











汉语拼音:shì zhě shēng cún






  1. The phrase "survival of the fittest" is often misused as it does not necessarily relate to physical fitness or strength in any sense.


  2. And the central , but not all- important role of competition and survival of the fittest, shrinks just a little bit to make room .


  3. And the fact that more people have been able to pass this test over time has been attributed to survival of the fittest.


  4. Among a range of good products one with a difference will survive. At the market place it is the survival of the differentiated.


  5. In this situation it truly was survival of the fittest, with healthy young males being the most likely to live to tell the tale.


  6. If evolution is survival of the fittest, why should a young raven share a winter's worth of food with its unrelated rivals?


  7. Acquiring wealth is perhaps the goal of many, because life is considered to be about the survival of the fittest.


  8. We might decry this on a public-policy basis, but at least as far as public markets are concerned it is a Darwinian world.


  9. President Reagan told us from very the beginning that he believed in a kind of social Darwinism. Survival of the fittest.


  1. 适者生存。

    Those that naturalize would live.

  2. 自然选择是适者生存

    Natural selection is survival of the fittest.

  3. 一种适者生存的分子。

    a molecular survival of the fittest.

  4. 适者生存的过程就是自然选择。

    The process by which the fittest are singled out for survival is natural selection.

  5. 生活是适者生存的一场殊死搏斗。

    Life is a deadly struggle in which only the fittest survive.

  6. 生活是适者生存得一场殊死搏斗。

    Life is a deadly struggle in which only the fittest survive.

  7. 大意指将会停止自然选择适者生存。

    It stops natural selection and genetic survival dead in its tracks.

  8. 至少在法律丛林中, 适者生存。在国会中, 你得生存。

    At least in the law of the jungle, youve survival of the fittest. In Congress, youve just got survival.

  9. 适者生存,不适者消亡,是自然不可改变的法则。

    Adapt or perish now as ever,is natures inexorable imperative.

  10. 他的自然选择理论就是基于适者生存的原则。

    His theory of natural selection is based on the principle of the survival of the fittest.

  11. 适者生存是自然竞争中永恒不变的规律。

    The rule that the fittest survive is a constant in the nature competition.

  12. 类似适者生存得理论可以解释为什麽有些人无家可归。

    Something like the theory of Natural Selection explains why some people are homeless.

  13. 类似适者生存的理论可以解释为什麽有些人无家可归。

    Something like the theory of Natural Selection explains why some people are homeless.

  14. 当然,生活也有艰辛的一面,适者生存,达尔文主义。

    Then, of course, there's the struggle for life, the survival of the fittest, social Darwinism.

  15. 适者生存,不适者灭亡,这时自然界一如既往,永不改变的规律。

    Adapt or perish, now as ever, is natures inexorable imperative.

  16. 做为程序员一定要学会适应社会,物竞天择,适者生存。

    As the programmer must learn to adapt to social selection, survival of the fittest.

  17. 达尔文说,适者生存,而求存的最佳方法莫过于怕输。

    Darwinism dictates that the fittest will survive, and what better way to ensure survival than being kiasu?

  18. 但是一些19世纪的自然学家竭力把适者生存的意义说得不重要。

    But some nineteenth-century naturalists tried to minimize the significance of adaptation.

  19. 在当今竞争激烈的世界里, 惟有适者才能生存。

    In the rat race of today's world, only the fittest survives.

  20. 这种情形不是最适者而是最幸运者生存。

    It a case of survival not of the fittest, but of the luckiest.


  1. 问:适者生存拼音怎么拼?适者生存的读音是什么?适者生存翻译成英文是什么?

    答:适者生存的读音是,适者生存翻译成英文是 Survival of the fittest