







汉语拼音:bīng dài






  1. 医疗用具,可以装冰块的橡胶袋。用以敷在病人头、胸等部位,使局部的温度降低。



  1. After getting Mom to lie down on the couch, I remove her shoes, prop her feet up on a pillow and put a cold pack on her legs.


  2. He yelped, climbed into the kitchen chair and poked at the tender pink skin until his wife brought him an ice pack.


  3. One woman told local newspapers she cooked a gel pack and served it to her children in the hope that it would make them more intelligent.


  4. Remember that it's easy to get dehydrated so stock up with lots of sodas in the ice-box.


  5. Comes with food containers, a drink bottle, and an ice pack to keep your food fresh all day.


  6. Toward the end of the win over the Nets, we saw Mutombo and Jackson perched on the bench, two mounds of ice on their well-worn knees.


  7. Use either a store-bought cold pack or simply freeze a wet towel before going out on a run.


  8. Place the ice pack over this and then wrap an elastic bandage around the ice pack to hold it in place.


  9. after surgery on the local wound pressure bandage or cold packs, but the pressure should not be large, so as not to damage the eyes.


  1. 冰袋使用法

    use of ice bag.

  2. 心脏用冰袋

    bag for heart, ice.

  3. 医疗用冰袋

    ice bag for medical purpose.

  4. 一次性速冷冰袋

    Disposable speed cold ice bag

  5. 冰袋降温效果观察

    Observation on hypothermia effect of ice bag

  6. 拿冰袋敷肩膀了

    to go get an ice pack for his shoulder.

  7. 皮尔斯,拿个冰袋

    Pierce, get an ice pack.

  8. 冰袋可缓解充血状况。

    An ice bag can relieve congestion.

  9. 治疗用冰袋或冰枕

    Therapeutic ice packs or pillows

  10. 就在这, 在冰袋旁边。这儿。

    Right here, next to the ice packs. Here.

  11. 她把冰袋放在头上。

    She was holding an ice pack to her head.

  12. 就在这里。在冰袋旁边。这儿。

    Right here, next to the ice packs. Here.

  13. 记得从校医那拿个冰袋。

    Be sure and get an ice pack from the school nurse.

  14. 冰敷包括冰袋,冰浴,冰按摩等。

    Ice treatments can consist of ice packs, ice slush baths or ice massages.

  15. 手术室里的冰袋都哪去了?

    How the hell are there no ice packs in the o.r.?

  16. 芒硝冰袋冷敷减轻创伤肿痛的研究

    Effect of cold compress of mirabilite ice pack on relieving the swelling pain of wound

  17. 用冰袋或其他类似的东西冷却伤处。

    Cool the affected area with an ice pack or something similar.

  18. 用冰袋将伤处包裹起来, 以防止发炎。

    Wrap the injured area with a bandage to prevent inflammation.

  19. 她经常用冰袋放在背上以缓解病痛。

    She was going to work with ice packs on her back.

  20. 改良式冰袋对四肢骨折病人的护理干预

    Nursing Intervention on Improved Type Ice Bag to Limbs Bone Fracture Patient

  21. 冬季做临时取暖,夏季冰箱储存可做冰袋使用。

    Warm oneself temporarily in winter, Refrigerator store can be used as an ice bag in summer.

  22. 她将鱼排放进冰袋防止回家途中变质。

    She puts it in a bag of ice for the trip home.

  23. 为了保护您的皮肤,请使用薄手巾包裹冰袋。

    To protect your skin, wrap the ice packs in a thin towel.

  24. 如果你不能忍受冰浴, 在酸痛处敷上冰袋。

    If you can't tolerate an ice bath, use ice packs on sore areas.

  25. 然后, 把冰袋在上面, 用一个弹性绷带把冰袋固定好。

    Place the ice pack over this and then wrap an elastic bandage around the ice pack to hold it in place.

  26. 也许我应该给你一个冰袋来缓解烧伤之痛。

    Maybe I should give you an ice bag to soothe the burning.

  27. 也许我应该给你一个冰袋来缓解烧伤之痛。

    Maybe I should give you an ice bag to soothe the burning.

  28. 冰袋护脑佐治小儿病毒性脑炎的疗效观察

    Observation of curative effect of using ice bag on head as an accessory treatment for infantile viral encephalitis

  29. 使用冰袋或包着冰的布来减轻疼痛和红肿。

    To reduce pain and swelling, apply a cold pack or cloth filled with ice.

  30. 随后, 队医给韩鹏的左膝裹上了厚厚的冰袋。

    Afterward, the team doctor huge mythical bird's knee has up the thick ice bag for Han.


  1. 问:冰袋拼音怎么拼?冰袋的读音是什么?冰袋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冰袋的读音是bīngdài,冰袋翻译成英文是 ice bag; ice pack


