


1. 调 [tiáo]2. 调 [diào]3. 调 [zhōu]调 [tiáo]搭配均匀,配合适当:~和。~谐。风~雨顺。饮食失~。使搭配均匀,使协调:~配。~味。调停使和解(调解双方关系):~停。~处。调剂:以临万货,以~盈虚。调理使康……





汉语拼音:tiáo jiāo






调焦 [tiáo jiāo]
  1. 即调整焦距,通常是用于绘图软体中,用来调整图形内容使用。



  1. Experimental results prove that this focusing structure is characterized by his compact volume, high rigidity and well precision.


  2. One man was aiming a camera on a tripod through a glass door, zooming in on a ship across the harbour: China's first aircraft carrier.


  3. That means that the eye is somewhat shorter than ideal, causing the eye to exert focusing effort at ALL distances in order to see clearly.


  4. Then the eye is relaxed for distance and the entire amount of focusing ability is available to see close.


  5. Focusing is one of the key technologies of high-resolution remote sensing camera to receive high quality images.


  6. To compensate the defocusing of a dual-band aerial camera in a complicated environment, a focusing mechanism is designed.


  7. The focusing muscle (ciliary muscle), which controls the shape of the lens, is thus in a constant state of contraction.


  8. Experimental results show that the system can realize good focus in a wider range of illuminance .


  9. Experimental results show that the system can realize good focus to immobile targets and most mobile targets in the working environment.


  1. 调焦运行误差

    focus running error

  2. 调焦评价函数

    focusing criteria function

  3. 调焦调平传感器

    focus and level sensor

  4. 自动调焦投影仪

    autofocus projector

  5. 自动调焦雷达投影仪

    autofocus radar projector

  6. 照相机自动调焦组件

    Automatic focal setting units of photo cameras

  7. 这种胶卷容许调焦误差。

    The film forgives errors in focusing.

  8. 这种胶片容许调焦误差。

    This film forgives errors in focusing.

  9. 它没有手动调焦功能。

    It has no manual focus facility.

  10. 遥感相机自动调焦的研究

    Study of Automatic Focussing Technology for Remote Sensing Camera

  11. 球差对调焦函数的影响

    Spherical Aberration Effect on Focusing Control Function

  12. 通过系统控制部1113控制调焦操作。

    Focusing operation is controlled by the system control section1113.

  13. 激光图形发生器调焦系统设计

    Design of Focusing System in Laser Pattern Generator

  14. 照相机上对着图像调焦的镜头。

    A lens that focuses the image in a camera.

  15. 我的照相机上的调焦装置有毛病。

    The focus on my camera isn't working properly.

  16. 我得照相机上得调焦装置有毛病。

    The focus on my camera isn't working properly.

  17. 内调焦摄远镜头的光学设计

    Optical design of telephoto lens with inner focusing

  18. 反复对画面调焦,直到极其清晰为止。

    Refocus the image until it is very sharp.

  19. 反复对画面调焦,直到极其清晰为止。

    Refocus the image until it is very sharp.

  20. 变焦距镜头组的自适应调焦的实现

    Auto Adjust Focusing of Verity Focus

  21. 波导多层存储中调焦方法的研究

    Study of the Readout Optical System in a Multlayered Waveguide Memory

  22. 可调焦激光水准仪的研制和应用

    Development and Application of the Variable Focus Laser Leveling Gage

  23. 基于智能化自动调焦的高级显微镜系统

    An Advanced Microscope System Based on the Intelligent Automatic Focusing

  24. 图像测量技术中一种调焦的判别方法

    A Method of Tuning Focus for Image Measurement Technology

  25. 具有调焦装置, 可以进行散光和聚光调节。

    It has focusing device, which can make adjustment of astigmatism and prefocus.

  26. 图像采集自动生物显微镜系统自动调焦的研究

    Study on Automatic Focusing of Image Collecting Automatic Biological Microscope System

  27. 计算机视觉镜头的步进电机精细调焦控制

    Precise Controlof Focal Setting for Computer Vision Shot

  28. 激光直写调焦系统特性及离焦应用研究

    Research on focusing system characteristics and defocusing application in laser direct writer

  29. 外差干涉测量系统调焦的定心方法的研究

    Research on Focusing and Determining Center for Heterodyne Interference System

  30. 一种粗精结合的图像反馈自动调焦方法

    Visual feedback autofocusing method combining fine and rough adjustment


  1. 问:调焦屏拼音怎么拼?调焦屏的读音是什么?调焦屏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调焦屏的读音是tiáo jiāo píng,调焦屏翻译成英文是 focusing glass

  2. 问:调焦度盘拼音怎么拼?调焦度盘的读音是什么?调焦度盘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调焦度盘的读音是tiáo jiāo dù pán,调焦度盘翻译成英文是 focusing scale

  3. 问:调焦准确性拼音怎么拼?调焦准确性的读音是什么?调焦准确性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调焦准确性的读音是tiáo jiāo zhǔn què xìng,调焦准确性翻译成英文是 Accuracy of Focusing



调焦或叫对焦、聚焦---指改变像距v,也就是改变镜头光心到底片平面的距离。以获得本物体清晰像的调节过程。我们知道透镜成像的原理,像在屏上(相机的底片或者感光元件)总有一个最清晰的位置,这是光线汇聚的位置,无数个点构成了一个平面,这里就叫做焦平面。(调焦也就是改变焦点的前后位置!) 除了一些低档傻瓜机镜头没有调焦机构,不能改变像距外,所有镜头,无论定焦变焦,都可以改变像距,以便得到清晰的影象。