







汉语拼音:bào zhāng






  1. 谓杼柚往复,织成花纹。报,往复。

    《诗·小雅·大东》:“虽则七襄,不成报章。” 毛 传:“不能反报成章也。” 郑玄 笺:“不如人织相反报成文章。” 南朝 宋 谢灵运 《七夕咏牛女》:“紈綺无报章,河汉有骏軛。”《随园诗话》卷八引 清 何梦瑶 《织女答》诗:“织锦空劳问报章,近来花样费商量。”

  2. 引申为文采;文章。

    晋 左思 《蜀都赋》:“差鳞次色,锦质报章。” 南朝 宋 颜延之 《和谢监灵运》诗:“尽言非报章,聊用布所怀。”

  3. 酬答以诗文。

    唐 柳宗元 《为韦京兆祭太常崔少卿文》:“入同其室,出联其鑣。投文报章,既歌且謡。” 宋 苏轼 《张作诗送砚反剑乃和其诗卒以剑归之》:“作诗反剑亦何谓?知君欲以诗相磨。报章苦恨无好语,试向君砚求餘波。”

  4. 复信。

    南朝 齐 谢朓 《酬德赋》:“方含毫而报章,迫纷埃之东鶩。” 唐 白居易 《与济法师书》:“敬佇报章,以开未悟,所望所望!” 宋 岳珂 《桯史·周梦与释语》:“余笑莫敢答,士掷其报章於门而去。” 清 周亮工 《追报亡友黄汉臣书》:“若谬许声气于 亮 ,有菖歜之嗜者,启予荒芜,意内滔滔,欲更作报章以罄鄙怀。”

  5. 表彰。

    清 李赓芸 《炳烛编·干蛊》:“《唐大詔令》载, 寳应 二年, 李光弼 实封一子。官制云:功崇望重,加以报章。”

  6. 报纸。

    鲁迅 《书信集·致章廷谦》:“果然,有几种报章,又对我大施攻击。” 巴金 《谈<新生>及其他》:“我为了那一个时期的安静而愉快的生活,至今还感激、怀念那些姓名不曾上过报章的小人物。”如:报章杂志。



  1. I read from the newspapers that the initial reaction of some to discussion of a possible change was one of rather serious concern.


  2. The news is bad, and so you get out of the market, and when you read in the newspaper that the situation has improved, you go back in.


  3. The subject of his tweet, newspaper columnist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, reported him to police.


  4. Newspapers have been accused of trying to set the agenda for the government.


  5. This was, according to most reports, a super-propitious year in the traditional animal zodiac, a Year of the Golden Pig.


  6. This coverage meant people could keep themselves informed about parliamentary events although they may have been unable to vote.


  7. He won first prize, received a hero's welcome back in the U. S. , and enjoyed coverage in the worldwide press.


  8. Newspaper editorials throughout the week criticized the United States for siding with the Japanese, the former colonial occupier of Korea.


  9. Replying to your advertisement in today's issue of the (newspaper), I wish to apply for the position in your esteemed firm.


  1. 翻阅报章杂志

    look over newspapers and magazines.

  2. 她受到报章中伤。

    She was maligned by the newspapers.

  3. 报章指她是伪君子。

    The newspapers branded her a hypocrite.

  4. 争论被报章夸大了。

    The argument was blown up by the newspapers.

  5. 俄罗斯报章大都支持总统。

    Russian newspapers are largely sympathetic to the president.

  6. 你平常读什么报章杂志?

    What newspapers and magazines do you take?

  7. 那出戏受到了报章得好评。

    The play had a good press.

  8. 那出戏受到了报章的好评。

    The play had a good press.

  9. 那部歌剧受到了报章得好评。

    The opera had a good press.

  10. 那部歌剧受到了报章的好评。

    The opera had a good press.

  11. 报章使人们对她产生了偏见。

    The newspapers prejudiced people against her.

  12. 报章都把他说成是失败者。

    The newspapers wrote him off as a failure.

  13. 报章对事故原因并未解释清楚。

    The newspapers provided little enlightenment about the cause of the accident.

  14. 我正考虑起诉这混帐报章。

    I'm thinking of suing that rag.

  15. 报章杂志到处都买得到, 文具亦然。

    newspapers and magazines are widely available, as is stationery.

  16. 报章也是课堂辅助教材的主要来源。

    Newspapers are a main source of complementary reading.

  17. 这段佚闻在报章杂志中鲜有报道。

    The episode was reported minimally in the press.

  18. 这出戏受到所有报章的一致好评。

    The play was well reviewed in all the newspapers.

  19. 这出戏受到所有报章得一致好评。

    The play was well reviewed in all the newspapers.

  20. 报章对这件事的报道太多了。

    The newspapers have given undue prominence to the story.

  21. 联合早报的内容跟英文报章不同。

    Content of the Lianhe Zaobao differs from that of the English dailies.

  22. 我从报章杂志广告中认识这些产品。

    I know about portable entertainment products through printed ads.

  23. 现代文学处于以报章为中心的时代。

    Chinese Modern Literature is in the time of newspapers and magazines.

  24. 现代文学处于以报章为中心得时代。

    Chinese Modern Literature is in the time of newspapers and magazines.

  25. 报章对他偏袒恐怖主义行为大加抨击。

    The newspapers really went for him over his defence of terrorism.

  26. 我从报章上得行你们正聘请会计。

    I read in the paper that you're looking for an accountant.

  27. 民研计划会谴责报章报导不确吗?

    Will HKUPOP reprimand newspapers for inaccurate reporting.

  28. 报章中传播仇恨的信息也并非不寻常。

    Hate messages in the press are not uncommon.

  29. 当地报章迫不及待地对这些传闻加以炒作。

    The rumours were eagerly seized upon by the local press.

  30. 报章竞争非常激烈,为求生存,卖弄色情。

    Publications fight for survival in a highly competitive market by pandering to prurient interests.


  1. 问:报章拼音怎么拼?报章的读音是什么?报章翻译成英文是什么?

    答:报章的读音是bàozhāng,报章翻译成英文是 newspapers

  2. 问:报章杂志拼音怎么拼?报章杂志的读音是什么?报章杂志翻译成英文是什么?

    答:报章杂志的读音是,报章杂志翻译成英文是 journalism

  3. 问:报章杂志阅览室拼音怎么拼?报章杂志阅览室的读音是什么?报章杂志阅览室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:报章杂志阅览室的读音是,报章杂志阅览室翻译成英文是 newsroom



bào zhāng (1).谓杼柚往复,织成花纹。报,往复。《诗·小雅·大东》:“虽则七襄,不成报章。” 毛传:“不能反报成章也。” 郑玄笺:“不如人织相反报成文章。” 南朝·宋·谢灵运 《七夕咏牛女》:“纨绮无报章,河汉有骏轭。”《随园诗话》卷八引清·何梦瑶 《织女答》诗:“织锦空劳问报章,近来花样费商量。” (2).引申为文采;文章。晋·左思《蜀都赋》:“差鳞次色,锦质报章。” 南朝·宋·颜延之《和谢监灵运》诗:“尽言非报章,聊用布所怀。”