




1. 着 [zhuó]2. 着 [zháo]3. 着 [zhāo]4. 着 [zhe]着 [zhuó]穿(衣):穿~。穿红~绿。~装。接触,挨上:~陆。附~。不~边际。使接触别的事物,使附在别的物体上:~眼。~笔。~色。~墨。~力。~想。~……





汉语拼音:zǒu zhe qiáo






  1. 谓试看事物发展结果究竟怎样。表示一种胸有成竹、预料到事物必然结果的不让步的语气。

    老舍 《骆驼祥子》五:“这样想好,他看大家一眼,仿佛是说:咱们走着瞧吧!” 周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部二:“咱们骑在毛驴上看唱本,走着瞧吧!”



  1. Van Gundy said he did not do a lot of preaching, and Yao said before Monday's game that he thought it helped, but "we'll have to see. "


  2. But I'm just trying to play well and concentrate on training well and if that comes hopefully I'll be in the squad but we'll see.


  3. 'Very well, Mr Hyde, 'said the lawyer to himself, 'I will find you, and I will see your face for myself. '


  4. My view was like that of the Lion King, that if you stick your hand in my cage and paw me, watch out.


  5. A strong test is not the first nor despair, clutching clutching fist, savoring the thought: next time let's see.


  6. Let us leave it to time to clear the matter up.


  7. Well, ' said the doctor, ' we shall see. '


  8. They produce fake things, someday must be sent to prison, if you do not believe, Let's wait and see!


  9. The German Folk have put up with your insults long enough! Pay us the following or suffer the consequences!


  1. 我们走着瞧

    We'll see.

  2. 那就走着瞧。

    Oh,well,we'll see about that.

  3. 那可得走着瞧。

    That remains to be seen.

  4. 走着瞧谁会说了算。

    We'll see who gives the orders.

  5. 没问题,布里,走着瞧

    Absolutely.Oh,Bree,you'll see.

  6. 没问题,布里,走着瞧。

    Absolutely. Oh, Bree, you'll see.

  7. 走着瞧吧, 可恶的压力!

    Waits and sees, hateful pressure!

  8. 喔, 很好, 你给我走着瞧。

    I take no leave of you, Miss Bennet.

  9. 走着瞧,我有这方面的天赋。

    Oh, you watch. I am gonna be a natural.

  10. 你这样想?好吧, 我们走着瞧。

    You think so? Well, we'll just see about that.

  11. 走着瞧,你我之间并无天壤之别

    You'll see. we're not that different, you and i.

  12. 我们走着瞧,这将化解一切矛盾。

    You wait and see. This is gonna fix everything.

  13. 以为我虚张声势的话,那就走着瞧。

    Call my bluff. See what happens.

  14. 听者, 我知道是你干的!走着瞧。

    Listen, I know it was you! This isn't over, okay.

  15. 咱们走着瞧。我不会让你得逞的。

    I wont let you get away with that.

  16. 走着瞧,我会找到你的藏身之所。

    Look, I can track down your sorry hide anywhere.

  17. 我们走着瞧, 我不会让你得逞的!

    Just wait and see, I won't let you get away with that!

  18. 能不能干好是另一回事, 我们走着瞧。

    Whether I'll be good at it is another thing.

  19. 好吧,我们走着瞧,他的朋友说,我们走着瞧。

    Well, we'll see, answered his friend. 'We'll see.

  20. 我们走着瞧吧,总有一天事情会水落石出的。

    Let us leave it to time to clear the matter up.

  21. 我笑了笑没回击他们,还有四局呢,走着瞧吧。

    I smiled not repulse them, four was too Taroko bars.

  22. 好吧,看我究竟喜欢不喜欢,你走着瞧。思嘉回答道。

    Well, go and tattle and see if I care, replied Scarlett.

  23. 我已经想到了这点, 可能的情形是我们只做供应商, 走着瞧。

    I have thought about that. It may be that we can only be a supply company.

  24. 他们一面兴冲冲议论,一面瞧着朱理克走过来。

    Talking excitedly they watched Jurek approach.

  25. 我走进门厅时,大家都瞧着我。

    All eyes were bent on me when I entered the hall.

  26. 他正瞧着时,邮差沿着小道走过来投递信件。

    As he watched the postman came up the path and delivered the post.

  27. 萨沙走后,医师久久地瞧着大烛台,搔着耳背,沉思不语。

    After Sasha's departure the doctor looked for a long time at the candelabra, scratched behind his ear and meditated.

  28. 平基走进驾驶室,瞧着仪表,挑剔地听着柴油机的震动。

    Pinky came into the pilot house, looked at the gauges, listened critically to the throb of the diesels.

  29. 你等着瞧!

    You wait!

  30. 等着瞧吧。

    Wait and see.


  1. 问:走着瞧拼音怎么拼?走着瞧的读音是什么?走着瞧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走着瞧的读音是zǒuzheqiáo,走着瞧翻译成英文是 to wait and see who is right



“走着瞧”是个多义词,它可以指走着瞧(李大为执导电影), 走着瞧(走着瞧影院), 走着瞧(汉语词语)。