


1. 蔓 [màn]2. 蔓 [wàn]蔓 [màn]同“蔓~”,多用于合成词,如蔓草、蔓延等。[蔓延]形容像蔓草一样扩展滋生。蔓 [wàn]细长能缠绕的茎:瓜~儿,扁豆爬~儿了。……


引长:~长(cháng )。~续。蔓~。~年益寿。展缓,推迟:~迟。~缓。~宕。~误。引进,请:~聘(聘请)。~纳。~师。~医。姓。……



汉语拼音:màn yán








  1. 如蔓草滋生,连绵不断。引申为延伸,扩展。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·诸子》:“彼皆蔓延杂説,故入诸子之流。”《诗·郑风·野有蔓草》“野有蔓草,零露漙兮” 唐 孔颖达 疏:“郊外野中,有蔓延之草。”《新唐书·宦者传上·仇士良》:“宦人根党蔓延在内。” 清 戴名世 《孑遗录》:“贼之众且百万,蔓延往往千餘里不絶。” 沈从文 《过岭者》:“随手采取蔓延地下的蛇莓草叶……用手敷到脚心伤处去。”

  2. 汉 代杂戏名。

    《文选·张衡<西京赋>》:“巨兽百寻,是为蔓延。” 薛综 注:“作大兽,长八十丈,所谓蛇龙蔓延也。” 张铣 注:“言作大兽,名为蔓延之戏。”《汉书·武帝纪》“﹝ 元封 ﹞三年春,作角抵戏” 颜师古 注引 汉 文颖 曰:“ 巴 俞 戏、鱼龙蔓延之属也。”



  1. Researchers are still trying to understand the complex biological and psychological ways depression travels through families.


  2. Panic over Bear's position spread with stunning speed, leaving the bank's executives powerless to respond as money poured out the door.


  3. By Sunday evening in Damascus, there was a growing sense of despair and impotence among opposition figures and international officials.


  4. When the virus hit, he handed over the samples to one of the scientists trying to stop the virus.


  5. Rattans and creeper of every kind crawl along the ground and among the trees.


  6. The moment the earthquake started, buildings collapsed, water mains broke, and a huge fire broke out that spread rapidly across the city.


  7. The fire spread though the hotel very quickly but everyone was able to get out.


  8. Meeting again five months later in London they were faced with an ever deepening global recession and the real risk of global contagion.


  9. The false deserters had been imprisoned safely in the bowels of the pyramid . . . but Daario's rage continued to fester.


  1. 展开。蔓延

    spread out.

  2. 自蔓延焊接

    SHS welding.

  3. 墙角火蔓延

    comer fire spread.

  4. 爱已经蔓延

    Avalon The love has grown.

  5. 火蔓延速度

    fire propagation velocity.

  6. 火蔓延特性

    fire spread characteristic.

  7. 火灾蔓延风险

    fire spreading risk

  8. 洪水蔓延模型

    flood spreading model

  9. 火灾动态蔓延

    fire dynamic simulation

  10. 防止疟疾蔓延

    Stop the spread of malaria

  11. 灾害四处蔓延。

    The havoc was widespread.

  12. 疾病迅速蔓延。

    The sickness spread rapidly.

  13. 瘟疫沿街蔓延。

    Plague stalked through the streets.

  14. 瘟疫蔓延全境。

    The plague stalked through the land.

  15. 火势不再蔓延。

    The fire settled down to a steady burn.

  16. 恐慌蔓延莫斯科

    Fear on the Streets of Moscow

  17. 通货膨胀蔓延说

    contagion hypothesis of inflation

  18. 溅出或蔓延

    To spill or spread in a spot or stain.

  19. 癌细胞蔓延全身。

    Cancer cells metastasize through the body.

  20. 到处蔓延的藤

    vines ariot everywhere.

  21. 森林病虫害蔓延

    Extension of Forest plant diseases and insect pests

  22. 草向四处蔓延。

    The grass spread far and wide.

  23. 自蔓延反应喷涂

    SHS reactive spray

  24. 手工自蔓延焊接

    manual SHS welding

  25. 顺风蔓延的火灾

    leeward spreading fire

  26. 饥荒在非洲蔓延。

    Famine stalks africa.

  27. 饥荒在全境蔓延。

    Famine stalked the land.

  28. 草正在到处蔓延。

    The grass is running wild.

  29. 花园里野草蔓延。

    Weeds straggle over the garden.

  30. 迅速蔓延的流行病

    an explosive epidemic


  1. 问:蔓延拼音怎么拼?蔓延的读音是什么?蔓延翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蔓延的读音是mànyán,蔓延翻译成英文是 spread

  2. 问:蔓延度拼音怎么拼?蔓延度的读音是什么?蔓延度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蔓延度的读音是màn yán dù,蔓延度翻译成英文是 contagion

  3. 问:蔓延的拼音怎么拼?蔓延的的读音是什么?蔓延的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蔓延的的读音是màn yán de,蔓延的翻译成英文是 trailing

  4. 问:蔓延分布拼音怎么拼?蔓延分布的读音是什么?蔓延分布翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蔓延分布的读音是màn yán fēn bù,蔓延分布翻译成英文是 contagious dispersion

  5. 问:蔓延火灾拼音怎么拼?蔓延火灾的读音是什么?蔓延火灾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蔓延火灾的读音是màn yán huǒ zāi,蔓延火灾翻译成英文是 working fire

  6. 问:蔓延速率拼音怎么拼?蔓延速率的读音是什么?蔓延速率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蔓延速率的读音是màn yán sù lǜ,蔓延速率翻译成英文是 rate of spread

  7. 问:蔓延香草拼音怎么拼?蔓延香草的读音是什么?蔓延香草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蔓延香草的读音是mànyánxiāngcǎo,蔓延香草翻译成英文是 Lysimachia trichopoda

  8. 问:蔓延性血栓拼音怎么拼?蔓延性血栓的读音是什么?蔓延性血栓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蔓延性血栓的读音是màn yán xìng xuè shuān,蔓延性血栓翻译成英文是 propagated thrombus

  9. 问:蔓延地上芽植物拼音怎么拼?蔓延地上芽植物的读音是什么?蔓延地上芽植物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蔓延地上芽植物的读音是màn yán dì shàng yá zhí wù,蔓延地上芽植物翻译成英文是 chamaephyta velantia

  10. 问:蔓延性血栓形成拼音怎么拼?蔓延性血栓形成的读音是什么?蔓延性血栓形成翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蔓延性血栓形成的读音是màn yán xìng xuè shuān xíng chéng,蔓延性血栓形成翻译成英文是 propagating thrombosis

  11. 问:蔓延性发育型障碍拼音怎么拼?蔓延性发育型障碍的读音是什么?蔓延性发育型障碍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蔓延性发育型障碍的读音是màn yán xìng fā yù xíng zhàng ài,蔓延性发育型障碍翻译成英文是 pervasive developmental disorder's



“蔓延”是个多义词,它可以指蔓延(谢霆锋专辑歌曲), 蔓延(2004年何建军执导电影), 蔓延(谭晶演唱的歌曲), 蔓延(汉语词语), 蔓延(2009年美国大卫马肯兹执导电影), 蔓延(文化网名称), 蔓延(网络歌手“小手”的歌曲)。