







汉语拼音:jí lěng









  1. It was bitingly cold, the sky filled with white moonlight, the earth covered with white snow.


  2. She did not go out because of the intense cold.


  3. Do not keep the unit in places which are extremely hot, cold, dusty or humid .


  4. extreme cold; extreme caution; extreme pleasure; utmost contempt; to the utmost degree; in the uttermost distress.


  5. the country has a continental type of climate characterized by extreme temperatures , irregular rainfall and low relative humidity.


  6. The sudden up thrust of warm , moist air into the terrible cold of the frozen highs is what creates thunder.


  7. First of all, we had to be at the pool by 7: 30 every morning, and the water was always FREEZING cold.


  8. The latest study reveals that, in fact, both extreme hot and cold temperatures stop the fungus from killing frogs.


  9. Yes, this does happen, but unless you live in a desert or in arctic conditions, it probably won't happen to you.


  1. 周围环境极冷。

    The conditions were arctic.

  2. 极冷会使水凝结。

    Extreme cold will solidify water.

  3. 昨晚天气变得极冷。

    It was freezing last night.

  4. 浴室中极冷的寒气。

    The Arctic chill of the bathroom.

  5. 天气极冷时水能变成冰。

    Water turns into ice when it freezes.

  6. 天气极冷时水能结成冰。

    Water turns into ice when it freezes.

  7. 一些溜冰场比外界冷,但不会极冷。

    Some rinks are colder than others, but don't overdo it.

  8. 尽管天气极冷,他却很好地支撑着。

    In spite of the freezing cold he kept up wonderfully.

  9. 天气极冷,我们能到湖上去滑冰了。

    It was so cold that we were able to go skating on the lake.

  10. 这种塑料在极热或极冷情况下都会奇怪地起反应。

    This plastic behaves strangely under extreme heat or cold.

  11. 冻伤是危险的, 一般发生在皮肤长期暴露在极冷的环境。

    Frostbite is damage that happens when skin is exposed to extreme cold for too long.

  12. 玫瑰因其娇贵纤弱而不能适应极冷或极热得气候。

    The delicacy of roses makes them unfit for an extreme climate.

  13. 我们到得那天正是华盛顿得诞辰, 风雪交加, 天气极冷。

    We arrived on Washington's Birthday, a freezing, blowy, snowy day.

  14. 我们到的那天正是华盛顿的诞辰, 风雪交加, 天气极冷。

    We arrived on Washington's Birthday, a freezing, blowy, snowy day.

  15. 玫瑰因其娇贵纤弱而不能适应极冷或极热的气候。

    The delicacy of roses makes them unfit for an extreme climate.

  16. 在极冷的气候下,普通白色金属锡转变为粉状灰锡。

    The transformation of ordinary white tin into powdery gray tin a very cold temperatures.

  17. 不要把机器放在极热,极冷,多尘以及湿度高的场所。

    Do not keep the unit in places which are extremely hot, cold, dusty or humid.

  18. 使冻僵由于极冷使凝固或僵硬

    To convert into ice. To cause to congeal or stiffen from extreme cold.

  19. 玻璃和沥青得行为很像具有极高粘滞性得过冷液体。

    Glass and pitch behave like supercooled liquids of very high viscosity.

  20. 冷阴极三极放电管

    trigger tube

  21. 是指很冷的笑话,极强的求胜心

    must include a lame sense of humor, ultracompetitive.

  22. 我们又冷又湿, 难受极了。

    We were cold, wet and thoroughly miserable.

  23. 水极冷, 清澄如玻璃, 他喝了神清气爽。

    It was extremely cold, and clear as glass, and refreshed him very much.

  24. 外面冷极了!

    It's freezing outside!

  25. 我冷极了。

    I was absolutely perished.

  26. 外边冷极了!

    Its beastly cold outside!

  27. 天气冷极了。

    The cold was unbelievable.

  28. 外边冷极了!

    Its beastly cold outside!

  29. 冷极了, 不是吗?

    Freezing, is not it?

  30. 冷极了,不是吗?

    Freezing ,is not it?


  1. 问:极冷天气掩蔽拼音怎么拼?极冷天气掩蔽的读音是什么?极冷天气掩蔽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极冷天气掩蔽的读音是jí lěng tiān qì yǎn bì,极冷天气掩蔽翻译成英文是 Extreme Cold Weather Shelter