









汉语拼音:zuò wén zhāng







  1. 写文章。

    鲁迅 《<朝花夕拾>小引》:“ 中国 的做文章有轨范,世事也仍然是螺旋。”

  2. 比喻抓住一件事发议论或在上面打主意。如:他利用这件事做文章,我是料到的。



  1. "There's a lot of motivation within the Pentagon to get this going, " he said. "So they might have a way around the rulebook. "


  2. Trying to work around a constitution that no longer exists is not a good idea.


  3. With both revenue growth and net interest margins consistently mediocre, digging in on costs is the only way for the bank to go.


  4. When that did not work, he tried to keep down the turnout instead.


  5. "The most challenging part with this project is trying to build something inside a metal hull -- it's just really, really tight. "


  6. I'm not as confident those graphs are going to hold up for fields besides computer science, so I'd be leery of betting on a date.


  7. Premier: It still baffles me why some people keep trying to make an issue about China.


  8. To enhance the competitiveness of weak brands, only from the marketing strategy is not enough to make a fuss about.


  9. Scowcroft: To me it is all playing percentages.


  1. 报纸抓住这件事大做文章。

    The papers got hold of it and went to town on it.

  2. 报纸对那次事故大做文章。

    The newspaper is getting a lot of mileage out of the accident.

  3. 你得在你的个性上做文章

    You have to utilize who you are in your work.

  4. 不要对我的错误大做文章。

    Dont pounce on my mistake.

  5. 菲比,别再那我们做文章啦!

    Phoebe, stop writing about us!

  6. 只是点风吹草动,你怎么就大做文章?

    Why do you always make a fuss over a trivial things?

  7. 领导者要善于在借字上做文章。

    Leaders should fully understand the meaning of borrowing.

  8. 如今,政客们都在利用这种恐惧大做文章。

    Now politicians are playing on these fears.

  9. 我的工作一直只是围绕水来做文章!

    I have only ever worked next to water!

  10. 不明白为什么有人总拿此做文章?

    Why do some people do not understand the about the total take ?

  11. 我们很少见到有人在健康领域做文章。

    We rarely see someone go after the health area.

  12. 共和党直到现在才就这个问题开始做文章。

    The Republicans have only just started to point this out.

  13. 如果没有主题,我们就无法在建筑上做文章。

    If we didn't have a theme, we wouldn't have an architectural treatment.

  14. 它创造了一个大做文章,大惊小怪坚持到今天。

    It created a big fuss and the fuss persists to this day.

  15. 未来的一周, 我们将在防守上面多做文章。

    Over the next week, we will do more to defend above article.

  16. 未来得一周,我们将在防守上面多做文章。

    Over the next week, we will do more to defend above article.

  17. 只要继续在体制内做文章, 难免最后不是隔靴搔痒

    Quod Rex non debet esse sub homine, sed sub Deo et lege.

  18. 为什麽修行者要检测脑波?为什麽要在这上面大做文章?

    Why must religious practitioner do a test on his brain wave

  19. 我们得在杰克抓住这事大做文章之前告诉他们。

    We want to tell them before Jake finds out and does a big story on it.

  20. 现在国际上有好多人都想在台湾问题上做文章。

    Internationally, many people have been making an issue of Taiwan for their own purposes.

  21. 民主党的广告反反复复用美军士兵的坟墓做文章。

    Democratic ads linger over the graves of American soldiers.

  22. 看上去,美国和法国的大选无疑在围绕穆斯林做文章。

    Certainly the American and French elections seem to be mostly about them.

  23. 她只不过迟到了五分钟, 但他却因此而大做文章。

    She was only five minutes late, but he made a mountain out of a molehill about it.

  24. 当这一计划落空时,他又在缩减出席人数上做文章。

    When that did not work, he tried to keep down the turnout instead.

  25. 不过,别指望民主党在明年的选举中将婚姻差别做文章。

    Party, however, to make an issue of the marriage gap in next year's elections.

  26. 报纸如果能抓住这件丑闻,那可就有机会大做文章了。

    If the newspapers get hold of this scandal, they'll really have a field day!

  27. 他们不去把握大局,而是在细枝末节上花费时间大做文章。

    They do not grasp the broad situation and spend their time magnifying ridiculous details.

  28. 主考人喜欢抓住这一类因粗心造成的差错而大做文章。

    This is the kind of careless mistake on which examiners love to pounce.

  29. 多尔甚至一直未能在国防支出上找到可大做文章的地方。

    Dole has even been unable to find traction on defense spending.

  30. 报纸对那次事故大做文章,每天刊登一篇新的报导。

    The newspapers are getting a lot of mileage out of the accident. Theres a new story about it every day.


  1. 问:做文章拼音怎么拼?做文章的读音是什么?做文章翻译成英文是什么?

    答:做文章的读音是zuòwénzhāng,做文章翻译成英文是 make an issue of




拼音:zuòwénzhāng1. [write an essay]∶写文章;在知识上或艺术上进行的探索2. [make an issue of]∶比喻抓住一件事发议论或在上面打主意他想抓住这件事情做文章。详细解释1. 写文章。鲁迅 《小引》:“ 中国 的做文章有轨范,世事也仍然是螺旋。”2. 比喻抓住一件事发议论或在上面打主意。如:他利用这件事做文章,我是料到的。