







汉语拼音:fáng xùn








  1. 在江河涨水时期采取措施,防止泛滥成灾。




  1. The State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters said the drought remains severe in Southwest China despite recent moderate rainfall.


  2. It is the duty of every unit and individual to participate in the prevention of and the fight against floods.


  3. A comprehensive analysis shows that the flood control decision-making depends on the application of the operation system.


  4. Each June and July are the province's flood prevention and drought control critical period, other work is in obeying the center.


  5. The dam builders state that there is no practical flood protection alternative in the middle reach of the Yangtze River.


  6. The government has calculated that creating a similar barrier around the rest of the country would cost too much.


  7. The results can be good reference to the construction and technical management of flood control walls in Shanghai.


  8. for the work of flood control, with different levels and different departments responsible for part of work under a centralized command.


  9. The results could be applicable as reference in flood control emergency and the maintenance and reinforcement of the dikes.


  1. 防汛防旱指挥系统

    flood prevention and drought relief command system

  2. 第五章 防汛抗洪

    Chapter V Flood Control and Flood Fighting

  3. 国家防汛总指挥郭办公室

    State Flood Prevention General Command Office

  4. 水库防汛业务的实体对象描述

    Describing of the entitative object in flood control of reservoir

  5. 防汛机动抢险演练方案的探讨

    Study on Flood Control of Rushing Work for an Emergeney and Drilling Plan

  6. 巢湖莲花圩防汛防浪对策

    Countermeasures of flood and wave prevention in Lianhua dyke of Chaohu

  7. 浅谈防汛物资储备安全管理工作

    Talking on flood control material repertory safety administration work

  8. 防汛信息掌上通设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Mobile Service System for Flood Prevention

  9. 国家防汛抗旱指挥视频会议系统

    Video conference system for the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Command System

  10. 苏州河防汛墙景观规划研究

    Study of Planning for the Landscape of Flood Prevention Wall for the Suzhou River

  11. 防汛抢险为中心积极经营求发展

    Flood control center mange well for development.

  12. 防汛预案的地位作用和编制原则

    Position, Role and Compilation Principle of Flood Control Case in Advance

  13. 天津湿地变迁对防汛抗旱的影响

    The influence of wet land on flood prevention and drought defying in Tianjin.

  14. 多功能防汛抢险船的研究与设计

    Research and design of multifunctional emergency protection in flood defense boat

  15. 国家防总防汛抗旱检查汇总报告

    Summary Reports of National Headquarters on Inspection of Flood Control and Drought Relief

  16. 自动测报技术在淮河防汛中的应用

    Application of automatic measuring and reporting system in flood control of Huaihe river

  17. 水文测报技术在防汛抗洪中的应用

    The Hydrologic Measuring and Report Technique Apply in Flood Prevention and Fight a Flood

  18. 防汛中的水情遥测网及辅助计算机网

    Water Information Remote Measuring Network and Auxiliary Computer Net in Flood Control

  19. 以人为本认真做好淮河防汛抗旱工作

    Doing the flood control and drought relief of Huaihe River well by putting people first

  20. 基于主动机制的防汛防旱指挥系统设计研究

    Design of flood prevention and drought relief command system based on active mechanism

  21. 在注意防汛的同时, 做好防旱抗旱工作。

    While paying due attention to preventing floods, we should prevent and fight drought as well.

  22. 团结协作扎实做好2004年淮河防汛抗旱工作

    Do well on flood control and drought relief of Huaihe River in 2004 of AnHui province

  23. 便携式防汛抢险打桩机减速器的优化设计

    Optimal design of the reduction device about the portable pile driver for preventing flood and rushing to deal with an emergency.

  24. 地下水过度开采造成地面沉降对防汛的影响

    Influence of Surface Settlement Caused by Extracting Excessively Underground Water on Flood Control

  25. 防汛墙下砂土管涌隐患的地质雷达探测

    GPR Detection of Hidden Danger of Sand Boil under Flood Wall

  26. 文章详细阐述巢湖莲花圩防汛防浪对策。

    In this article, countermeasures of flood and wave prevention in Lianhua Dyke of Chaohu are elaborated.

  27. 国家防汛抗旱指挥系统报汛通信组网研究

    Study on Networking of Telemetry Communication in Command System for State Flood Control and Drought Relief in China

  28. 实践防汛抗旱两个转变促进流域经济社会发展

    Put the Two Transformations of Flood Control and Draught Combating into Practice and Promote Socioeconomic Development in River Basins.

  29. 在今年的防汛中这项工程显示出了巨大的威力。

    Amidst this year's flood prevention, this project has shown significant effectiveness.

  30. 苏州河防汛墙建设中环境保护的研究和措施

    Study and Measures of Environmental Protection in Construction of Suzhou River Flood Control Wall


  1. 问:防汛拼音怎么拼?防汛的读音是什么?防汛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:防汛的读音是fángxùn,防汛翻译成英文是 flood prevention; flood control

  2. 问:防汛抢险拼音怎么拼?防汛抢险的读音是什么?防汛抢险翻译成英文是什么?

    答:防汛抢险的读音是fáng xùn qiǎng xiǎn,防汛抢险翻译成英文是 flood fighting

  3. 问:防汛物资拼音怎么拼?防汛物资的读音是什么?防汛物资翻译成英文是什么?

    答:防汛物资的读音是fáng xùn wù zī,防汛物资翻译成英文是 flood-fighting materials


