


1. 涡 [wō]2. 涡 [guō]涡 [wō]水流旋转形成中间低洼的地方:旋~。~流。涡状:酒~(亦作“酒窝”)。~轮机。涡 [guō]〔~河〕水名,源于中国河南省,流入安徽省。(渦)……


1. 虫 [chóng]虫 [chóng]节肢动物的一类:昆~。益~。雕~小技(喻微不足道的技能)。动物的通称:大~(老虎)。长~(蛇)。介~(有介壳的虫子)。……



汉语拼音:wō chóng






涡虫 [wō chóng]
  1. 动物名。扁形动物门涡虫纲。体呈叶片状,柔软有纤毛。尾尖,口在腹面后侧,无体腔,咽下接肠,肠为盲管。多肉食性,雌雄同体,栖于水中,再生能力强。



  1. In the usual manner, the planarian stem cells migrated to the site of the wound, sensed what was missing and began rebuilding.


  2. Most turbellarians move entirely by cilia and are predators and scavengers. Digestion is initially extracellular and then intracellular.


  3. The signals were located in parenchymal tissue in adult planarian, and had continuity with embryo in situ hybridization results.


  4. CHAMPAIGN, Ill. -- No matter how you slice it, the freshwater planarian possesses an amazing ability to regenerate lost body parts.


  5. Impacts of different phosphorus content in detergent on the growth of Dugesia Japonica are studied.


  6. Planaria tap into this resource when reconstructing themselves.


  7. The regenerative abilities of freshwater planarians are based on neoblasts, stem cells maintained throughout the animal's life.


  8. Then they amputated a small piece from each flatworm.


  9. Methods such as whole mount in situ hybridization were performed to investigate in vivo expression of the gene in planarian.


  1. 东亚三角涡虫

    Dujesia japonica.

  2. 涡虫纲寄生虫

    Turbellarian parasite

  3. 涡虫纲生物学

    biology of turbellaria

  4. 淡水三角涡虫

    Freshwater Dugesia planarian.

  5. 拟格拉夫涡虫

    Pseudograffilla sp.

  6. 两性旋口涡虫病毒

    Gyratrix hemaphroditis virus

  7. 涡虫再生实验的观察

    An observation on the regeneration of turbellarian

  8. 温度对涡虫再生的影响

    Temperatures Effect for Turbellarians Regeneration

  9. 淡水涡虫染色体的制备方法

    An Improved Method for Chromosome Preparation of Freshwater Planarian

  10. 淡水涡虫的染色体研究概述

    A brief introduction of research on chromosomes of freshwater planarian

  11. 管大口涡虫生物学特性的观察

    The Biological Characteristics of Macrostomum tuba in China

  12. 涡虫神经再生与原始脑构建初探

    The exploration on the origin of the brain by research on the incision and reproduction of two types of Turbellaria

  13. 然后他们把每个涡虫切成小块。

    Then they amputated a small piece from each flatworm.

  14. 显示三角涡虫神经系统的三种方法

    Three Methods Indicating the Nervous System of the Freshwater Planarians Dugesia japonica

  15. 几种家用洗涤剂对涡虫的急性毒性实验

    Test on Acute Toxicity of Several Domestic Detergent on Dugesia Japonica

  16. 提出涡虫的再生能力与其生殖方式密切相关。

    It is stated that the ability of reproduction is related closely related to the style of procreation.

  17. 涡虫再生过程中乳酸脱氢酶同工酶变化分析

    Change of Lactate Dehydrogenase During Planarian Regeneration

  18. 同时提出对涡虫生境冷涌泉的保护意见。

    Finally an idea about protection of cold spring, the living circumstance of turbellarians, was suggested.

  19. 结果表明涡虫对酸碱环境的耐受力较强。

    The results show that the Dugesia japonica has strong receivable ability of pH changes.

  20. 蚯蚓提取液对三角涡虫超常数眼发育的诱导

    Effect of extracts form earthworm P. Aspergillum on the differentiation of abnormal eyes in Dugesia japonica

  21. 淡水三角涡虫不同发育时期三种抗氧化酶的研究

    Three Antioxidant Enzymes in Different Developmental Stages of Dugesia japonica

  22. 本文就涡虫干细胞方面的研究进展作一简要介绍。

    Advances in the study of stem cells in planarians are summered in this paper.

  23. 把涡虫切成多块, 结果每块都能长成一个完整得涡虫。

    Chop one into pieces, and each piece can grow into a complete planarian.

  24. 把涡虫切成多块,结果每块都能长成一个完整的涡虫。

    Chop one into pieces, and each piece can grow into a complete planarian.

  25. 真涡虫的采集和培养是实验教学及工作人员的基本工作。

    Its collection and cultivation is basic work of clerks engaged in the experiment and teaching.

  26. 青海玉树多目涡虫精巢组织结构的显微观察

    The Microscopical Observation on the Testis Tissue Construction of the Polycelis Planarians from Yushu in Qinghai Province

  27. 经实验观察1个卵囊最多能孵出涡虫幼体10条,最少3条。

    Every oocyst could hatch3 larvae at least and10 at most.


  1. 问:涡虫拼音怎么拼?涡虫的读音是什么?涡虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涡虫的读音是,涡虫翻译成英文是 planaria

  2. 问:涡虫类拼音怎么拼?涡虫类的读音是什么?涡虫类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涡虫类的读音是,涡虫类翻译成英文是 turbellaria

  3. 问:涡虫纲拼音怎么拼?涡虫纲的读音是什么?涡虫纲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涡虫纲的读音是wō chóng gāng,涡虫纲翻译成英文是 Turbellaria



“涡虫”是个多义词,它可以指涡虫(日本作家山本文绪作品), 涡虫(一类扁形动物)。