


1. 重 [zhòng]2. 重 [chóng]重 [zhòng]分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。价格高:~价收买。数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。主要,……





汉语拼音:chóng hūn








  1. 指已有亲缘关系的双方再结姻缘之好或重迭交互为婚姻。

    《史记·秦本纪》:“ 申骆 重婚, 西戎 皆服。”《左传·隐公十一年》“如旧昬媾” 晋 杜预 注:“重昬曰媾。” 孔颖达 疏:“媾与昬同文,故先儒皆以为重昬曰媾。”

  2. 重新婚配,再次结婚。

    元 无名氏 《隔江斗智》第一折:“我当替你别选高门,重婚俊杰,也不误你一世。” 元 柯丹丘 《荆钗记·大逼》:“他那里重婚,我这里改嫁。” 清 李渔 《慎鸾交·造端》:“一旦怜新弃旧,逼使重婚。”

  3. 法律上特指已有配偶而又与他人结婚。

    石三友 《金陵野史·胡小石和杨仲子》:“西洋人的风俗习惯,是不许重婚,更不许纳妾的。”如:《中华人民共和国婚姻法》“总则”规定,禁止重婚。



  1. But after she fled and married a man of her own choice, she was charged with bigamy and sentenced to six months in jail.

  2. In criminal law, the crime of bigamy is an insignificant one, for its highest term of penalty is only two years long.

  3. The judge told the prisoner that the jury had acquitted him on the charge of bigamy.

  4. Unfortunately the Italian law did not recognize the divorce and charged them with bigamy.

  5. Toronto Police have arrested a 71-year-old Irishman (see photo) - who has had at least 14 wives - on suspicion of bigamy.

  6. The king was blamed for a bigamous marriage (as Arda was still alive) and the Patriarch Arnulf was deposed.

  7. The bigamy is an illegal activity in the marital, incompatible with the monogyny in the modem society.

  8. The author's views are expressed in this study on monogamy, bigamy, domestic violence, divorce awards, void marriage, and voidable marriage.

  9. Not minding the contradiction, he also claims he's innocent on charges of bigamy because he and his women aren't legally married.


  1. 法律上的重婚

    legal bigamy.

  2. 重婚是犯法的。

    Bigamy is against the law.

  3. 重婚罪的界定

    The defining of bigamic marriage

  4. 第170条重婚或多婚

    Article170. Bigamy or polygamy

  5. 重婚不要两处开销么

    And if he keeps a mistress, doesn't he have to support two households

  6. 反对重婚的法律非常明确。

    The Law on bigamy is explicit.

  7. 我父母离婚了,我母亲重婚了

    And my parents got divorced, then my mother remarried

  8. 重婚无效宣告的法律问题

    Legal Issues on Announcement of Bigamy Invalidation

  9. 重婚罪疑难问题研究

    Study on Difficulty Problem of Bigamy offence.

  10. 事实重婚中事实标准如何确定?

    How to judge the standard of virtual bigamy ?

  11. 重婚和多配偶是非法的。

    Bigamy and polygamy are illegal.

  12. 我年长的那个儿子重婚了。

    My elder son remarried.

  13. 也许是因为有的人正在重婚。

    It could be because they are remarrying.

  14. 关于重婚罪的法律思考

    Some legal thought concerning the bigamy

  15. 他们举世闻名行了重婚婚礼。

    They want through a bigamous marriage ceremony.

  16. 试论有关重婚的几个问题

    Discussing Several Problems in Bigamy

  17. 略论事实婚的重婚罪

    On Crime of Practical Bigamy

  18. 法院曾经审理过许多重婚案。

    A number of cases of bigamy had been brought before the courts.

  19. 浅谈我国重婚罪的尴尬

    Talk about the Embarrassment of Bigamy Crime in China.

  20. 以客观解释论解读重婚罪

    Interpreting Bigamy Offense in Light of the Objective Interpretation Theory

  21. 重婚罪系两个婚姻得重合。

    Bigamy of two marriage coincidence.

  22. 重婚罪系两个婚姻的重合。

    Bigamy of two marriage coincidence.

  23. 对重婚罪认定的几点浅见

    Opinions of Conviction of Remarriage Crime

  24. 重婚在大多数的文化里是不合法的。

    Bigamy is illegal in most cultures.

  25. 根据印度刑法典, 重婚是一种犯罪。

    Bigamy is an offence under the Indian Penal Code.

  26. 首先对事实重婚的概念进行了界定。

    At first, the dissertation proposes the concept of factual bigamy.

  27. 在许多国家里重婚都被看作是犯罪。

    Bigamy is considered a crime in many countries.

  28. 重婚包括法律上的重婚和事实上的重婚两种情况。

    Bigamy, including legal and de facto bigamy bigamy both cases.

  29. 犹他州一名男子被判重婚罪

    Utah Man Convicted of Bigamy

  30. 然而在今天, 重婚却仅仅是在纸面上违法。

    Bigamy is still outlawed today, at least on paper.


  1. 问:重婚拼音怎么拼?重婚的读音是什么?重婚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重婚的读音是chónghūn,重婚翻译成英文是 commit bigamy

  2. 问:重婚的拼音怎么拼?重婚的的读音是什么?重婚的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重婚的的读音是,重婚的翻译成英文是 bigamouse

  3. 问:重婚罪拼音怎么拼?重婚罪的读音是什么?重婚罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重婚罪的读音是chónghūnzuì,重婚罪翻译成英文是 offense of bigamous marriage

  4. 问:重婚者拼音怎么拼?重婚者的读音是什么?重婚者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重婚者的读音是,重婚者翻译成英文是 bigamist

  5. 问:重婚罪心理拼音怎么拼?重婚罪心理的读音是什么?重婚罪心理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重婚罪心理的读音是chónghūnzuìxīnlǐ,重婚罪心理翻译成英文是 mind of bigamy crime