


1. 压 [yā]2. 压 [yà]压 [yā]从上面加力:~住。~碎。~缩。泰山~顶。用威力制服、镇服:镇~。~服。~迫。控制,使稳定,使平静:~价。~住阵脚。搁置:积~。逼近:大兵~境。赌博时在某一门上下注:~宝(亦作“押宝”)。压 [……




重复,累积:重(chǒng )~。层见~出。~罗汉。~韵。~嶂。~翠。摺:摺~。铺床~被。乐曲的重复演奏:阳关三~。……


1. 背 [bèi]2. 背 [bēi]背 [bèi]人体后面从肩到腰的部分:~脊。~包。~影。物体的后面或反面:~面。刀~。~后。~景。用背部对着,与“向”相对:~光。人心向~。向相反的方向:~地性(植物向上生长的性质)。~道而驰。避开,……



汉语拼音:yā jiān dié bèi







  • 【解释】:指人众多密集。
  • 【出自】:《水浒传》第四十回:“江州府看的人,真乃压肩叠背,何止一二千人。”


  1. na.
  2. pressed breast to back and shoulder to shoulder;of a huge crowd standing shoulder to shoulder

  1. 演出五天五夜, 台前人山人海, 万头攒动, 压肩叠背。

    Performed for five days and nights, packed the stage and stack pressure shoulder back.

  2. 可变背压是随时间变化的附加背压。

    Variable back pressure is the superimposed back pressure that will vary with time.

  3. 这些马套从马项背压下,从而限制了马的全力。

    These harnesses press back on the neck of the horse thus limiting the full strength of the animal.

  4. 通过大幅度地改进气体排放背压,下降低至汽缸数。

    By considerably improved exhaust discharge the back pressures reduce up to the cylinders.

  5. 我得背给压得快要断了。

    My back is about to break under the load.

  6. 我的背给压得快要断了。

    My back is about to break under the load.

  7. 我昨天购买的东西太多, 把我压得腰酸背疼。

    Yesterday I was so loaded with heavy shopping that my back was aching.

  8. 受伤的士兵十分沉重地压在我的背上。

    The wounded soldier hung on my back so heavily.

  9. 格蕾丝得膝盖压在他得背上,并抓住他得呼吸面罩。

    Grace kneels on his back and grabs his breathing mask.

  10. 格蕾丝的膝盖压在他的背上,并抓住他的呼吸面罩。

    Grace kneels on his back and grabs his breathing mask.

  11. 背压传感器

    back pressure sensor.

  12. 背压安全阀

    back pressure relief valve.

  13. 背压式汽轮机

    backpressure turbine.

  14. 背压调节器

    back pressure regulator.

  15. 背压调节阀

    back pressure regulating valve.

  16. 背压式蒸发器

    back pressure evaporator.

  17. 他感到那个人死沉的身子压在自已的背上。

    He felt the enormous weight of the man pressing down on his back.

  18. 收卷有背压辊。

    Rewinder has pneumatic back roller.

  19. 背压式排气涡轮机

    back pressure extraction turbine

  20. 轴流式背压汽轮机

    axial back pressure turbine

  21. 背压式蒸汽透平机

    back pressure steam turbine

  22. 氦质谱背压检漏

    helium mass spectrum back pressure leak detection

  23. 背压式气动量仪

    acteristic curve backpressure pneumatic instrument

  24. 关于空冷机组背压选择的问题

    Issues about Selection of Backpressure for Air Cooling Unit

  25. 液压传动系统的回油背压特性

    Characteristic of pressure of oil return line on hydraulic transmission system

  26. 直接空冷机组设计背压的选择

    Selection on Designated Back Pressure of Direct Dry Cooling Power Generation Units

  27. 风积砂回填台背压实特性研究

    Research on compacting characteristic of aeolian sand filling in the behind of bridge

  28. 饱和蒸汽背压式小型汽轮机的开发

    Development of Saturation Steam Back Pressure Small Steam Turbine

  29. 气相色谱背压稳压阀升压进样

    Membrane Valve Back Pressure Regulator Injection System for Gas Chromatography

  30. 如果是, 给出可接受的最大背压

    What is maximum acceptable back pressure

