


正,不歪斜:~正(a.事物不歪斜;b.正派,正确;c.使端正)。~丽。~然。~庄。~秀。~静。~坐。正派,正直:~方。~直。~重(zhòng )。品行不~。事物的一头:~的(dì)(a.事情的经过,底细;b.的确,果然;c.究竟。均亦称“端……





汉语拼音:duān ní








  1. 头绪;迹象。

    《庄子·大宗师》:“反覆终始,不知端倪。” 朱骏声 《说文通训定声·解部》“倪”:“《庄子·大宗师》‘不知端倪’,按耑者,草之微始;儿者,人之微始也。” 元 孙仲章 《勘头巾》第三折:“这公事深藏着曖昧,好教我左猜右忖没端倪。” 清 赵翼 《岣嵝碑歌》:“ 昌黎 亲到猿猱窟,千搜万索无端倪。”

  2. 窥测;捉摸。

    唐 韩愈 《送高闲上人序》:“天地事物之变,可喜可愕,一寓於书,故 旭 ( 张旭 )之书,变动犹鬼神,不可端倪。” 明 方孝孺 《题王右军<游目帖>》:“今观此帖,寓森严於纵逸,蓄圆劲於蹈动,其起止屈折如天造神运,变化倏忽,莫可端倪。” 郭沫若 《游里加湖》:“十时顷下山,车行甚急,风景尤觉奇幻,不可端倪。”

  3. 边际。

    《文选·谢灵运<游赤石进帆海>诗》:“溟涨无端倪,虚舟有超越。” 李周翰 注:“端倪,犹涯际也。” 唐 岑参 《西亭子送李司马》诗:“坐来一望无端倪,红花緑柳鶯乱啼。” 宋 王安石 《和农具诗·牧笛》:“緑草无端倪,牛羊在平地。” 清 陆师 《杂感》诗:“夜长不成寐,忧来无端倪。”



  1. Against apartheid in South Africa and an embryonic nuclear programme in Libya, they seem to have encouraged change.


  2. If they were singing, there was no methane about, but if they dropped over then the miners had their clue to leave the mine shaft quickly!


  3. It's easy to see why: Tolls and fees for a single trip are $230.


  4. A system ended in the year of her birth that she knows only from school and from her parents' tales.


  5. But the root of the word, as hinted by the spelling, isn't English, it seems to be Dutch.


  6. Complaints about this began to surface five or six years ago but have been growing much louder in the past two years.


  7. As the new website began taking shape, all of this work defined the external branding for the new site and for the company.


  8. Brown then finds something that throws the case wide open. Plutarch actually acknowledges that he does not know exactly how Cleopatra died.


  9. SINCE the start of the year it had seemed probable, and for several weeks inevitable.


  1. 初露端倪的想法

    the glimmering of an idea

  2. 她会发现端倪的

    She's gonna figure it out.

  3. 事情初露端倪。

    It was a foretaste of things to come.

  4. 千变万化,不可端倪。

    Things are constantly changing and unpredictable.

  5. 我们已经初见端倪了。

    We've already seen it start.

  6. 嘉莉看出了端倪。

    Carrie saw a light.

  7. 经络冲脉奥秘之端倪

    Inkling of the mysteries of the Chong Vessel

  8. 飞艇革命已见端倪。

    Airship revolution on the horizon.

  9. 看看能不能发现什么端倪。

    See if you can get a read on him.

  10. 看看能不能发现什么端倪。

    See if you can get a read on him.

  11. 事实上,竞争已见端倪。

    In fact, the competition has an inkling.

  12. 不凡的气势已经初见端倪。

    Has already shown its initial grandeur.

  13. 但这种说法仍未见端倪。

    It has yet to materialise.

  14. 它标志个新时代的端倪。

    It marks the dawn of a new age.

  15. 目前还没有自由言论的端倪出现。

    There isnt any inkling of free speech yet.

  16. 初露端倪的五种新经济评介

    A Review of Five Budding Forms of New Economy

  17. 美国超音速轰炸机计划初显端倪

    USAF Supersonic Bomber Program Emerges

  18. 但女孩还是发现了一些端倪。

    A little love is all I ask.

  19. 另一桩安全丑闻已渐露端倪。

    There's another security scandal brewing up.

  20. 直到那时问题的解答才初见端倪。

    Only then did we have an inkling of the solution to the problem.

  21. 东方问题在18世纪末就已见端倪。

    Eastern Question arose in18 th century.

  22. 人类预测的麻烦已经开始处露端倪。

    Signs of the predicted troubles have begun to appear.

  23. 在古代法中,该制度已初露端倪。

    The first inkling of this system appeared in ancient laws.

  24. 恐怕这几个被报道的病例只是一个端倪

    afraid that these few reported cases of the disease might only be the tip of the iceberg.

  25. 升息周期初见端倪房地产业再成调控焦点?

    Initial signs further into real estate Shengxi cycle regulatory focus ?

  26. 凡此种种, 均可在山水画论中找到端倪。

    Andforth, all the clue can be found in the landscape painting theory.

  27. 这个想法在他早期的小说中已初见端倪。

    The idea already existed in embryo in his earlier novels.

  28. 这种狂热行为在他少年时开始露出端倪。

    That zealotry first revealed itself when he was a teenager.

  29. 生意现在很好,但有几个问题已初露端倪了。

    Business is good now, but there are a few problems on the horizon.

  30. 这一点,从制作饰品的材料就可以看出端倪。

    In this connection, which can be discerned from the material of the jewelry.


  1. 问:端倪拼音怎么拼?端倪的读音是什么?端倪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:端倪的读音是duānní,端倪翻译成英文是 clue


