




1. 浑 [hún]浑 [hún]水不清,污浊:~水摸鱼。~浊。骂人糊涂,不明事理:~人。~话。~蛋。~~噩噩。全,满:~身。~然。天然的,淳朴的:~古。~朴。~厚。简直:“白头搔更短,~欲不胜簪。”姓。……



汉语拼音:jiǎo hún








搅浑 [jiǎo hún]
  1. 搅乱混杂。




  1. I put up the world's pistachio easy to see the hidden secret, I deliberately appetite Here you are starting out.


  2. I would posit that it would increase risk-averse behavior -- particularly if this kind of trade war roiled financial markets.


  3. Resolving trade disputes is the proper role of government but I would like to clear up some myths that muddy the negotiating waters .


  4. In July, a report from the US Government Accountability Office presented at a congressional hearing on genetic testing roiled the waters.


  5. Some experiments, dolphins blindfolded, to muddy the waters in this fashion, they can quickly and accurately tracked food thrown at it.


  6. If Mr Ayalon wins, he says he will take Labour out of the coalition unless Mr Olmert resigns, thus provoking a general election.


  7. The problem is that this kind of language buries ideas and muddies thinking.


  8. Rumor and speculation continue to muddy the political waters as people wait for results, in particular the presidential poll.


  9. Whatever the case , the board is frothing , with many directors apparently seeking any excuse to fire the boss .


  1. 搅浑, 如混凝土或泥浆。

    Work a wet mixture, such as concrete or mud.

  2. 美国是把水搅浑的国家之一。

    The US is among those to have muddied the waters.

  3. 不好意思, 我搅浑你们的好事。

    Man, I'm sorry I salted your game.

  4. 她当着他的面把酒搅浑。

    She roiled the wine in his presence.

  5. 不过,其他问题仍然搅浑普通的汉语。

    However, other issues still rile ordinary Chinese.

  6. 使用不准确的术语将水搅浑

    Muddying the waters with imprecise terms.

  7. 鸟儿在小河水面上扑腾,把河水搅浑。

    The bird muddled the brook with its splashings.

  8. 至于我的羊,只得吃你们所践踏的,喝你们所搅浑的。

    Must my flock feed on what you have trampled and drink what you have muddied with your feet?

  9. 再说, 他们没必要想方设法地搅浑我的未来。

    Plus, I don't think that they would stoop as to with my future.

  10. 那个男人得突然出现几乎搅浑了这场晚会。

    The man's abrupt appearance almost spoiled the party.

  11. 那个男人的突然出现几乎搅浑了这场晚会。

    The man's abrupt appearance almost spoiled the party.

  12. 狼在河得上游责备下游得羊把水搅浑了。

    The children are having fun puddling in paint.

  13. 狼在河的上游责备下游的羊把水搅浑了。

    The children are having fun puddling in paint.

  14. 至于我得羊, 只得吃你们所践踏得, 喝你们所搅浑得。

    Must my flock feed on what you have trampled and drink what you have muddied with your feet?

  15. 回过头,他在肯恩,进一步的把搅浑浊他挥舞。

    Turning around, he waved at Ken, further riling him.

  16. 许多孩子在池塘中游泳时, 把池塘得水都搅浑了。

    The pond was riled when many children were swimming in it.

  17. 许多孩子在池塘中游泳时,把池塘的水都搅浑了。

    The pond was riled when many children were swimming in it.

  18. 这样水就被搅浑了,没法再看到那条鱼。

    In his excitement he fell in, wetting himself to the waist.

  19. 你的生活很复杂, 而我似乎总是在搅浑水, 是不是?

    Your life is complicated, and I didn't fit into that mix very well, did I ?

  20. 于是他用双手去捉, 把池底的乳白色泥浆全搅浑了。

    He reached for it with both hands and stirred up the milky mud at the bottom.


  1. 问:搅浑拼音怎么拼?搅浑的读音是什么?搅浑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:搅浑的读音是jiǎohún,搅浑翻译成英文是 to stir into a muddy state

  2. 问:搅浑浊拼音怎么拼?搅浑浊的读音是什么?搅浑浊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:搅浑浊的读音是,搅浑浊翻译成英文是 rile

  3. 问:搅浑的拼音怎么拼?搅浑的的读音是什么?搅浑的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:搅浑的的读音是,搅浑的翻译成英文是 roily