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亦作“ 缄嘿 ”。闭口不言。
《宋书·范泰传》:“ 泰 又上表曰:‘……深根固蔕之术,未洽於愚心,是用猖狂妄作而不能缄默者也。’”《南齐书·豫章文献王嶷传》:“息意缄嘿,一委时运。” 宋 孔平仲 《续世说·直谏》:“使臣缄嘿,非社稷之福也。” 清 钱泳 《履园丛话·臆论·谨言》:“遇富贵人切勿论声色货利,遇庸俗人切勿谈语言文字,寧缄默而不言,毋驶舌以取戾。” 叶圣陶 《倪焕之》八:“其他的学生,一部分是袖手缄默,表示怕同有权威的同学们争竞。”
清 沉复 《浮生六记·闲情记趣》:“﹝ 萧爽楼 ﹞有四取:慷慨豪爽,风流藴藉,落拓不羈,澄静缄默。” 茅盾 《追求》八:“他要一个沉静缄默的女子。” 冰心 《冬儿姑娘·我们太太的客厅》:“ 陶先生 是个科学家,和大多数科学家一般,在众人中间不大会说话,尤其是在女人面前,总是很局促,很缄默。”
He said on March 15th that when he helped to silence a sex offender's victims, he was "doing what I was required to do. "
他在3月15日曾说,在让遭受性侵犯的受害者保持缄默时,他“只是在行分内之事。”Let me not be put to shame, O Lord , for I have cried out to you; but let the wicked be put to shame and lie silent in the grave.
耶和华阿,求你叫我不至羞愧。因为我曾呼吁你。求你使恶人羞愧,使他们在阴间缄默无声。He was moderately tall and lean, and was silent. He did not look at Connie at all, only at the chair.
他是中等的身材,有点消瘦,很缄默,他一点也不看康妮,只望着那车子。if I cannot commit the matter and go on in peace and in silence, remembering Gethsemane and the Cross, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
若我不能把事情交托,保持平静缄默,想到客西马尼园和十字架,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。CIC's newfound reticence comes as it appears to be performing better than many of its global counterparts, not to mention Safe.
在中投最近陷入缄默之时,适逢它的业绩似乎好于许多全球同行,更不用说外管局了。They could not speak or move, looking at her with their same postures and same expressions and same angles and keeping silent all day along.
他们不会说话也不会动,整日价用同样的姿势同样的眼神同样的角度瞪视她保持深沉的缄默。She seems to watch the dawn of a woman, deep and mysterious, she always loves silent language of a smile.
她像是一位守望黎明的女子,深邃而神秘的她总是喜欢缄默不语的微笑。She told me that if I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and crochet a doll.
她告诉我,每次对你生气时,我应该连结缄默,然后去织一个玩偶。But, while state television remained silent on the matter all day, the attack was denied by the English-language channel Press TV.