


1. 景 [jǐng]2. 景 [yǐng]景 [jǐng]环境的风光:~色。~致。~物。~观。~气(a.景色;b.指经济繁荣现象,统指兴旺)。~深。情况,状况:~象。~况。年~。佩服,敬慕:~仰。~慕。高,大:~行(xíng )。姓。景 ……


送给,给予:~仕(退休)。~辞。~电。~力。~哀。~命。招引,使达到:~病。~使。以~。专心~志。样子,情趣:大~。别~。景~。兴(xìng )~。细密,精细:~密。精~。……



汉语拼音:jǐng zhì







  1. 见“ 景致 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 景緻 ”。风景。

    唐 白居易 《题周皓大夫新亭子二十二韵》:“规模何日创?景致一时新。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十七:“ 孟沂 心里欢喜,佇立少顷,观玩景緻。”《四游记·玉帝起赛宝通明会》:“孩儿闻此处多有名山,儿欲辞母看玩景緻。” 杨朔 《海市》:“岛子上有一处好景致,叫 花沟 ,遍地桃树,年年桃花开时,就像那千万朵朝霞落到海岛上来。”

  3. 情状;样子。

    洪深 《五奎桥》第一幕:“那老道士在桥上向东一躬,向西一躬,又向北一躬,做了些怪景致,道士们便行回醮坛,自去化纸送神。”



  1. The tour of Taiwan was designed to see as much of the natural beauty of this magnificent island as possible.


  2. If those challenges cannot be tackled, however, the landscape around Aynak will be disfigured by more than just a few Soviet-era holes.


  3. When the sun broke on the horizon, the scene slowly developed into a magnificent sunrise over a forest of hoodoos.


  4. Static gas to be fair to the heart of a peaceful, life will be another scene, the work will be another scene.


  5. There was no view anywhere, nothing but the oppressive and silent scrub.


  6. he said it was laden with blossoms that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful, it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen.


  7. The wind strokes your perspiration wet flesh lightly, the bird eagerly anticipates you to watch a more enchanting view.


  8. I decided to go to London first, to stay at a hotel for a few nights, and see all the sights of that great city.


  9. The garden respects the serenity of the original landscape and was constructed on the various planes that had been planned out.


  1. 真是景致如画!

    What a picturesque scene!

  2. 冬季常见的景致

    a habitual sight in winter

  3. 乘客们为景致所吸引。

    The passengers were enthralled by the scenery.

  4. 这里的景致幽美无比。

    The scenery around here is perfectly beautiful.

  5. 拥挤的人群破坏了景致。

    The crowds spoiled the sceneryv.

  6. 这景致没什麽可看的。

    The sight is not much to look at.

  7. 这景致没什麽可看得。

    The sight is not much to look at.

  8. 公园的景致非常幽美、洁净。

    Park scenery is very beautiful, clean.

  9. 多美的景致, 真是无与伦比。

    What a splendid veiw! I never saw its equal!

  10. 这间客房享有庭院的景致。

    Some superior rooms have a courtyard view.

  11. 港中的船只构成美丽的景致。

    The boats in the harbour a beautiful scene.

  12. 秋季, 落矶山脉景致也很壮观!

    The Rocky Mountains has spectacle scenery in autumn, too.

  13. 依栏远眺,一湖景致尽收眼底。

    According to bar overlooking a panoramic lake view.

  14. 使天国蔚蓝的景致沾染污点。

    Turn Thy face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities.

  15. 秋季与冬季的景致特别秀丽。

    The scenery is especially breathtaking in autumn and winter.

  16. 港中得船只构成美丽得景致。

    The boats in the harbour a beautiful scene.

  17. 独立卫生间,还有很好的景致

    your own bathroom, and a nice view of the grounds.

  18. 海湾内的船舶呈现一派美丽的景致。

    The ships in the bay present a beautiful sight.

  19. 优雅的, 精致的具有景致或高雅的特征的

    Characterized by refinement or elegance.

  20. 这幅图展示了这条河流的景致。

    This painting shows a scene of the river.

  21. 我走近她, 假装想看看花园景致。

    I approached her, pretending to desire a view of the garden.

  22. 从塔顶可以看到全城的景致。

    The tower commands a view of the whole town.

  23. 弯弯的湖岸景致多么狂野浑雄!

    How wild the scenes its winding shores supply!

  24. 这个山谷和它周围的景致非常迷人。

    The valley and its surrounding scenery are fascinating.

  25. 我喜欢漫长旅途中景致的缓慢变化。

    I love the gradual change of landscape on long journeys.

  26. 景色从这样一个地方看到的景致。

    The view seen from such a place.

  27. 美丽的河滨景致与浑水抽水站古迹。

    Features a beautiful riverside view and the historic raw water pumping station.

  28. 登上山巅以后,山下的景致尽收眼底。

    After climbing the hilltop, you have a panoramic view of mountain scenery.

  29. 登上山巅以后,山下的景致尽收眼底。

    After climbing the hilltop, you have a panoramic view of mountain scenery.

  30. 登上山巅以后,山下得景致尽收眼底。

    After climbing the hilltop, you have a panoramic view of mountain scenery.


  1. 问:景致拼音怎么拼?景致的读音是什么?景致翻译成英文是什么?

    答:景致的读音是jǐngzhì,景致翻译成英文是 scenery



指风景和景物,精致新奇。景 : 环境的风光,致 : 致 zhì 送给,给予 唐·白居易 《题周皓大夫新亭子二十二韵》:“规模何日创?景致一时新。”