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1. 禅 [chán]2. 禅 [shàn]禅 [chán]佛教指静思:坐~。参(cān)~。~心。~机(佛教禅宗启发门徒悟道时使用的隐语、比喻以及带有暗示性的动作等)。~宗。~定。特指佛教的:~师。~杖。~林。~堂。禅 [shàn]帝王的……
汉语拼音:chán xué
宋 晓莹 《罗湖野录》卷二:“ 无尽居士 张公天觉 蚤负禪学,尤欲寻访宗师,与之决择。” 宋 叶适 《刘夫人墓志铭》:“ 清卿 喜禪学,趺坐辟观,湛慧凝寂。” 刘师培 《论近世文学之变迁》:“若 六朝 之时,禪学输入,名贤辩难,间逞机锋,超以象外,不落言詮,善得言外之旨,然此亦属於语言,而语録之文,盖出於此。”
However, Zen Buddhism is not the only theoretical origin of the theory of Child's Mind.
都可以在禅学中得到相应的解释。但是,禅学也并非“童心说”的唯一理论渊源。This kind of thought is much the same with the laying down obsession and returning to emptiness of oriental Zen.
它与东方禅学里「放下执著、返回空无」的思维如出一辙。Zen Buddhism and poetry were both prosperous in Tang Dynasty; in that time, they integrated and then fired up the sparkle of aesthetics.
大显于唐朝,「诗歌」也大盛于唐朝,禅学与诗学交会于一时,进而又激发出「美学」的火花。Zonggao's ideology on Dhyana is not water without a source.
宗杲的禅学思想并非无源之水。In order to achieve this peace of mind, the teaching of detachment of Taoism and Zen proved to be valuable.
为了达到内心的安宁,道家与禅学中超然脱俗的教义被证明是颇有价值的。Outside the temple, though, traditional kungfu schools, not all of them associated with Buddhism, thrived.
然然而在少林寺外,传统的武术学校却繁荣起来,但是并不是所有这样的学校都与禅学相关。Outside the temple, though, traditional kung fu schools, not all of them associated with Buddhism, thrived.
然而在少林寺外,传统的武术学校却繁荣起来,不过并非所有这样的学校都与禅学有关。In the view of background of thoughts, there is a deep relationship between Zen Buddhism and the modem Chinese poetic thoughts.
中国现代诗学与禅学之间存在着深层的思想渊源关联。He established his Buddhist theory on the basis of Chinsim Chiksol (straight talk on the true mind) theory.