


1. 跑 [pǎo]2. 跑 [páo]跑 [pǎo]奔,两脚交互向前迅速跃进:~步。奔~。赛~。很快地移动:~动。逃:~出笼子。漏泄:~电。~气。为某种事物奔走:~买卖。~外的。~堂。~码头。~单帮。跑 [páo]走兽用脚刨地:~糟(牲口……


1. 片 [piàn]2. 片 [piān]片 [piàn]平而薄的物体:卡~。名~。切削成薄的形状:~肉片。少,零星:~段(整体当中的一段)。~刻。~面。~甲不存。指较大地区内划分的较小地区:分~儿开会。〔~假名〕日本文所用的楷书字母。量……



汉语拼音:pǎo piàn






  1. 一部电影拷贝在几个场所错开时间放映,每放完一本或数本,就由专人把这些拷贝从甲处送往乙处放映,叫跑片。

    徐怀中 《西线轶事》:“一天晚上,部队在广场看电影。放映中间等跑片。”



  1. 网络
  2. BICYCLING;Runner;motorbisexualking

  1. 他骑马慢跑过那片草地。

    He cantered the horse across the meadow.

  2. 他骑马慢跑过那片草地。

    He cantered the horse across the meadow.

  3. 咱们去跑步,跑过那片田野吧。

    Let's go for a run across the fields.

  4. 那头愤怒的大象哗哗啦啦地跑过这片森林。

    The angry elephant crashed through the forest.

  5. 他们放弃了那些东西,追赶着他跑出了这片稀疏的树林。

    They gave up and chased after him through the thin trees.

  6. 他们放弃了那些东西,追赶着他跑出了这片稀疏的树林。

    They gave up and chased after him through the thin trees.

  7. 如果不跑片儿,这个电影怎么能在我们这里及时上映呢?

    How can we show the film on time if we don't rush a copy of the film from other cinemas?

  8. 我在这片土地上笑啊, 跑啊, 跳啊, 尽情地歌唱。

    I laugh, I run, I leap and I sing for joy.

  9. 我们曾一直跑到离布尔津城不远的那片沼泽。

    We ran all the way to the swamp near Burqin town.

  10. 我们曾一直跑到离布尔津城不远的那片沼泽。

    We ran all the way to the swamp near Burqin town.

  11. 他带着照片和所有的底片跑掉了。

    He bolted with them and all the negatives.

  12. 他们笑着,一起跑进一片柳树林中。

    Laughing, they run together into a stand of WILLOWS.

  13. 小女孩手里拿着一片红叶跑向她妈妈。

    The little girl ran to her mother with a red leaf in her hand.

  14. 动物们到处乱跑,外面一片尘土飞扬,非常嘈杂。

    Animals were running everywhere. It was very dusty outside and really noisy.

  15. 当他跑进体育场的时候, 全场一片欢呼声。

    When he entered the stadium, the crowd roared with excitement.

  16. 跑出人生的雨季, 你前面就会是一片晴朗的天空。

    When you run out of the rainy season of your life, there will be bright sky ahead of you.

  17. 小铁片困在他的脑子里面,不会跑到哪里去的。

    Little tiny pieces trapped in his head. they're not going anywhere.

  18. 有许多次, 他抢上买卖就跑, 背后跟着一片骂声。

    He often ran off with somebody else's fare, followed by a volley of curses.

  19. 一只老鼠从地上跑过去时, 妇女协会会场上即刻一片混乱。

    All hell broke loose at the Women's Institute meeting when mouse ran across the floor.

  20. 然后我发现自己正跑下横着几具尸体的楼梯, 一片混乱。

    The next thing I knew I was running down the stairs and there were a couple of dead bodies across the stairs. It was chaos.

  21. 宇宙飞船宠罩在一片黑暗中。大家迅速跳下飞机朝飞船跑去。

    The spaceship was dark. Quickly, everyone jumped down from the plane and ran across to the spaceship.

  22. 另一头牛则越过车阵跑上一座桥,然后窝在一片树林下。

    The other ran across traffic on a bridge and settled in under a grove of trees.


  1. 问:跑片儿拼音怎么拼?跑片儿的读音是什么?跑片儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:跑片儿的读音是pǎopiānr,跑片儿翻译成英文是 To pass a single copy of a film around cinemas sho...