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去,到:~返。~复。~还(huán )。~来。交~。向~。勇~直前。过去:~昔。~日。~事。~古。~常。以~。一如既~。同“望”。……
汉语拼音:jì wǎng kāi lái
Second, to attract academic superstars. Kerr went about this like a talent scout, and his successors have continued the practice.
其次是吸引学术英才,克尔当时为此可是挖地三尺,他的后来人也继往开来。Although the organization is not perfect, but it is an official Olympic sport an important symbol of the birth of a future meaning.
虽然组织很不完善,但它却是奥林匹克运动正式诞生的重要标志,具有继往开来的意义。Therefore, Paralympic Game's torch, tonight in the bird nest ignition, is only the happy symbol which carries on the task, inherits.
所以,残奥会的火炬,今晚在鸟巢的点燃,只是一个承前启后、继往开来的美好象征。He was a hardware merchant with a great enthusiasm for public service that continues even now.
他是一位五金制品商,对公益事业倾注了极大的热情,他所关心的事业仍在继往开来。Since reform and opening up, China three years with its unique economies abroad, advancing with The Times.
改革开放三十年以来,中国以其独特的经济体继往开来,与时俱进。Let's join ours hands together, catch every opportunity, and arouse all efforts to make the company prosperous again!
让我们携起手来,继往开来,抢抓机遇,励精图治,乘势而上,再创光宇公司新的辉煌。In the "National Congress" strong east wind blowing, the new generation of Chinese leaders is to lead the nation forward to a new glory.
在“十六大”的东风劲吹中,新一代的中国领导人正继往开来带领着中华民族走向新的辉煌。Hengshui people into the future, work hard, in this ancient land on the air the next planting hope to create brilliant.
衡水人继往开来,发奋图强,在这片古老而神气的热土上播种下希望,创造出辉煌。The years from 1996 to 2010 are a critical time for china to carry forward the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.
I might actually be able to follow through on.
With heavy responsibilities and for boundless prospects, Chinese pediatricians continue to forge ahead
Keep Pace with the Times and Open Up a New Prospect for Productivity Promotion
我们必须再接再厉, 在这些成功基础上继往开来。
We must replicate and build on those successes.
As a result, this forum will serve as a link between what goes before and what comes after.
崇质重信, 继往开来。诚信为先, 开拓未来
Valuing quality and credit, carrying on past and opening a way for future. Priority to honesty and credit, exploring to the future
We now stand at a fresh start in our relations.
更重要的是, 必须加强这项成就而继往开来。
It is all the more important to strengthen that achievement and to build on it.
Carry forward the cause, forge ahead into the future, keep pace with the time and endeavor to open up a new prospect of radio management
Naivasha offers a good basis on which to build.
Inheriting the previous successes, open up the future and all progress with time, promoting varieties examining and approving work go up to a new bench again
At present our country is passing through a significant period in its history as we strive to carry forward the revolutionary cause and open up new vistas for it.
第三, 中英关系正处在继往开来得新起点。
We now stand at a fresh start in our relations.
研究健美操教育理论是一个继往开来, 方兴未艾的课题。
To investigate the educatory theory of the Aerobic Exercises is a task in the ascendant.
John Wain, Graham Swift and Julian Barnes are all important figures in inheriting and developing that tradition.
Throughout the developing history of tea culture, Tang Dynasty was a link between past and future times.
科尔如同卓越先驱, 推行这一计划, 历届继任者继往开来。
Kerr went about this like a talent scout, and his successors have continued the practice.