







汉语拼音:dī xī






  1. The bank announced it would expand its program of lending at very cheap rates in an effort to get the economy going.

  2. International funds could be used to subsidise low-interest loans to energy-efficient buildings, or to pay for technology transfer.

  3. Apple, which has no debt, could easily borrow money at low interest rates to make a large acquisition if it wanted, he said.

  4. Offering customers lengthy credit terms, with little or no interest, has proven to BE an effective means of generating sales revenue.

  5. The other is the credit crunch which means an end to cheap loans for an economy that had become used to a flood of petroroubles.

  6. And this omits the contribution to global liquidity of the Bank of Japan, whose low interest rates are fuelling the "carry trade" .

  7. Green mortgages with low interest rates that allow businesses and homeowners to "pay as you save" on energy are also becoming popular.

  8. Others lend money only if borrower agrees to redeposit up to half of the loan in the same bank at a much lower interest rate.

  9. The company boondoggled investors into a low-interest project.


  1. 公司决定筹集低息贷款。

    The company decided to float a loan at lower interest rates.

  2. 高效办理全国范围低息贷款!

    There is no requirement of faxing the document.

  3. 宁可高价买,不要低息借。

    Better a bad buy than a good loan.

  4. 低息贷款的时代已接近尾声。

    The era of cheap money is nearing an end.

  5. 他们靠提供低息来招揽客户。

    They wooed customers by offering low interest rates.

  6. 投资者们拒绝以所提供的低息购买债券。

    Investors refuse to buy the bonds at the low interest rate offered.

  7. 我们刚申请到了低息贷款,一定要好好利用。

    Our application for a low-interest loan has just been approved. We must make good use of it.

  8. 在经济景气时期, 低息贷款使买主出价越来越高。

    Cheap money helped buyers to bid ever higher during the boom.

  9. 英国人说现金和低息贷款将导致非洲债务增加

    UK says cash and cheap loans will lead to debts

  10. 胡说试图用长期低息贷款帮助那些经济窘困的职员。

    The company tried to help the poor member of staff with soft loan.

  11. 公司试图用长期低息贷款帮助那些经济窘困的职员。

    The company tried to help the poor member of staff with soft loan.

  12. 国有捕鲸公司的存在也仰赖于低息贷款和补贴。

    The state whaling company is kept afloat with cheap loans and subsidies.

  13. 一些人担心低息的信贷可能使购买者出价太高。

    Some fear that lowcost leverage might tempt buyers to overpay.

  14. 银根松动, 低息借款指利率较低并且信贷充足得情况。

    Easy money A condition in which a combination of relatively low interest rates and great credit availability exists.

  15. 银根松动,低息借款指利率较低并且信贷充足的情况。

    Easy money A condition in which a combination of relatively low interest rates and great credit availability exists.

  16. 因为它运载低息率,坏信用房主贷款是非常经济的。

    Because it is carrying low interest rates, bad credit loans to homeowners is the economy.

  17. 这些声音来自那些稍有麻烦便索要大量低息资金的那些人。

    This is the voice of those who at the slightest sign of trouble call for cheap money and plenty of it.

  18. 这种低息借款很多浪费在豪华写字楼与漂亮的公寓上。

    Much of this cheap money was squandered, as prestigious offices and swanky apartments sprouted across the region.

  19. 低息信用卡便可充当助推器或催化剂, 以解决你的债务问题。

    Low interest credit cards can then act as a booster or catalyst to solve your debt problems.

  20. 该行宣称要扩大它的非常低息贷款项目来促使经济增长。

    The bank announced it would expand its program of lending at very cheap rates in an effort to get the economy going.

  21. 将这家公司的5千3百万美元贷款转为低息组成辛迪加贷款是主要推力。

    The main thrust was to consolidate the company's $53m debt into a low interest syndicated loan.


  1. 问:低息拼音怎么拼?低息的读音是什么?低息翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低息的读音是dīxī,低息翻译成英文是 low interest.

  2. 问:低息信贷拼音怎么拼?低息信贷的读音是什么?低息信贷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低息信贷的读音是dī xī xìn dài,低息信贷翻译成英文是 low-cost credit

  3. 问:低息贷款拼音怎么拼?低息贷款的读音是什么?低息贷款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低息贷款的读音是dī xī dài kuǎn,低息贷款翻译成英文是 low-interest loan

  4. 问:低息溢价赎金可转换债券拼音怎么拼?低息溢价赎金可转换债券的读音是什么?低息溢价赎金可转换债券翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低息溢价赎金可转换债券的读音是dīxī yìjià shújīn kě zhuǎnhuàn zhàiquàn,低息溢价赎金可转换债券翻译成英文是 low coupon premium redemption



dīxī [low interest] 不高的利息 低息贷款