


1. 亚 [yà]亚 [yà]较差:他的体力不~于你。次一等:~军。~圣。原子价较低的,酸根或化合物中少含一个氢原子或氧原子的:硫酸~铁。指“亚细亚洲”(位于东半球的东北部,简称“亚洲”):东~。……




1. 经 [jīng]经 [jīng]织布时用梭穿织的竖纱,编织物的纵线,与“纬”相对:~纱。~线。~纶(a.整理过的蚕丝;b.喻政治规划)。地理学上指通过南北极与赤道成直角的线(亦作“子午线”):东~。西~。~度。~纬仪。作为思想、道德、……


1. 合 [hé]2. 合 [gě]合 [hé]闭,对拢:~眼。~抱。珠连璧~。貌~神离。聚集:~力。~办。~股。~资。不违背,一事物与另一事物相应或相符:~格。~法。情投意~。应该:~该。~当。“文章~为时而著,诗歌~为时而作”。总共,全……




1. 织 [zhī]2. 织 [zhì]织 [zhī]用丝、麻、棉纱、毛线等编成布或衣物等:~布。编~。~女(a.织布、织绸的女子;b.指织女星)。棉~物。引申为构成:罗~罪名。用染丝织成的锦或彩绸:~锦。~文(即“织锦”)。~贝(织成贝文……



汉语拼音:yà tài jīng hé zǔ zhī



  1. And a week after that there is the summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation, APEC, A Perfect Excuse to Chat.


  2. the U. S. might eventually prefer to see APEC become a mechanism to bind Pacific Rim nations into a NAFTA-style trade family.


  3. APEC, as the world's leading growth center, is in a unique position to carry out such a task.


  4. Clinton said the United States hopes to unveil an outline of the plan by the time it hosts this year's APEC meeting in Hawaii.


  5. He said it was not in a good position to tackle immediate or short-term issues such as the currency value.


  6. The Apec meeting has come at a difficult moment for Mr Bush as he prepares for a fresh political battle with Congress over Iraq.


  7. APEC leaders said the region "is recovering from the recent economic and financial crisis, but uncertainty remains. "


  8. To this end, China has decided to launch, together with other APEC member economies, the APEC Skills Development Promotion Project.


  9. The United States and New Zealand share as a priority that APEC leaders reach an agreement by the meeting in November, according to USTR.


  1. 亚太经合组织


  2. 亚太经合组织金融风暴专责小组

    Financial Crisis Task Force, APEC

  3. 本周得亚太经合组织会议继续推动国际间得合作。

    This week's APEC meeting has maintained the momentum for international cooperation.

  4. 本周的亚太经合组织会议继续推动国际间的合作。

    This week's APEC meeting has maintained the momentum for international cooperation.

  5. 这些都需要在亚太经合组织首脑峰会上被讨论。

    These will take place on the sidelines of the annual summit of APEC, a gathering long famed for its waffling.

  6. 亚太经合组织似乎为一大堆空洞的胡言乱语所淹没。

    APEC seems be drowning in an ocean of jargon.

  7. 亚太经合组织领导人会议是在河内举行的众多会议之一。

    The APEC leaders'meeting was one of several meetings held in Hanoi.

  8. 亚太经合组织做到求同存异, 把不同的经济体系团结起来。

    It has unified the economies despite their diversity.

  9. 亚太经合组织第九次领导人非正式会议10月21日在上海结束。

    The Ninth APEC Economic Leaders Meeting ended on October 21 in Shanghai.

  10. 这是经合组织国家。

    And this is OECD countries.

  11. 经合组织越界污染原则

    OECD Principles Concerning Transfrontier Pollution

  12. 经合组织电子商务行动计划

    OECD Action Plan for Electronic Commerce

  13. 东欧,拉丁美洲,和经合组织国家。

    East Europe, Latin America, and OECD countries.

  14. 经合组织税收情报交换协议范本

    Agreement on Exchange of Information on Tax Matters

  15. 经合组织也呼吁改变残疾人福利。

    The OECD also wants changes to disability benefits.

  16. 在这点上, 经合组织持怀疑态度。

    On this point, the OECD is sceptical.

  17. 经合组织发布了最新一期经济展望。

    The OECD issued its latest economic outlook.

  18. 我们谨感谢让经合组织参与协商过程。

    We would like to thank you for including OECD in the consultation process.

  19. 经合组织还就电子商务的定义达成了一致。

    The OECD has also reached unanimity about the definition of electronic commerce.

  20. 它也提供经合组织化学制品计画的概述。

    It also provides an overview of the OECD Chemicals Program.

  21. 下图是经合组织按照国家排序的基尼系数。

    Here's the OECD's graph of Gini coefficients by country.

  22. 第二章,经合组织国家国库支付制度及借鉴。

    Cbarter 2. Treasury payment system of OECD countries.

  23. 经合组织将在3月31日发布一个正式的预测。

    The OECD will release a formal forecast on 31 March.

  24. 经合组织将在3月31日发布一个正式得预测。

    The OECD will release a formal forecast on 31 March.

  25. 美国依然稍稍落后于经合组织国家的平均水平。

    The US continued to languish slightly below the OECD average.

  26. 亚太经合高峰会将于今年十一月在河内举行。

    The APEC summit will take place in Hanoi in November this year.

  27. 托马斯李比希是经合组织的一名经济学家。

    Thomas Liebig is the an economist in at the OECD.

  28. 经合组织提供比较数据,分析和预测,以加强多边合作。

    The Organisation is a provider of comparative data, analysis and forecasts to underpin multilateral cooperation.

  29. 经合组织欧盟统计局2004年对统计环境的调查问卷,垃圾部分。

    OECDEurostat 2004 questionnaire on Environment statistics, Waste section.

  30. 一年前读到经合组织预测的所有人都会感到惊骇。

    Anyone reading a year ago what the OECD had to say would have been horrified.


  1. 问:亚太经合组织拼音怎么拼?亚太经合组织的读音是什么?亚太经合组织翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亚太经合组织的读音是yà tài jīng hé zǔ zhī,亚太经合组织翻译成英文是 Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation

  2. 问:亚太经合组织商务旅游证拼音怎么拼?亚太经合组织商务旅游证的读音是什么?亚太经合组织商务旅游证翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亚太经合组织商务旅游证的读音是,亚太经合组织商务旅游证翻译成英文是 APEC Business Travel Card