



1. 便 [biàn]2. 便 [pián]便 [biàn]顺利,没有困难或阻碍:~当。~利。~道。~民。简单的,礼节上非正式的:~宴。~衣。~函(形式比较简便的信件)。简~。~宜。随~(适当地,看事实需要而自行处理事情)。便利的时候:~中……


1. 当 [dāng]2. 当 [dàng]3. 当 [dang]当 [dāng]充任,担任:充~。担(dān )~。~之无愧。掌管,主持:~家。~权。~政。正在那时候或那地方:~时。~代。~初。~今。~即(立即)。~年。~街。~院。面对着……



汉语拼音:biàn dang








  1. 方便;容易。

    《老残游记》第一回:“幸喜本日括的是北风,所以向东向西都是旁风,使帆很便当的。” 丁玲 《太阳照在桑干河上》三:“他要坑害人可便当,不拘在哪里说几句话,你吃了亏还不知道这事从哪儿说起,究竟是谁的过。”



  1. This bento is often eaten at a gathering like a funeral or a party.


  2. Rubberand version there are easy to deformation and cracking defect as a result, not suitable for making a fine product.


  3. Usually a bento is rice packed in a container with a variety of side dishes. It is often taken to picnic or to school or the workplace.


  4. This means that the live parts folder is always up to date, it's easier to live incident.


  5. Flexo business card printing and membership card making machine generally use the roller ink, ink control sensitive, easy to operate.


  6. Underlay material should be in the rock or polyester material and should not be paper, because the paper easy moisture and easy to shrink.


  7. B the position within the meaning of excessive spring easy to fall out, too small then spring easily broken.


  8. Spring set in fine-heart, even if broken would not fall would be difficult to anyone noticing and is often overlooked.


  9. The magenta and green version of the same hierarchy, if there is no separation of experience, this way is often easy to confuse.


  1. 这里乘车很便当。

    We can easily take a bus here.

  2. 事后诸葛亮,预言顶便当。

    It is easy to prophesy after the event.

  3. 中午吃最廉价的便当。

    Take a frugal lunch box at noon.

  4. 粘量功矮则便当粘脏。

    Viscidity exorbitance is sticking dirt.

  5. 那老妇人10岁便当了演员。

    The old lady was on the stage when she was ten years old.

  6. 裘因为热衷于舞文弄墨便当了编辑。

    Jo, who reveled in pens and ink, was the editor.

  7. 当我为王,滴利,滴利,你便当后

    When I am king, dilly, dilly, you shall be queen.

  8. 我的便当盒里总是有健康的食物。

    There is always healthy food in my lunch box.

  9. 如果你想放弃从餐厅带外卖或带便当。

    You're already forgoing restaurant takeout and bagging it.

  10. 袋子里有几本课本, 一个便当跟一本字典。

    Some textbooks, a box lunch and a dictionary were in the bag.

  11. 那很便当。我两块半钱总借得到的。

    That's easy. I can always borrow two dollars and a half.

  12. 舍弃一切干扰平静的。你若要平静,便当配之。

    Renounce all that disturbs its peace. If you want peace, deserve it.

  13. 舍弃一切干扰平静得。你若要平静,便当配之。

    Renounce all that disturbs its peace. If you want peace, deserve it.

  14. 套色装版不确,制卡和会员卡制作版复制便当。

    Accurate color plate Business card printing and membership card making Edition replication easy.

  15. 偶尔会从便当里挑出蟑螂残骸, 并且扔掉。

    You casually pick out and discard cockroach parts in your biandang.

  16. 滚筒轴承的精度越来越矮, 安设越来越便当, 败坏越来越单一。

    The precision of the roller bearing, andand more convenient and maintenance and more simple.

  17. 我想要在她第一天上幼稚园时,帮她装便当。

    I want to pack her lunch on the first day of kindergarten.

  18. 边滚筒式照排机也搁置不停胶片,因此操纵便当。

    Is also used in electric tumble imagesetters, continuous film.

  19. 我为宏做可爱的便当, 并给他送到店里。

    I made lovely bento for Hiro and took them to his shop.

  20. 纯擦胶水时很便当划伤网布答出格谨慎。

    Shine glue easily scratch the screen cloth with extreme caution.

  21. 你介意和我换便当吗 因为我实在不喜欢吃花生酱。

    Do you mind swapping lunches with me I don't really like peanut butter.

  22. 在这个时期还在销售一种含有三明治的欧式便当。

    A European style bento with sandwiches also went on sale during this period.

  23. 不论对入伍还是操练来说,这样的军服都更便当些。

    Easier to enlist and drill.

  24. 搁置便当,其边形,规格及布局安排可达成众样化。

    Easy to use, its shape, size and structure design to achieve diversity.

  25. 而我在台湾的时候也会有机会尝试当地著名的便当。

    And when I am in taiwan, I get to try out the famous lunchboxes.

  26. 人们经常是在葬礼或派对这样的聚会上吃这种便当。

    This bento is often eaten at a gathering like a funeral or a party.

  27. 而更迟顿的差比使得搁置者用眼检测更为便当。

    But more sharp contrast makes the users eye detection easier.

  28. 随后, 他们便当着其他同事的面公开约会了好几年。

    They dated openly as fellow employees for a couple of years.

  29. 本来不过想略略示威的吴荪甫此时便当真有点生气了

    Wu Sunfu had only intended to assert his authority, but he was becoming really annoyed.

  30. 随后,他们便当着其他同事得面公开约会了好几年。

    They dated openly as fellow employees for a couple of years.


  1. 问:便当拼音怎么拼?便当的读音是什么?便当翻译成英文是什么?

    答:便当的读音是biàndang,便当翻译成英文是 handy

  2. 问:便当拼音怎么拼?便当的读音是什么?便当翻译成英文是什么?

    答:便当的读音是biàndāng,便当翻译成英文是 bento; box lunch; fast food in a box



便当,本意是“便利的东西、方便、顺利”。传入日本后,曾以“便道”、“辨道”、“辨当”等当字(当て字)表记。“便当”一词后来反传入中国是源于日语“弁当”(音:bentou)。更多已经简化翻译成Bento了,在大陆大部分地区习惯称为“盒饭”,即盒装餐食。在台湾地区一般称为 便当,通常用于午餐、外卖、工作餐等场合。“便当”与“盒饭”在用法上有细微差异,“盒饭”一词更倾向于简单粗糙的饭食,如“日式便当”一词,就很少被说成“日式盒饭”。