


抛,掷,扔(多指有目标的):~篮。~弹(dàn )。跳进去:~河。自~罗网。放进去,送进去:~入。~资。~标。走向,进入:~宿(找地方住宿)。~奔。~靠。~降。~师(从师学习)。~诉。发向:~射。~影。寄,递送:~递。~稿。合:~合。意气相……


1. 缘 [yuán]缘 [yuán]因由,因为:~由。~何(为何,因何)。~故。~起。宿命论认为人与人之间命中注定的遇合机会,泛指人与人或人与事物之间发生联系的可能性:~分(fèn )。化~。姻~。一面之~。沿,顺着:~法(沿袭旧法)。~……



汉语拼音:tóu yuán








  1. He and I did not really hit it off. He is a very nice guy, but a bit too serious for me.


  2. Clive: How time flies! We have been lovers for nearly a year. We hit it off instantly.


  3. Host: In that case, let me introduce you to each other. I think you'll like each other.


  4. I found quite a few classmates congenial to me.


  5. They were able to communicate. They enjoyed each other's company.


  6. They not only have to have apparently with us of get along well, more important is emotion of fascination.


  7. You was sit beside me, we have a talk are on intimate terms at once. It looks like the old friends.


  8. We really liked each other and we hit it off, you know?


  9. Then I felt nervous: I didn't want to be "the girl from the Internet. " But we really hit it off.


  1. 我们俩不投缘。

    We are not agreeable.

  2. 他俩越谈越投缘。

    As they talked, they warmed to each other.

  3. 我发现你我挺投缘。

    I found you congenial to me.

  4. 两人一见面就投缘。

    The two of them hit it off as soon as they met.

  5. 天哪,我们曾经多么投缘!

    We were so much at one.

  6. 他们很蝌投缘,他们个性合得来。

    They have good chemistry.

  7. 我和杰克彼此非常投缘。

    Jack and I are on the same wavelength.

  8. 如何放弃一半的冰淇淋投缘?

    How about giving up half of those ice cream binges?

  9. 找个投缘的成年人约会呀

    Find a grownup who wants what you want and date.

  10. 怎样与不投缘的部属相处

    How to Get Along with the Subordinates Being Incompatible

  11. 我们从刚认识起就很投缘。

    Eg. We have hit it off ever since we knew each other.

  12. 我们刚一见面就似乎很投缘。

    We seemed to click us soon as we met.

  13. 不,你不是,你只是和女人不太投缘。

    No, you're not. you're just unsuccessful with women.

  14. 我们一见面就发现相互很投缘。

    We recognized each other as kindred spirits as soon as we met.

  15. 挺投缘,在一起的时间就长了。

    Got along pretty well, so we spent more time together.

  16. 最近有一个网友,聊得很投缘。

    I have got an online friend recently, with whom I chatted very congenially.

  17. 我发现班里有几个同学和我投缘。

    I found quite a few classmates congenial to me.

  18. 我不知道啊,不过我看着挺投缘的。

    I don't know, but I get a good vibe from them.

  19. 我想我们可能是天作之合,因为我们很投缘。

    I think we could be meant for each other because we are on the same wavelength.

  20. 我发现班里有几个同学和我挺投缘。

    I found quite a few classmates congenial to me.

  21. 我们立刻就契合投缘, 从此成为了好朋友。

    We hit it off instantly, and have been good friend everythings.

  22. 我想有时候人们初次见面就会很投缘。

    I guess sometimes people hit it right off.

  23. 从那之后,两人便十分投缘,进而开始交往。

    After that, they that they were very compatible and begun dating.

  24. 和投缘的朋友一聊开,什么时候才有停?

    How can you ever be done talking with such a good friend?

  25. 二来是, 年轻气儿粗, 一句话不投缘, 散!

    Secondly, because young people have short tempers, and if someone put my back up I would walk out.

  26. 这是个很可爱的小女生, 我们非常地投缘哦!

    She is so adorable, she wanted to follow me back to Singapore.

  27. 此条件仅供参考,如果我们投缘,请发留言给我。

    This condition is reference only, if we, please send message to me.

  28. 就他们来说,彼此感情关系很不错,从一开始就很投缘。

    For them, the chemistry was right, they had hit it off from the start.

  29. 再投缘的知交也不能真正作到心心相印, 时时都会有默契。

    Agreeability to the Zhijiao can not really affiliated done, always will have a tacit understanding.


  1. 问:投缘拼音怎么拼?投缘的读音是什么?投缘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:投缘的读音是tóuyuán,投缘翻译成英文是 congenial



tóuyuán (投缘) 分词

解释: 投 : (tóu)抛,掷,扔(多指有目标的):投篮。投弹。跳进去:投河。自投罗网。放进去,送进 缘 : 缘(yuán)因由,因为:缘由。缘何(为何,因何)。缘故。缘起。 词语

解释: 1.情意相合,有缘分,合得来(多指初交)。上官鼎《阳光三迭》第二二章:“你我今日一见,十分投缘。” 2.说话投机的意思。指双方说话有共同喜好的话题,而且对很多事情的想法都十分接近。 如果说有人在与你聊天时说:我们说话很投缘。。。说明有着很多共同语言,也就意味着他很喜欢你的个性。