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1. 织 [zhī]2. 织 [zhì]织 [zhī]用丝、麻、棉纱、毛线等编成布或衣物等:~布。编~。~女(a.织布、织绸的女子;b.指织女星)。棉~物。引申为构成:罗~罪名。用染丝织成的锦或彩绸:~锦。~文(即“织锦”)。~贝(织成贝文……
汉语拼音:zhī bù
《孟子·滕文公上》:“ 许子 必织布然后衣乎?”《清平山堂话本·西湖三塔记》:“那游人行到乱云深处,听得鸡鸣犬吠,繰丝织布之声。” 刘大白 《卖布谣》一:“嫂嫂织布,哥哥卖布。卖布买米,有饭落肚。”
《史记·循吏列传》:“﹝ 公仪休 ﹞见其家织布好,而疾出其家妇,燔其机。” 汉 王充 《论衡·异虚》:“丝成帛,缕成布,赐人丝缕,犹为重厚,况遗人以成帛与织布乎?”
"We are pleased to hear that, " said the two weavers, and described to him the colours and explained the curious pattern.
“我们很高兴地听到,说:”两个织布,并介绍他的颜色和解释了好奇的模式。"My son would not kill anybody, " she said and continued weaving as she had always done.
曾参的母亲说:“我儿子不会杀人的”,然后和往常一样继续织布。She thought how her husband can treat her in this point. but Jichang didn't mind his wife's thought, he ordered his wife weaving quickly.
心想丈夫怎么从这个角度来看我呢?纪昌却不管那些,他命令他的妻子快点织布。His spear shaft was like a weaver's rod, and its iron point weighed six hundred shekels. His shield bearer went ahead of him.
7枪杆粗如织布的机轴、铁枪头重六百舍客勒.有一个拿盾牌的人在他前面走。You will feel sweat pour from your forehead, as you jerk the ship to the side, weaving between the hail of destructive incoming lasers.
你会觉得汗水倾诉从您的前额,正如你挺举该船的一边,织布,印染之间的冰雹的desructiveincomming激光器。The two men invited the minister to go closer to the empty loom, and said, "Don't you think it is the most beautiful cloth? "
这两个人请大臣走近空织布机,说:“难道你不觉得这是最漂亮的布吗?”Sage that this doesnot meet the human, so began to teach women rule polyandrum, weaving horses to it to behave towards clothes.
圣王认为这样不符合人情,所以开始教女子治丝麻、织布匹,以它作人的衣服。Without saying anything, his wife took a pair of scissors and went to the loom at which she had worked.
他的妻子听了以后,二话不说,拿起把剪刀走到她的织布机前。The two weavers were shown in, and began to describe their cloth to the Emperor.