







汉语拼音:fàn hé






  1. 用来装饭菜的盒子。大多用铝制成。

    杨朔 《三千里江山》第五段:“饭盒里的饭咕嘟咕嘟响。”



  1. All ready to call her mother, as played in the wash water, washed my face, she put the box on the canteen.


  2. I just found a great Curious George one for my nephew.


  3. This is what you ask a server in a restaurant when you want to take part of your meal home, and they give it to you in a little box.


  4. Local media quote intelligence sources as saying the bomb, placed in a lunch box, contained ammonium nitrate and was packed with nails.


  5. Keep love in the air by slipping them a note in their lunch pail, giving them a location to meet for a secret rendezvous.


  6. I also like Mimi the Sardine Lunch Bags, and the faux -plastic Laptop Lunches bento style boxes -- which are actually made of corn starch.


  7. Carrie got up and sought her lunch Box. She was stiff, a little dizzy, and very thirsty.


  8. He conceded these the monkeys were maybe responsible to the partial consumption of his nutriment or the soiling of his nutriment container.


  9. Results The bento can be designed on light material, small in size and used in water or waterless condition.


  1. 饭盒带了吗?

    Have you got your lunch box?

  2. 变压器里有饭盒。

    There is messtin in transformer.

  3. 这是谁的饭盒?

    Whose lunchbox is this?

  4. 塑料饭盒的安全问题

    Safety of plastic lunch box containers

  5. 他没有饭盒!我说真的!

    He doesn't have a lunch box! I'm serious!

  6. 我带饭盒到学校来。

    I bring a lunch box to school.

  7. 你看没看见我的饭盒?

    So have you seen my lunchbox or not?

  8. 嘉莉站起来去拿她的饭盒。

    Carrie got up and sought her lunch box.

  9. 淀粉环保餐具, 饭盒, 碟汤碗。

    MAIN PRODUCTS Starch environment protective dish ware, canteen and bowl.

  10. 一次性筷子和饭盒造成的浪费

    Wastes resulting from disposable chopsticks and lunch boxes

  11. 中午找一些新的不同的饭盒试试。

    Try out new lunch boxes at noon.

  12. 包装饭盒协助计算机法医的调查

    Packing a lunchbox assists in computer forensic investigations

  13. 我得走了, 去拿下一个饭盒。

    I need to go and pick up my next delivery.

  14. 不要与人共享同一饭盒或饮料。

    Do not share lunch boxes and drinks.

  15. 那孩子用饭盒打了同学的脑袋。

    The boy hit somebody in the head with a lunchbox.

  16. 模切饭盒及装潢产品得模切版等。

    Die cut lunch boxes and decoration products die, and so on.

  17. 模切饭盒及装潢产品的模切版等。

    Die cut lunch boxes and decoration products die, and so on.

  18. 走啊,钱钢,咱们一起去拿饭盒。

    Come on,Qian Gang, let's go and get our lunch boxes together.

  19. 不过有了这个饭盒, 事情就大大改观了。

    However, the lunch box will lead to a great change.

  20. 电热饭盒, 属于食物存放容器技术领域。

    An electrothermal canteen belongs to food storage container technology field. It includes canteen body.

  21. 等饭盒带到家里, 食物自然已经冷了。

    When they got home the food was cold, of course.

  22. 是哪位机灵得大爷拿走了我得饭盒。

    Who's the wise guy that took my lunch box?

  23. 是哪位机灵的大爷拿走了我的饭盒。

    Who's the wise guy that took my lunch box ?

  24. 饭盒有盛放餐具和食具的小隔间。

    A box with compartments for carrying cooking gear and eating utensils.

  25. 今天中午就边捧着饭盒,边看偶的女友。

    At noon, today, I see the movie my girl at the same time having lunch.

  26. 重点介绍了饭盒盖的塑件结构的设计方法。

    The design method of plastic structure is mainly introduced.

  27. 一种电饭盒, 属于生活日用品技术领域。

    Disclosed is an electric cutlery box belonging to the technique field of daily living articles.

  28. 纸浆饭盒红外辐射与对流干燥实验研究

    Experimental Investigation on Infrared Radiation and Convective Drying the Pulp Canteen

  29. 她每天带饭盒到学校吃, 饭后吃点水果。

    She brings her lunch box to school every day and eats fruit after lunch.

  30. 我有一个星球大战的饭盒,我的同事都羡慕极了!

    I have a Star Wars lunchbox, and my coworkers are all jealous!


  1. 问:饭盒拼音怎么拼?饭盒的读音是什么?饭盒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:饭盒的读音是fànhé,饭盒翻译成英文是 lunch-box; mess tin; dinner pail



“饭盒”是个多义词,它可以指饭盒(中兴九城家庭娱乐主机中文名称), 饭盒(装食物的器皿)。