




1. 囊 [náng]2. 囊 [nāng]囊 [náng]口袋:药~。探~取物。~空如洗。~括。〔~生〕藏语,中国西藏农奴主家的奴隶。亦称“朗生”。像口袋的东西:胆~。胶~。~肿。囊 [nāng]〔~膪〕猪的乳部肥而松软的肉。〔~揣〕a.……



汉语拼音:jiá náng






颊囊 [jiá náng]
  1. 某些啮齿类动物和猿猴的口腔内两侧的囊状构造,可暂时贮藏食物。也称为「颊嗛」。



  1. All this material is stored in cheek pouches and, at the surface, mashed for consumption.


  2. Objective To investigate the effects of Golden Hamster cheek Pouch precancerous lesion conversion blocked by microwave.


  3. Baboons have a large head, cheek pouches, and a long, dog like muzzle. They walk on all fours , carrying the tail in a characteristic arch.


  4. any of various small nocturnal burrowing desert rodents with cheek pouches and long hind legs and tail.


  5. Methods SABC immunohistochemical assay was used to measure the level of HSP27 in DMBA induced hamster buckle pouch carcinogenesis model.


  6. Objective To study the effects of tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNA) and nicotine on hamster cheek pouch and gastric mucosa.


  7. Objectives To study the morphology of angiogenesis of cheek pouch carcinoma dynamically.


  8. Objective: To study the expression of CDK2 in hamster buckle pouch normal mucosa , hyperplasia, dysplasia and squamous cell carcinoma.


  9. Intervention Effect of an Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibitor on Carcinogenesis of Hamster Cheek Pouch Carcinoma


  1. 颊囊癌肿瘤

    Cheek pouch neoplasm

  2. 金黄地鼠颊囊

    Golden hamster check pouch

  3. 拉特克囊, 神经颊囊

    Rathke pocket

  4. 神经颊囊, 拉特克囊

    neurobuccal pouch

  5. 颅颊囊,拉特克囊,神经颊囊

    craniobuccal poach

  6. 有颊囊的各种啮齿动物。

    any of various rodents with cheek pouches.

  7. 垂体泡, 拉特克囊, 神经颊囊

    pituitary vesicle

  8. 狒狒把食物储存在颊囊里。

    Baboons keep food in their cheek pouches.

  9. 并将其缝合于仓鼠的口腔颊囊粘膜上。

    These wafers were fixed to the oral cheek pouch mucosa.

  10. 美洲东部身有条纹的半陆栖小松鼠, 有颊囊。

    Small striped semiterrestrial eastern American squirrel with cheek pouches.

  11. 他们将颊囊塞得满满把收集的食物带回巢穴

    They can be stuffed full of seeds for carrying back to the burrow

  12. 金黄地鼠成功诱导成瘤建立颊囊癌动物模型。

    Golden Hamster cheek pouch squamous cell carcinoma animal model had been established successfully.

  13. 久强脑立清对金黄地鼠颊囊微循环的影响

    Effect of Jiuqiang Naoliqing on the microcirculation of the cheek pouch of golden hamsters

  14. 冷习服对重度冻伤地鼠颊囊微循环的影响

    Effects of Cold Acclimation on Microcirculation of Hamster Cheek Pouch with Severe Frostbite

  15. 所有这些物质都储存在颊囊里,在其表面粉碎消化。

    All this material is stored in cheek pouches and, at the surface, mashed for consumption.

  16. 甲基苯并蒽诱发的地鼠颊囊上皮增生的细胞迁移

    Cell migration in hyperplastic epithelium induced by DMBA in hamster cheek pouch

  17. 三氯醋酸对金黄地鼠颊囊粘膜作用的实验研究

    Study of effects of trichloroacetic acid on the pouch mucosa of Hamster

  18. 目的研究金地鼠颊囊癌细胞增殖与细胞凋亡的改变。

    Objective To study the change of cell proliferation and apoptosis of golden hamster cheek pouch carcinoma.

  19. 金地鼠颊囊癌细细胞增殖与细细胞凋亡的初步研究

    An elementary study of cell proliferation and apoptosis in golden hamster cheek pouch carcinoma

  20. 复方绞股蓝对金地鼠颊囊癌前病变的疗效观察

    Observation of effectiveness of compound Gynostemma Pentaphyllum Mak in golden hamster cheek pouch's premalignancy

  21. 内毒素休克及丁基东莨菪碱对地鼠颊囊微循环的作用

    Effects of Endotoxic Shock and Hyoscine Butylbromide on Microcirculation of Cheek Pouch in Hamsters

  22. 目的研究烟草特异性亚硝胺对地鼠颊囊粘膜的作用。

    Objective To study the effects of tobaccospecific nitrosamines and nicotine on hamster cheek pouch and gastric mucosa.

  23. 微波辐射对金地鼠颊囊白斑癌变阻断效果的肉眼观察

    Clinical observation of blocking effect of microwave radiation on leukoplakia of golden hamaster check pouch

  24. 金黄地鼠颊囊白斑癌变过程中血管异常生成的观察研究

    Observations on Angiogenesis During the Evolution of Golden Hamster Cheek Pouch Carcinogenesis

  25. 灯盏细辛对金地鼠颊囊癌血管生成影响的形态特征研究

    A Morphic Study On Erigeron Breviscapus HandMazz Affecting Angiogenesis of Golden Hamster Cheek Pouch.

  26. 绞股蓝对金地鼠颊囊癌前病变细胞动力学影响的研究

    The study of influencing cellular dynamics of gynostemma pentaphyllum on golden hamster cheek pouch premalignancy

  27. 诱导型一氧化氮合酶抑制剂对地鼠颊囊癌变的干预作用

    Intervention Effect of an Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibitor on Carcinogenesis of Hamster Cheek Pouch Carcinoma