7. They do a DNA scan of this, they will come up with a great mailing list.


  8. The dander , which comes from pets' saliva and sebaceous gland secretions, causes irritations . --Choose Pets Wisely.


  9. With our living environment well scrubbed of germs, our body's immune "soldiers" mistakenly fire on innocent peanuts and cat dander.


  1. 带皮屑的黄麻

    specky jute.

  2. 有没有皮屑脱落?

    Were there small crusts that fell off ?

  3. 卵圆皮屑芽胞菌

    pityrosporum ovale

  4. 痤疮,油性皮肤,或皮屑。

    Acne, oily skin, or dandruff.

  5. 这种洗发水可除掉头皮屑。

    This shampoo will cure your dandruff.

  6. 皮屑脱落,头发生长,指甲,诸如此类。

    Skin flakes off, hairs grow, nails, that kind of stuff.

  7. 这种新型去皮屑洗发水非常有效。

    This new dandruff shampoo very effective?

  8. 这对头皮有益, 可以防止生头皮屑。

    Its good for to scalp, and it prevent dandruff.

  9. 这些猴子正在互相找寻皮毛中的皮屑。

    The monkeys are searching each other's fur for scurf.

  10. 目的是洗去皮面污垢,汗臭及皮屑。

    The purpose is to wash flay face bilge, stink of sweat to reach scurfy.

  11. 过敏原来自皮屑, 唾液, 尿液, 而非毛发。

    Allergens come from dander, saliva, and urine, not from hair.

  12. 来点护发素对头皮有益,可以防止生头皮屑。

    Some hair tonic is good for the scalp and it prevents dandruff.

  13. 来步护发素对头皮有益,可以防止生头皮屑。

    Some hair tonic is good for the staple and it prevents dandruff.

  14. 猫皮屑是承运人机制猫过敏,这是够糟的了。

    Cat dander is a carrier mechanism for cat allergens, which is bad enough.

  15. 韦雷拉刚检测了布兰达指甲下的皮屑。

    Valera just tested the epithelials under brenda's nails.

  16. 一片一片的干燥皮屑使小姿的小腿象鱼鳞一样。

    Dry and scurfy like making the crus of small gesture resembles scale.

  17. 面粉, 砂糖和罂粟子量入盆里。加入柠檬皮屑。

    Measure flour, sugar and poppy seeds into a large bowl. Grate in lemon rind.

  18. 他们也许是用一根头发或一块皮屑做出来的

    They probably used a hair follicle or a skin cell.

  19. 他们干燥的唾液和皮肤脱落的皮屑都是过敏原。

    These come from their dried saliva and skin flakes that they shed.

  20. 含铬废革屑的综合开发与利用皮屑中氨基酸的分离提取

    Isolation and extraction of amino acid in scraps of leather.

  21. 清理皮屑,吸附皮脂及厚积污垢,令发丝清爽柔顺。

    Remove dandruff, adsorb sebum and dirt, and make hair refreshing and manageable.

  22. 要搽点护发素吗 这对头皮有益,可以防止生头皮屑。

    Would you like some hair tonic It's good for the scalp, and it prevents dandruff.

  23. 作用番木瓜含有木瓜蛋白酶, 一种有助于皮屑脱落的物质。

    How it works Papaya contains papain, an exfoliant that helps slough dead skin.

  24. 化学物质,植物和猫、狗脱下的皮屑也能引起过敏。

    Chemicals, plants and dead skin particles from dogs and cats can also cause allergic reactions.

  25. 然后,用硬直毛刷去除马毛里脱落的毛发,灰尘和皮屑。

    Then use a stiffbristled dandy brush to remove the loose hair, dirt, and scurf from the horses coat.

  26. 固然拉拉毛上的油对一些皮屑有所控制, 但是, 并不是全部的。

    The somewhat oilier coat does keep down some dander, but not all of it.

  27. 真菌镜检可见发外大量真菌孢子, 皮屑中有透明分隔菌丝。

    Microscopic examination showed fungal spores outside the hair shaft and hyphae in the dander.

  28. 虽然拉拉毛上的油对一些皮屑有所控制, 但是, 并不是全部的。

    The rather oilier cloak does keep down the little dander, though not all of it.

  29. 宝宝快三个月了,头皮和眉毛的皮肤老起皮屑怎么办?

    Three months a baby soon, scalp and eyebrows dander from the skin of the old how to do?

  30. 加入滤干的提子和柠檬皮屑,揉30秒钟左右直到全部混匀。

    Add the thoroughly drained raisins and lemon zest. Knead for another 30 seconds until wellcombined.


  1. 问:皮屑状的拼音怎么拼?皮屑状的的读音是什么?皮屑状的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皮屑状的的读音是pí xiè zhuàng de,皮屑状的翻译成英文是 leprose



pí xiè ㄆㄧˊ ㄒㄧㄝ ˋ 皮屑 

◎ 皮屑 píxiè (1) [scurf]∶像糠那样的,以又薄又干的鳞片形式从表皮脱落,尤其是在皮肤不正常情况下的东西 (2) [furfures]∶头皮的片状粒屑