




1. 魄 [pò]魄 [pò]指依附形体而存在的精神:魂~。丢魂落~。魂飞~散。精神,精力:~力。气~。体~。古同“霸”,月始生或将灭时的微光。古同“粕”,糟粕。古同“珀”,琥珀。……



汉语拼音:hún pò








  1. 古人想像中一种能脱离人体而独立存在的精神。附体则人生,离体则人死。

    《左传·昭公七年》:“匹夫匹妇强死,其魂魄犹能冯依於人,以为淫厉。” 元 萨都剌 《过高唐》诗:“王孙去不返,魂魄又谁招。”《红楼梦》第三三回:“ 宝玉 听了这话,不觉轰了魂魄,目瞪口呆。” 李劼人 《死水微澜》第五部分十五:“她觉得像是失了魂魄一样,头晕得很,心翻得很,腿软得很。”亦泛指事物的精神。 清 孙枝蔚 《咏物诗·蛇》:“五百餘里气如烟,飞鸟纷纷丧魂魄。”

  2. 喻指事物的关键、中心。




  1. Being able to get connected with the heart and soul of a national or global celebrity is great happiness.


  2. Those souls that are involved will have to be cleansed to be lifted up, if they are to have any chance of being ready to ascend.


  3. The same with the soldier in the war. He was dead just seconds after supposedly seeing his own ghost, so how do you know this?


  4. In another angle, these particles are not transferred or changed and may keep on operating, which is often called "undispersed soul" .


  5. With out these unique ornaments, the Tibetan clothing , just like losing the soul, are unable to fascinate people with its charm.


  6. One by one of his characters vivid life, intake soul, distributed the bright side of humanity, people memorable.


  7. We are keeping check and know each and every one of you for each soul's imprint is recorded in the book of life.


  8. Ghost, also called the undead, legend after death is the soul of the left, often referred to as the specter of the dead.


  9. Bright among withdrawn blessings now appeared to him the ghosts of pot roast and the salad with tan polish dressing.


  1. 传统魂魄观

    traditional soul outlook.

  2. 是你的魂魄吗

    are you a ghost.

  3. 摄人魂魄的微笑

    a taking smile

  4. 摄人魂魄的甜笑

    a taking smile.

  5. 高拱无为魂魄安

    supreme tranquility of spirits

  6. 龙山日是你不屈的魂魄。

    Longshan Sun is your unyielding soul.

  7. 你破坏了魂魄间的互信。

    You've broken the chain of spiritual trust.

  8. 中医神魂魄理论及其科学性

    Personal View on the Theory of CR and Unconditioned Reflex as well as its Scientific Property

  9. 只想用食物填饱空空的魂魄!

    Just want to fill empty soul with food!

  10. 我的魂魄呢?我问。用来渴望我, 她说。

    I then asked, My gut? Let it sigh for me.

  11. 跳舞是埋没在魂魄中的一种言语。

    Dance is the hidden language of the soul.

  12. 我向你保证根本就没有什么魂魄。

    I can assure you, there is no spirit in here.

  13. 你形如我的魂魄, 一只梦中蝶。

    You are like my soul, a butterfly of dream.

  14. 假如我的魂魄飘离出来会是什么状态?

    If my mother would Piaoli out what state?

  15. 它的命就是所有自然生灵精神的元气魂魄。

    It of the life be all vitalities psyches that the natures living to work properly spirit.

  16. 世上有两种魂魄,一种叫做整灵,是普通的灵。

    There are two world soul, called the whole spirit, the spirit of the ordinary.

  17. 这样的话,我的魂魄就可以天天守护着你了。

    In that case, I can be the soul of every day to protect you.

  18. 传说,盘古的精灵魂魄也在他死后变成了人类。

    It is also said that the spirits of Pan Gu was turned into human beings.

  19. 凉城不仅自然景观夺人魂魄,人文景观也颇具魅力。

    Liangcheng not only the natural landscape vistas, cultural landscapes are also full of charm.

  20. 其舞姿剽悍壮烈, 声慑魂魄, 具有浓重的燕赵古风。

    His heroic swift and fierce dancing, soul sound of fear, with a heavy Yanzhao antiquity.

  21. 英年早逝的律师魂魄徘徊人间, 只因还有太多心事未了。

    A young lawyer dies of attack, but his spirIt'still lingers.

  22. 人们喜欢向一个教士反悔。因为如许能净化他们的魂魄。

    People like confessing to a priest because it cleanses their soul.

  23. 如果我的魂魄到了天堂,我将闷死,因为听说天堂到处是白色。

    If my soul to heaven, I will suffocate because it is white everywhere paradise.

  24. 寻常的婚姻不可能给他带来这么一位摄人魂魄的美人。

    No ordinary marriage could bring him such an awful beauty.

  25. 皇帝已经永远地离开了他们,但他的魂魄依然无处不在。

    Their emperor is gone, but ever present.

  26. 摄影无所不能。它更象是巫术,拍走一个人和事物的魂魄。

    Photography is omnipotent. it is more like witchcraft, capturing the soul of a person or objects.

  27. 我只听到这一句,心便空在那儿,久久收不回魂魄似的。

    I only heard this one, the heart will be blank, like a long time soul beyond recovery.


  1. 问:魂魄拼音怎么拼?魂魄的读音是什么?魂魄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:魂魄的读音是húnpò,魂魄翻译成英文是 soul



拼音: hún pò

注音:ㄏㄨㄣˊ ㄆㄛˋ 指人的精神灵气。古代认为魂是阳气,构成人的思维才智。魄是粗粝重浊的阴气,构成人的感觉形体。魂魄(阴阳)协调则人体健康。人死魂(阳气)归于天,精神与魄(形体)脱离,形体骨肉(阴气)则归于地下。魂是阳神,魄是阴神。道教有“三魂七魄”之说。 《左传·昭公二十五年》:“心之精爽,是谓魂魄;魂魄去之,何以能久?”又《昭公七年》:“人生始化曰魄,即生魄,阳曰魂;用物精多,则魂魄强。”孔颖达疏:“魂魄,神灵之名,本从形气而有;形气既殊,魂魄各异。附形之灵为魄,附气之神为魂也。附形之灵者,谓初生之时,耳目心识、手足运动、啼呼为声,此则魄之灵也;附所气之神者,谓精神性识渐有所知,此则附气之神也。”参阅晋葛洪《抱朴子·地真篇》及《云笈七签》卷五四《说魂魄》。