


驮,背(bèi ):~米。~疚。~重。如释重~。~荆请罪。担任:担~。~责。~累(lěi )。~罪。~荷。忍辱~重。身~重任。仗恃,依靠:~隅顽抗。自~(自以为了不起)。遭受:~伤。~屈。具有,享有:久~盛誉。欠(钱):~债。小于零的(数)……


长期生病。忧苦,特指因自己过失而造成的心内痛苦:负~。内~。愧~。歉~。内省(xǐng )不~。……



汉语拼音:fù jiù





自己感觉不安,对 不起人。疚(jiù):内心痛苦。



  1. 犹负咎。

    清 钮琇 《觚賸·两大文章》:“如臣猎名违母,则其始进已乖,不惟凟斁天伦,无颜以对皇上,而循陔负疚,躁进貽讥,则於荐臣诸臣,亦为有靦面目。” 清 冯桂芬 《与友人书》:“比承手翰,过承奬饰,万不敢当。此时某方负疚之不暇,何功可言。” 郭小川 《秋日谈心》诗:“但愿每次回忆,对生活都不感到负疚。”



  1. "Oh, of course, " said Rhoda with an apologetic smile, "they'd have to make some decent settlement of that hideous Polish business. "


  2. I thought back to my own initial reaction to Old Delhi and, with a twinge of guilt, recognised myself in what she said.


  3. I'm sorry to be so long to your letter, some time ago we have been preparing for the exam, so the timing is very nervous.


  4. It is well known that Han Han is just a middle school student, but , I am sorry to admit that I cannot speak to a journalist frequently.


  5. What's more, 92% said they feel no guilt over luxury spending today, since they said the money was hard-earned.


  6. In my bid to banish mommy guilt, I try to take those cringe-worthy decisions in stride and chalk them up to a learning experience.


  7. There was an erroneous notion, in fact, that self-love began by abolishing one's guilt.


  8. (to shake away) Several years have passed since the traffic accident, and he still can't shake away the guilty feeling.


  9. If you have guilty conscience, you feel guilty about something because you know it was wrong.


  1. 我要负疚终身了。

    I just have to live with it.

  2. 我要负疚终身了。

    I just have to live with it.

  3. 她感到揪心的负疚感。

    She felt a piercing guilt.

  4. 十分负疚, 交货稽迟了。

    I'm very sorry for delay in delivery.

  5. 做这件事我不感到负疚。

    I feel no compunction in doing it.

  6. 我很高兴他会有负疚感。

    I'm so glad he had a pang of conscience.

  7. 我已卸下了负疚的重担。

    The burden of guilt have is lift from my shoulders.

  8. 负疚感会具有很强的杀伤力。

    Guilt can be very destructive.

  9. 内心没有萦绕不散的负疚感。

    There was no lingering sense of guilt.

  10. 她负疚地脸红了, 流下了眼泪。

    Bathsheba blushed guiltily and tears rolled down her face.

  11. 有负疚感是一件有益的事

    Having A Guilty Conscience Can Be a Good Thing

  12. 他因负疚而感到浑身上下不自在。

    He is crawling with guilt

  13. 她怀有一种最难以忍受的负疚感。

    She had the most horrible guilty feeling.

  14. 但愿每次回忆, 对生活都不感到负疚。

    I just hope feel no regret every time I recollect my past.

  15. 实在很负疚, 我下礼拜要到上海出差。

    I'm awfully sorry, but I have to go to Shanghai on business next week.

  16. 他们没有愧对良心的问题,设有负疚感。

    They had no problems of conscience, no feelings of guilt.

  17. 我逐渐对此形成一种病态的负疚感。

    I am developing a guilt complex about it.

  18. 负疚感又来了, 但这只会有利我瘦身。

    The guilt has begun to kick in but it merely serves to gird my loins.

  19. 什么都消除不了我对他的死的负疚感。

    Nothing can ever wash away my feeling of responsibility for his death.

  20. 负疚得双亲用礼物和放松管教来迁就孩子。

    Guilt ridden, parents then indulge their children with gifts and indiscipline.

  21. 负疚的双亲用礼物和放松管教来迁就孩子。

    Guilt ridden, parents then indulge their children with gifts and indiscipline.

  22. 通常都是对我们过去的负疚或是对将来的担忧。

    Often it is tainted with guilt about our past or anxiety about our future.

  23. 噢, 负疚, 这是最后的价格了, 你看着办吧。

    Oh sorry, the price is the last price, it's up to you.

  24. 至于平时, 他总是低首下心, 深自负疚得样子。

    As to all the rest, he was humble and contrite.

  25. 至于平时,他总是低首下心,深自负疚的样子。

    As to all the rest, he was humble and contrite.

  26. 马丁称,一些保住工作的人存在幸存者负疚感。

    Some who keep their jobs, according to Ms Martin, experience'survivor guilt'.

  27. 如果孩子们的表现差强人意,父母常会有一种负疚感。

    Parents often experience deep feelings of guilt if their children fail.

  28. 很负疚现在才进行询问,但是我们需要尽快核实执行信息。

    I apologize for the late asking but we want to make correctness of our implementation ASAP.

  29. 我永远也摆脱不了在蒙太尼这件事上的负疚感。

    I'll never feel free from my guilt about Montayne.


  1. 问:负疚拼音怎么拼?负疚的读音是什么?负疚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:负疚的读音是fùjiù,负疚翻译成英文是 feel guilty



拼音:fù jiù

解释:负:负罪;疚:内疚。自己觉得抱歉,对不起人:事情没办好,感到负疚 举例:《哈姆莱特》第四幕第五场:“我负疚的灵魂惴惴惊惶,琐琐细事也像预兆灾殃;罪恶是这样充满了疑猜,越小心越容易流露鬼胎。“