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1. 伯 [bó]2. 伯 [bǎi]3. 伯 [bà]伯 [bó]兄弟排行次序:~仲(指兄弟的次第,喻事物不相上下)。父亲的哥哥:~~。~父。~母。对父辈戚友的尊称:老~。世~。封建制度五等爵位的第三等:~爵。旧时对文章、道德足为表率者的……
汉语拼音:wéi bó
When Mr Weber toured Stonehenge, a prehistoric site in England, just a few bedraggled and chilly druids awaited him.
韦伯到英国史前巨石柱(Stonehenge)观光时,只有几个衣着邋遢、态度冷淡的祭师在那儿接待他。Mr Webb said there was no evidence "of any involvement by persons connected to PCCW" .
韦伯表示,没有任何证据表明“有电讯盈科相关人士参与其中”。Dr. Webb says most communities value the local forests, but illegal logging is often their only way to earn money to pay for health care.
韦伯医生表示,多数居民珍惜当地的森林,但非法采伐通常是他们赚取医疗费用的唯一途径。Gaston got to his feet, sat down at the piano and began to play Weber's splendid melody, the music of which lay open of the stand.
加斯东站起身,坐到钢琴前面,开始弹奏韦伯的这首名曲,乐谱摊在谱。In Joplin, one of the ways Weber coped was to remind herself of the many blessings in her life.
在乔普林,韦伯应对(压力)的方法之一就是时刻提醒自己生活的美好。Howard Webb, the English referee retained by Fifa for the quarter-finals, said he would be open to the introduction of goalline technology.
继续留在国际足联世界杯上执法四分之一决赛的霍华德·韦伯说,他赞同国际足联引进门线技术的做法。Meanwhile, as a lawyer and jurist, Webber would not give up the analysis of the rational factors which contained in the law.
同时,作为律师和法学家的韦伯,自然也不会放弃对法律中蕴涵的理性因素的分析。Mr. Weber goes to a happy hour after work one night a week without his wife.
韦伯先生每周有一个晚上可以不陪妻子、尽享下班后的快乐时光。Sometimes, on these journeys, Wilbur would get tired, and Fern would pick him up and put him in the carriage alongside the doll.