







汉语拼音:fù gào



报告丧事。也指报 告丧事的通知。



  1. 报丧。

    汉 班固 《白虎通·崩薨》:“天子崩,讣告诸侯。”《三国演义》第四十回:“﹝ 蔡夫人 ﹞就葬 刘表 之柩於 襄阳 城东 汉阳 之原,意不讣告 刘琦 与 玄德 。”《新华文摘》1981年第8期:“补行葬仪,讣告国人。”

  2. 报丧的文告。

    巴金 《关于<神·鬼·人>》:“姓 袁 的朋友一九五八年患鼻癌死在 福州 ,当地的报上还刊出他的讣告。” 碧野 《怀田庄》:“这是北京电影制片厂寄来的 田庄 的讣告。”



  1. (Realising what his comment has revealed. ) This was you, wasn't it? You floated that obituary to me. To set Agent Doggett up, using me.


  2. The daily newspaper there recently omitted the name of the partner of a deceased gay man in its free obituary notice.


  3. But he was, as The Times obituary was to put it, "a man of boundless energy and unflagging optimism" .


  4. "How much does it cost to have an obituary printed" ? asked the woman.


  5. If it's a recent obituary, you can contact these people directly, if not, you can contact the children of the deceased.


  6. Reports of my death, like Mark Twain's, were exaggerated. Sadly there was no Guardian obituary.


  7. The television obituaries that followed Mr. Kazan's death on Sunday were like an anthology of great moments in method acting.


  8. HAD William Safire written his own obituary, he would have laid down a few simple rules.


  9. And somebody at the FBI thought it was important enough to stick his obituary right under our noses.


  1. 球队的讣告。

    QUOTE the obituary of the franchise.

  2. 花名册职员讣告死亡

    Sample I first learned of her death when I read the obituary in the newspaper.

  3. 讣告上没有提及这些。

    The obituary didnt mention that.

  4. 讣告死亡新闻死者略传

    an obituary notice.

  5. 出生喜报, 结婚启事和讣告

    notices of births, marriages and deaths

  6. 你怎么能连讣告都不发

    But how could you not do that?

  7. 尽管讣告可能还是不成熟的。

    Obituaries may be premature, though.

  8. 哈诺在报纸上登了讣告。

    Jano ran an obituary in the newspaper.

  9. 讣告是隐藏的瑰宝人民的信息。

    Obituaries are hidden gems of information about people.

  10. 我也不会为你登讣告。

    I won't put in an obituary.

  11. 埃文斯撰写了斯大林的讣告。

    Evans wrote an obituary of stalin.

  12. 谁说,最不妙得广告是你得讣告?

    Who says, The only bad publicity is your obituary?

  13. 谁说,最不妙的广告是你的讣告?

    Who says, The only bad publicity is your obituary?

  14. 看看史蒂芬乔布斯得讣告吧。

    Look at the Steve Jobs obituaries.

  15. 看看史蒂芬乔布斯的讣告吧。

    Look at the Steve Jobs obituaries.

  16. 我发现,卫报并没有为我写讣告。

    The Guardian, I note, did not favour me with an obituary.

  17. 登一篇讣告多少钱?一位女士问。

    How much does it cost to have an obituary printed? asked the woman.

  18. 我是一流的讣告写手,因为我是千里眼。

    I am an excellent obituary writer because I am clairvoyant.

  19. 讣告称赞他为伟大的政治家和战士。

    The obituary lauded him as a great statesman and soldier.

  20. 但我早上都会读报纸,尤其是讣告。

    But Im an avid newspaper reader in the morning, especially the obituaries.

  21. 我注意到, 卫报还没有发表我的讣告。

    The Guardian, I note, did not favour me with an obituary.

  22. 她丈夫去世时, 她在报纸上登了讣告。

    When her husband died, she put an announcement in the newspaper.

  23. 沃明顿太太说她 没找到妈妈的讣告。

    Mrs. Warmington said she looked for mom's obituary and couldn't find it.

  24. 讣告里全是对他的客套溢美之词。

    There were pleasant and flattering obituaries about him.

  25. 我注意到, 卫报并不赠与我发篇讣告。

    The Guardian, I note, did not favour me with an obituary.

  26. 人们在世的时候就有人给他们写讣告?

    People's obituaries are written while they're still alive ?

  27. 你的意思是你放下那个讣告是为了帮助我?

    Are you saying you left that obituary to help me?

  28. 格特鲁德在报上意外地发现了讣告。

    Gertrud came across the obituary in the newspaper.

  29. 计划当世事变得艰难时,给自己写好讣告。

    The Scheme When times get tough, write your obituary.

  30. 但是我很爱在早上读报纸,特别是讣告。

    But I'm an avid newspaper reader in the morning, especially the obituaries.


  1. 问:讣告拼音怎么拼?讣告的读音是什么?讣告翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讣告的读音是fùgào,讣告翻译成英文是 announce a death; obituary



讣告(fù gào)也叫讣文,又叫“讣闻”,是人死后报丧的凶讯。“讣”原指报丧、告丧,也指死者亲属向亲友及有关方面报告丧事用的文书的意思,“告”是让人知晓,讣告就是告知某人去世消息的一种丧葬应用文体。它是死者所属单位组织的治丧委员会或者家属向其亲友、同事、社会公众报告某人去世的消息。讣告要在向遗体告别仪式之前发出,以便让死者的亲友及时做好必要的安排和准备,如准备花圈、挽联等。讣告可以张贴于死者的工作单位或住宅门口,较有影响的人物去世,还可登报或通过电台向社会发出,以便使讣告的内容迅速而广泛地告知社会。