


1. 召 [zhào]2. 召 [shào]召 [zhào]召唤:~集。~见。召致,引来:~祸。~人怨。召 [shào]古通“邵”,古邑名,在今中国陕西省岐山县西南。(三)姓氏。……




就是:知识~力量。当时或当地:~日。~刻。~席。~景。在~。~兴(xìng )。就,便:黎明~起。假如,倘若:~使。~便(biàn )。~或。~令。靠近:不~不离。到,开始从事:~位。……





汉语拼音:zhào zhī jí lái








召之即来 [zhào zhī jí lái]
  1. 一经召唤立即就来,形容唯命是从。



  1. "They jumped in, and it was amazing to see them turn this around on absolutely zero formal notice, " she said.


  2. He handed me his homemade business card and promised to be at our beck and call for the duration of our holiday.


  3. These institutions, skills, and values cannot be called into existence quickly and cannot readily be imported from abroad.


  4. without waiting, immediately. If you need a babysitter quickly, call Mary, because she can come at the drop of a hat.


  5. Force "you to sing me" , "unison" and even submissive, called upon to, in fact, already mixed with the other ingredients.


  6. Within hours of the news, you were calling in.


  7. If you need a baby sitter urgently, call Mary, because she can come at the drop of a hat.


  8. Rich men do it, and poor men do it, in forms so varied and ubiquitous that they can be summoned at a moment's notice.


  9. Their spirits dwell in our book-chests, music-cabinets, in our memory, at our beck and call day and night.


  1. 召之即来, 挥之即去

    be ready to assemble at the first call and leave at the wave of a hand

  2. 召之即来,来之能战,战之能胜。

    Be ready to assemble at the first call and be capable of fighting and winning.

  3. 我们的球员召之即来,来之能战。

    We have players who can come in at any moment and make a difference.

  4. 艾伦是一名兽医,昨晚召之即来。

    Alan was the vet on call last night.

  5. 只要电钮按对了,这一切都能召之即来。

    All this can be called up at the press of the right button.

  6. 在消息发布的几个小时之内你们召之即来。

    Within hours of the news, you were calling in.

  7. 如果你急需保姆,给玛莉打吧,因为她召之即来。

    If you need a babysitter quickly, call Mary, ause she can come at the drop of a hat.

  8. 他开始滔滔不绝地讲一桩桩召之即来的具体的回忆。

    He began to pour forth the particular recollections that popped up as he called for them.

  9. 我请你即来。

    I request you will come at once.

  10. 即来之事必有先兆

    Coming events cast their shadows before

  11. 小错不改, 大错即来

    Small mistakes left uncorrected will lead to bigger ones

  12. 这些句子是摇笔即来, 不假思索的。

    Such phrases flow unsought at the flourish of a pen.

  13. 接到此条后,请即来四楼310室。

    When you receive this note, please come to Room 310,the fourth floor at once.

  14. 战争招之即来,但却非挥之可去。

    Wars begin when you will, but they do not end when you please.

  15. 他很听话,总是呼之即来,不敢有半点耽搁。

    He is very obedient and always at beck and call, never daring to delay a moment.

  16. 他很听话,总是呼之即来,不敢有半点耽搁。

    He is very obedient and always at beck and call, never daring to delay a moment.

  17. 他是出了名的好脾气, 一直呼之即来, 挥之即去。

    He is famous for his good temper. He always shows up at ones beckon, and leaves when asked to.

  18. 他是出了名的好脾气,一直呼之即来,挥之即去。

    He is famous for his good temper. He always shows up at one's beckon, and leaves when asked to.

  19. 你方认为此报盘可接受,即来传真以便我方确认。

    If you think this offer is acceptable to you, please fax us immediately for our confirmation.

  20. 你现在即来了, 就得好好儿干, 让我们脸上也光彩。

    Now you've come, you try to do right and be a credit to us.

  21. 如果你方认为此报盘可接受,即来传真以便我方确认。

    If you think this offer is acceptable to you, please fax us immediately for our confirmation.

  22. 这个问题难以非白即黑来断论。

    The issue is not as black and white as it seems.

  23. 我非常希望您不久即有暇来我公司访问。

    I hope very much that you will find time to visit my company soon.

  24. 常常有这样的情况, 即用来培养骨干枝的分枝数量不够。

    Frequently insufficient feathers are available for the development of the framework branches.

  25. 非黑即白得来评论你

    To define what you are like it's all blackandwhite.

  26. 来取即付汇票

    Draft on demandbill on demand.

  27. 这张支票,来取即付。

    The bill is payable on demand.

  28. 这声音告诉我一切已不一样了,即指否极泰来。

    And the voice is telling me that things have changed a lot.

  29. 如果不久即能调来军队,它则不会被消灭。

    it should not be exterminated with forces which will shortly be available.

  30. 采用以上技术方案后, 该热管即可以用来喝热的饮料了。

    By adopting the above technical proposal, the suction pipe can be used for drinking hot beverage.


1. 召唤:~集。~见。 2. 召致,引来:~祸。~人怨。