


1. 哦 [ó]2. 哦 [ò]3. 哦 [é]哦 [ó]叹词,表示疑问、惊奇等:~,是怎么回事?哦 [ò]叹词,表示领会、醒悟:~,我明白了。哦 [é]〔吟~〕有节奏地诵读诗文。……


1. 呀 [yā]2. 呀 [ya]呀 [yā]叹词,表示惊疑:~!你流血了。象声词,形容摩擦转动的声音:两扇大门~的一声打开了。呀 [ya]助词。表示疑问、感叹、祈使等语气:别见怪~!你快回去~!你怎么不回家~!……



汉语拼音:ó yā






  1. Na: You know, the moment you opened that door, I thought to myself, "Why, here's a handsome fellow! " Ha ha ha!


  2. oh ya, Mother brought me some present? This ribbon['rib? n] is so beautiful, and use it to kill me ?


  3. Her: Oh, then do you have milk with no caffeine?


  1. 这样哦呀啊呀的有什么用?

    What's the use of all this ohing and ohing?

  2. 哦好呀新保姆。

    Oh, goody. A new babysitter.

  3. 哦噢什么呀?

    What's uhoh?

  4. 哦, 真的呀。它太可爱了。

    Oh, really. It's so cute.

  5. 哦,上帝呀!为什么她这么靠不住!

    Oh! For heaven's sake! Why is she so unreliable?

  6. 哦, 大海呀, 是他曾经将你歌唱。

    He was your bard, oh Sea!

  7. 哦,唉呀。哦,天哪。该给你换尿布了。

    Oh, no. It's time to change your diaper.

  8. 哦,是呀。你找到了旅游申请表了吗?

    Oh, yes. Did you find the application form for your trip?

  9. 哦,是呀,看到的镜中人是谁?是你,还是我?还是?

    Oh, ya, who I see in the mirror? you, or me, or else?

  10. 哦!是呀,爸爸,伊莎贝拉欣然赞同地嚷道。

    Oh yes, sir,'cried she with ready sympathy,'how you must miss her!

  11. 哦,上帝呀,我不是告诫过你不要到这里来吗?

    Oh my God, I have warning you not to here?

  12. 听呀, 哦人类, 倾听魔法的智慧。

    Hark ye, O man, to the wisdom of magic.

  13. 哦不!看呀一团糟糕。

    Oh no! Look at the mess.

  14. 哦,他是谁呀?

    Oh, who is he?

  15. 哦,我好累呀!

    Oh, I tired it!

  16. 哦,我的天呀

    Oh Heaven! groaned Winterborne to himself.

  17. 哦,这里真热呀!

    Phew, it's hot in here!

  18. 哦!樱桃好贵呀。

    Oh, look!Cherries are expensive.

  19. 哦,飞,飞呀,翱翔于天际。

    Oh, fly, fly, so high against the sky.

  20. 哦,原来是青霉素呀。你对青霉素过敏吗?

    Oh, penicillin. Do you know if you are allergic to it?

  21. 哦,我好累呀。我要在床上休息一下。

    Oh, I'm so tired. I'll rest in the bed.

  22. 哦, 我的爸呀? ? 博物馆太无聊了。我们还是去科学博物馆。

    Oh, Dad History museum are boring. Let's go to a science museum.

  23. 谁泡得菊花茶呀?好香哦!

    Who brewed this chrysanthemum tea?

  24. 谁泡的菊花茶呀?好香哦!

    Who brewed this chrysanthemum tea?

  25. 哦, 我多笨手笨脚呀!

    Oh, how clumsy of me!

  26. 哦,你是在夸我呀!

    Oh, you're praising me!

  27. 哦,多么漂亮的世界呀!

    Oh! How beautiful the world was!

  28. 哦, 多丰盛的一顿饭呀!

    Well, what a nice meal!

  29. 哦, 李娜, 你的变化真大呀!

    Oh, Li Na, you have changed a lot.

  30. 哦, 天呀, 你们肯定不信。

    Oh my God, you guys have no idea.




【注音】:ó/ò/é yā/ya

【释义】:1. ——表示惊奇。如:哦呀!又有怪事了! 2.如:哦呀!德国巧克力。——表示巧克力好。(Auchnoch)