







汉语拼音:zhǎn shǒu







  1. 砍头。

    宋 苏轼 《东坡志林·论子胥种蠡》:“生则斩首,死则鞭尸。” 明 郎瑛 《七修类稿·奇谑·数兆于字》:“ 唐 李怀光 叛逆,至 埋怀村 ,为 马燧 斩首。” 方志敏 《狱中纪实》一:“逮捕、审讯、监禁、枪毙、斩首,总想将 中国 所有革命分子杀灭净尽。”

  2. 谓所斩之首。




  1. A decapitated body wearing an orange jumpsuit was found in the Tigris River Thursday, possibly that of a foreigner taken hostage.


  2. One of the most famous execution was that of Anne Boleyn in 1536.


  3. Although the King was an absolute monarch, he did not want to behead his unfaithful wife without absolute evidence of her infidelity.


  4. U. K. government officials said killing the Libyan leader would be legal if it prevented civilian deaths as laid out in a U. N. resolution.


  5. So the king issued a proclamation for all marriageable girls to come to the garden, under pain of death, to try to pick the pomegranates.


  6. Ongoing decapitation "contests" were covered in the Japanese press as if they were sporting events.


  7. While so many people are "beheaded, " executives at all levels are still determined to brave death by trying to make the most of corruption.


  8. He knew that if his identity were blown, he would be beheaded on the spot in the same way as Pearl.


  9. Finally they would be decapitated and dismembered; their body parts would be publicly displayed, eaten by the birds as they decomposed.


  1. 勒死或斩首

    To strangle or decapitate.

  2. 上断头台, 在断头台上斩首

    go to the guillotine

  3. 杀人犯被斩首。

    The murderer was cut shorter by the head.

  4. 客于项则梦斩首

    pathogen in nape bringing about dreaming of beheading

  5. 安妮 博林被斩首。

    Anne Boleyn had her head chopped off.

  6. 查理一世遭斩首。

    Charles I had his head cut off.

  7. 查里一世遭斩首。

    Charles I had his head chopped off.

  8. 杀手斩首以示报复虐囚。

    Killers Beheading avenges prison abuse.

  9. 他在公元前30年被斩首。

    He was beheaded in 30 BC.

  10. 安妮。博林于1536年被斩首。

    Anne Boleyn was beheaded in 1536.

  11. 一桩恐怖的杀人斩首的罪行。

    A frightful crime of decapitation.

  12. 等我切腹之后再斩首。

    Decapitate me after my harakiri.

  13. 英王查理一世遭斩首。

    King Charles I had his head cut off.

  14. 模式合一的斩首算法及其应用

    Behead Algorithm of Pattern Unification and Its Application

  15. 官方录像显示被绞索斩首。

    Official video of the hanging shows Barzan being beheaded by the noose.

  16. 达吉斯坦斩首可以追溯到1999年。

    Dagestan Beheading dates back to 1999.

  17. 断头台斩首时用以放头之木块

    Such a piece upon which persons are beheaded.

  18. 一个对犯人处以斩首的执行人。

    an executioner who beheads the condemned person.

  19. 但是约翰被囚在狱中直至斩首。

    But lo, John was left to be beheaded.

  20. 它被一台18世纪的法国闸刀斩首了。

    It was decapitated in an18th century French guillotine.

  21. 谁说情人节不像粗糙的斩首游戏呢

    Nothing says Valentine's Day like some gnarly decapitations.

  22. 查理一世被克伦威尔派斩首。

    Charles I was beheaded by the Cromwellians.

  23. 把苏格兰女王玛丽斩首是弑君行为。

    The beheading of Mary Queen of Scots was an act of regicide.

  24. 在国内战争时期, 法国国王被斩首示众。

    the French King was beheaded during the Revolution.

  25. 除非你没听说过斩首者或者格林。

    Unless you haven't heard of a Decapitare, or a Grimm.

  26. 皇帝愤怒极了,就宣布把谭诚斩首了。

    Emperor very angry, it announced a beheaded. strange, Zhang Minister to Where ?

  27. 如果他们被惩罚并斩首,你现在会感觉耻辱。

    If they were punished and beheaded, one may feel shame in present time.

  28. 华伦谭神父在二月十四日被斩首。

    Valentine was beheaded on February 14 th.

  29. 那一天,第一支公开斩首的影像在法国诞生。

    That day, the first film of a public beheading was created in France.

  30. 年的今天,威廉洛德大主教在伦敦塔斩首。

    Archbishop William Laud is beheaded at the Tower of London


  1. 问:斩首拼音怎么拼?斩首的读音是什么?斩首翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斩首的读音是zhǎnshǒu,斩首翻译成英文是 to behead

  2. 问:斩首杀头拼音怎么拼?斩首杀头的读音是什么?斩首杀头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斩首杀头的读音是,斩首杀头翻译成英文是 decapitation


