







汉语拼音:ruì xiāng



  1. Through the observation of the poisoning symptom, we preliminarily conjectured the insect's nervous system as one of the extracts' targets.


  2. Conclusion The dose-dependent antimalarial activity of daphnetin is related to its iron-chelating activity.


  3. Results Daphnetin exhibited a modest iron-chelating ability compared with the powerful iron-chelator desferrioxamine B.


  4. Conclusion: This method is simple, highly selective and efficient in extracting effective component of Daphne odora thunb fresh flowers.


  5. A poisonous Eurasian ornamental shrub (Daphne mezereum) having fragrant lilac-purple flowers and small scarlet fruit.


  6. The pounded leaves could applied at the afflicted part, utilized as ulcerate, gall and mastitis treatment.


  7. The flavonoids content in different vegetative organs presents a decreasing tendency from leaf to root and to stem during growing season.


  8. The level of DNA synthesis of P. f trophozoites in synchronized in vitro culture was significantly lower than that of the control.


  9. Conclusion Daphnetin lowered SOD activity and decreased DNA synthesis of P. f in vitro.


  1. 瑞香狼毒水提取物

    Aqueous extract of Ruixianglangdu

  2. 金边瑞香的茎尖培养

    STEM TIP CULTURE OF Daphne odora var.marginata

  3. 瑞香狼毒丙酮提取物

    compounds extracted by pyruvate from Stellera chamaejasme L.

  4. 金边瑞香的抑菌实验

    A Bacteriostatic experiment of Daphne odora Var Marginata

  5. 金边瑞香花芽分化研究

    Preliminary Researches on Flower Bud Differentiation of Winter Daphne of the Golden Edges

  6. 金边瑞香的扦插生根研究

    Study on the Cutting and Rooting in Daphne Odora Thunb Var. Marginata Max

  7. 金边瑞香花芽形态分化研究

    Researches on Flower Bud Morphodifferentiation of Daphne odora var. Narginata

  8. 金边瑞香具有耐缺氧作用。

    Daphne odora Var. Marginata has the effect of anti hypoxia

  9. 瑞香狼毒化学成分的研究。

    Research on Chemical Constituents of Stellera chamaejasme L.

  10. 金边瑞香花期化学调控技术研究

    Study on Chemical Regulation of the Florescence of Daphne odora var. Marginata

  11. 瑞香狼毒化学成分超声提取。

    The Ultrasonic Extraction of Chemical Components in Stellera Chamaejasme L.

  12. 落叶灌木类, 如杜娟花, 瑞香等。

    Deciduous shrub style such as azalea, daphne, etc.

  13. 目的研究金边瑞香的抗炎症作用。

    ObjectiveTo study the anti inflammatory effect of Daphne odora Var.

  14. 金边瑞香玻璃苗和生根问题探讨

    Study on the Vitrification and Shoot Rooting of Daphe Odora Var. Marginata

  15. 瑞香狼毒提取物杀虫活性研究

    Studies on insecticidal activity of extract of stellera chamaejasme

  16. 金边瑞香滴鼻剂的质量标准研究

    Quality Standards of Daphne odora Thunb Nose Drops

  17. 瑞香狼毒根的毒鱼活性成分研究。

    Study on the Killing Fish Active Ingredient in the Root of Stellera Chamaejasme L.

  18. 激素组合对瑞香离体培养的影响

    Effects of Phytohormones Combination on Daphne odora Thunb. Cultured in Vitro

  19. 金边瑞香提取液镇痛作用的实验研究

    A Study on the Anagesic Effect of Daphne Odora Var.Marginata Ex tract

  20. 瑞香狼毒对菜粉蝶生物活性的研究

    Study on bioactivity of stellera chamaejasme against pieris rapae

  21. 金边瑞香组织培养体系及关键技术研究

    Study on Technique System of Tissue Culture in Daphne Odore Var. Marginnata

  22. 瑞香狼毒总黄酮3种提取方法的比较

    Comparison on the Three Methods of Extracting Total Flavone from Stellera chamaejasme

  23. 瑞香狼毒总黄酮3种提取方法得比较

    Comparison on the Three Methods of Extracting Total Flavone from Stellera chamaejasme.

  24. 三种瑞香属药用植物的活性成分研究

    Studies on the Active Constituents of Three Medicinal Plants of the Genus Daphne

  25. 瑞香狼毒根中抑菌活性成分的研究。

    The Research on Antifungal Constituents from the Root of Stellera chamaejasme L.

  26. 金边瑞香滴鼻剂中瑞香素含量测定的研究

    Determination of daphnetin content in Daphne odora Thunb nose drops

  27. 金边瑞香茎尖外植体快繁技术的研究

    Study on the Technical System of Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation in Daphne Odora Var. Marginata

  28. 金边瑞香花瓣的愈伤组织诱导和植株再生研究

    Petal Callus Induction of Daphne odora var. Marginata Mak and Its Plant Regeneration

  29. 金边瑞香药材中瑞香素的超临界萃取及条件的优化

    Extracting Daphnetin from Daphne Odora Thunb by SFE and Optimizing Extracting Conditions

  30. 目得建立测定金边瑞香滴鼻剂中瑞香素得含量方法。

    OBJECTIVE To determine and identify the daphnetin content in nose drops.


  1. 问:瑞香拼音怎么拼?瑞香的读音是什么?瑞香翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瑞香的读音是ruìxiāng,瑞香翻译成英文是 Daphne odora

  2. 问:瑞香属拼音怎么拼?瑞香属的读音是什么?瑞香属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瑞香属的读音是ruì xiāng shǔ,瑞香属翻译成英文是 Daphne

  3. 问:瑞香料拼音怎么拼?瑞香料的读音是什么?瑞香料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瑞香料的读音是ruìxiāngliào,瑞香料翻译成英文是 Thymelaceae

  4. 问:瑞香柳拼音怎么拼?瑞香柳的读音是什么?瑞香柳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瑞香柳的读音是ruìxiāngliǔ,瑞香柳翻译成英文是 Violet Willow; Salix daphnoides

  5. 问:瑞香油拼音怎么拼?瑞香油的读音是什么?瑞香油翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瑞香油的读音是ruì xiāng yóu,瑞香油翻译成英文是 daphne oil

  6. 问:瑞香烷拼音怎么拼?瑞香烷的读音是什么?瑞香烷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瑞香烷的读音是,瑞香烷翻译成英文是 daphnane

  7. 问:瑞香甙拼音怎么拼?瑞香甙的读音是什么?瑞香甙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瑞香甙的读音是,瑞香甙翻译成英文是 daphnin

  8. 问:瑞香科拼音怎么拼?瑞香科的读音是什么?瑞香科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瑞香科的读音是ruìxiāng kē,瑞香科翻译成英文是

  9. 问:瑞香素拼音怎么拼?瑞香素的读音是什么?瑞香素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瑞香素的读音是ruì xiāng sù,瑞香素翻译成英文是 daphnetin

  10. 问:瑞香苷拼音怎么拼?瑞香苷的读音是什么?瑞香苷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瑞香苷的读音是ruì xiāng gān,瑞香苷翻译成英文是 daphnetin-7-glucoside, daphnin

  11. 问:瑞香酸拼音怎么拼?瑞香酸的读音是什么?瑞香酸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瑞香酸的读音是ruì xiāng suān,瑞香酸翻译成英文是 daphnetic acid

  12. 问:瑞香中毒拼音怎么拼?瑞香中毒的读音是什么?瑞香中毒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瑞香中毒的读音是,瑞香中毒翻译成英文是 daphnism

  13. 问:瑞香果苷拼音怎么拼?瑞香果苷的读音是什么?瑞香果苷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瑞香果苷的读音是ruì xiāng guǒ gān,瑞香果苷翻译成英文是 coccognin

  14. 问:瑞香楠碱拼音怎么拼?瑞香楠碱的读音是什么?瑞香楠碱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瑞香楠碱的读音是ruì xiāng nán jiǎn,瑞香楠碱翻译成英文是 daphnandrine

  15. 问:瑞香毒素拼音怎么拼?瑞香毒素的读音是什么?瑞香毒素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瑞香毒素的读音是ruì xiāng dú sù,瑞香毒素翻译成英文是 daphnetin toxin

  16. 问:瑞香缬草拼音怎么拼?瑞香缬草的读音是什么?瑞香缬草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瑞香缬草的读音是ruìxiāng xiécǎo,瑞香缬草翻译成英文是 Valeriana daphniflora

  17. 问:瑞香水仙碱拼音怎么拼?瑞香水仙碱的读音是什么?瑞香水仙碱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瑞香水仙碱的读音是ruì xiāng shuǐ xiān jiǎn,瑞香水仙碱翻译成英文是 daphnarcine



瑞香(学名:Daphne odora Thunb.),古称露甲,又称睡香、蓬莱紫、风流树、毛瑞香、千里香、山梦花,属瑞香科瑞香属常绿小灌木植物。原产中国长江流域以南和日本。有药用价值。瑞香产中国,是中国传统名花。瑞香早春开花,香味浓郁,其变种金边瑞香为瑞香中之佳品,故有“牡丹花国色天香,瑞香花金边最良”之说。