


1. 跑 [pǎo]2. 跑 [páo]跑 [pǎo]奔,两脚交互向前迅速跃进:~步。奔~。赛~。很快地移动:~动。逃:~出笼子。漏泄:~电。~气。为某种事物奔走:~买卖。~外的。~堂。~码头。~单帮。跑 [páo]走兽用脚刨地:~糟(牲口……





汉语拼音:pǎo chuán







  1. 谓在船上干活谋生。

    鲍昌 《庚子风云》第一部第七章:“我和 大江 ,只要在卫里扛扛河坝,干点小工,或者去跑船,就能混出点吃食来。”

  2. 行船。

    萧玉 《大风口》第三章:“你就得有能跑船的宰相度量,从容相对。”



  1. Owner Mr. Zhou said that over the years running ship, good and bad markets, had already got used to it.


  2. he shipped as doctor aboard an ocean liner


  1. 他跑船在远洋线上担任医生。

    He shipped as doctor aboard an ocean liner.

  2. 打击乐一般在跑船或赶船者推船时使用。

    And the percussion instruments are used in the running boat and pushing boat.

  3. 突然间大量的水跑进船里,船开始往下沉。

    Suddenly a lot of water came into the boat and it began to sink.

  4. 船怎么会跑到这里来?

    How could a ship wind up way out here ?

  5. 船被大风吹跑了。

    The ship was torn away in the high wind.

  6. 他们回头看了看船,便拔腿跑了起来。

    They looked back towards the boat, and then they began to run.

  7. 小船跑顺风

    like a boat sailing with the wind.

  8. 今年不跑吗?!不能借或租船。

    No Race this year!? Unable to borrow or rent boats.

  9. 然而不管它力气多大,总不能永远拖着这条小船跑吧。

    But he cannot pull this skiff forever, no matter how great he is.

  10. 她准是想我了, 跑到了河边上, 用芦苇叶折了条小船。

    It must be her missing me that drove her to the riverside, to make a small boat with reed.

  11. 体育运动包括各种竞技,如赛跑,划船,游泳等。

    Athletics include all kinds of sports, such as running, rowing, swimming, etc.

  12. 慢跑,举重,徒步新走和划船可以使骨骼更加健康。

    Jogging, lifting weights, hiking, and rowing can help improve your bone health.

  13. 警报一响,船员们跑来跑去把船上得密封门关紧。

    As soon as the alarm went,the crew raced round shutting the watertight doors.

  14. 警报一响,船员们跑来跑去把船上的密封门关紧。

    As soon as the alarm went, the crew raced round shutting the watertight doors.

  15. 警报一响,船员们跑来跑去把船上得水密门关紧。

    As soon as the alarm went,the crew raced around shutting the watertight doors.

  16. 警报一响,船员们跑来跑去把船上的水密门关紧。

    As soon as the alarm went, the crew raced around shutting the watertight doors.

  17. 警报一响,船员们跑来跑去把船上得各水密门关紧。

    As soon as the alarm went,the crew raced about shouting the watertight doors.

  18. 警报一响,船员们跑来跑去把船上的各水密门关紧。

    As soon as the alarm went, the crew raced about shouting the watertight doors.

  19. 她的朋友把小船推下河之后穿过原野跑向小桥的另一端。

    Her friends pushed the boat off down the river and ran across the fields to get round to the bridge.