




1. 数 [shù]2. 数 [shǔ]3. 数 [shuò]数 [shù]表示、划分或计算出来的量:~目。~量。~词。~论(数学的一支,主要研究正整数的性质以及和它有关的规律)。~控。几,几个:~人。~日。技艺,学术:“今夫弈之为~,小~……



汉语拼音:shuí shù






  1. 哪里数得上。

    唐 岑参 《献封大夫破播仙凯歌》:“ 汉 将承恩西破戎,捷书先奏 未央宫 。天子预开 麟阁 待,祇今谁数 贰师 功。”



  1. I don't want to have to look at the person's face who just made me a few thousand ringgit poorer while I'm doing my lats.


  1. 谁能数星星?

    Who can number the stars?

  2. 有谁能数尽我们那经常冷酷待人得次数?

    Who can number the times we have behaved in unloving ways

  3. 有谁能数尽我们那经常冷酷待人的次数?

    Who can number the times we have behaved in unloving ways

  4. 你认为是谁写的这些数?

    Who do you think wrote these numbers?

  5. 谁也想不出最终是个什么数。

    Nobody can imagine an end to numbers.

  6. 谁也不知道!爱到最后只剩自己在数伤痛!

    The end of love is countless pain I stay with alone.

  7. 他的诸军,岂能数算。他的光亮一发,谁不蒙照呢。

    Is there any number of his armies? And upon whom doth not his light arise?

  8. 但是谁会去数?

    But who's counting?

  9. 谁能担保他说话算数

    Who can guarantee that he will keep his word.

  10. 谁胜谁负还在五五之数。

    and it's a coin toss who's going to win.

  11. 谁能说说什么样得小数叫循环小数?

    What kind of decimal is called a repeating decimal?

  12. 谁能说说什么样的小数叫循环小数?

    What kind of decimal is called a repeating decimal ?

  13. 谁能告诉老师,小于30的数共有几个

    Who can tell me how many numbers are smaller than 30

  14. 谁能告诉老师,小于30的数共有几个?

    Who can tell me how many numbers are smaller than 30?

  15. 如果票数一样, 众议院将决定谁是总统。

    If vote is equal, the House of Representatives would decide the winner.

  16. 细数,豆蔻的年华里,是谁的一片痴心错付?

    Breakdown, nutmeg, and the Love Lane, who will pay for a silly mistake.

  17. 那个哭着鼻子,看着数亿得符号得女孩子是谁

    Melody Fair Who Is The Girl With The Crying Face Looking At Millions Of Signs

  18. 那个哭着鼻子,看着数亿的符号的女孩子是谁

    Melody Fair Who Is The Girl With The Crying Face Looking At Millions Of Signs

  19. 谁愿住在列邦中,而被数算为其中之民?

    Who would wish to dwell among the nations and to be numbered with them?

  20. 谁能数点雅各的尘土?谁能计算以色列的四分之一?

    Who can count the dust of Jacob or number the fourth part of Israel?

  21. 与数万友友们一决雌雄, 看看谁才当之无愧的猎潜艇艇长!

    With tens of thousands of faithful Friends showdown to see who was welldeserved captain of a submarine chaser!!!

  22. 谁能切割出这数百万块的石块,再把它们堆叠起来呢?

    Who could cut the millions of stone blocks and fit them together?

  23. 庆祝会花费了数百英镑, 我想知道谁来负担这笔费用。

    The celebration cost hundreds of pounds, and I wonder who's going to foot the bill.

  24. 谁能用智慧数算云彩呢。尘土聚集成团,土块紧紧结连。

    Who can number the clouds in wisdom? Or who can stay the bottles of heaven

  25. 不管他是谁, 他所做出的选择, 都关系到全球数十亿人。

    Who he is, the choices he makes, matter to billions of people around the globe.