


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:dà fán





副词。用在句子开 头,表示总括一般的情形,常跟“总”“都”等词呼应:~坚持学习的,都会有一定的收获。



  1. 犹大要。

    《荀子·大略》:“礼之大凡:事生,饰欢也;送死,饰哀也;军旅,饰威也。” 宋 苏轼 《孔毅甫凤咮石砚铭》:“如乐之和,如金之坚,如玉之有润,如舌之有泉,此其大凡也。” 姚华 《曲海一勺》:“文章流别,自古已繁,综其大凡,略有二类:无韵曰笔,有韵曰文。”参见“ 大要 ”。

  2. 表示总括一般的情况,犹言大抵。

    《礼记·祭法》:“大凡生於天地之间者皆曰命,其万物死皆曰折,人死曰鬼,此五代之所不变也。” 唐 韩愈 《送孟东野序》:“大凡物不得其平则鸣。” 郭沫若 《断断集·青年与文化》:“大凡伟大的文学、科学的创作和发明,都是三十前后的人的成就。”

  3. 总计;共计。

    《史记·吴太伯世家》:“大凡从 太伯 至 寿梦 十九世。”《隋书·经籍志一》:“ 歆 遂总括羣篇,撮其指要,著为《七略》……大凡三万三千九十卷。”



  1. Therefore, a in a media appearances in evidence chance, he never pass.


  2. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house.


  3. What attacks the body attacks the heart.


  4. Almost all people who take office, have liked to place a desk calendar, I was one among such people.


  5. When the 1st Gift in life ends up a waste (not willing to be self-awakened), inspiration STOPS naturally in most cases!


  6. at around the technology market; within our friends and ourselves who can use the computer, there are few people using legitimate software.


  7. Almost all the beautiful things people can be most exciting, heart health pleasure.


  8. Two years ago, major companies in the U. S. jumped in with both feet.


  9. He would cross the desert people often attracted to the grass, especially those already see the lip does glossa dry after a downpour.


  1. 大凡作家都企慕名誉。

    All writers are vain.

  2. 大凡农活都有时间性。

    Most farming is seasonal.

  3. 大凡读书,不能无疑。

    Doubts and questions should abound in reading.

  4. 大凡事物,听其自然,只会每况愈下。

    Left to themselves, things tend go bad.

  5. 大凡, 巨大的变形是不正常的。

    Normingly. enormous deform is not nat theuringly made.

  6. 大凡天下事,当局者迷,旁观者清。

    Generally, for matters under heaven, those closely involved cannot see as clearly as those outside.

  7. 大凡酒后开车的都易出车祸。

    Generally those who drive after drinking will cause traffic accidents.

  8. 大凡成功者,无不相信全力以赴的力量。

    Individuals who succeed have a belief in the power of commitment.

  9. 我们大凡都无法逃避时光的无情侵蚀。

    Few of us manage to escape the ravages of time.

  10. 大凡在下列两种情况下会引起诉讼。

    Lawsuits tend to arise in two situations.

  11. 大凡男权社会的男人,都有这种通病。

    In a sexist male society, that's a common illness.

  12. 大凡坚持锻炼的人,抵抗力都较强。

    Generally those who exercise regularly have high resistance to diseases.

  13. 大凡经济呆滞的时候, 通涨率通常下降。

    When there is economic slack, inflation generally falls.

  14. 大凡钢琴家都在早年接受过专业训练。

    Generally the most pianists all accepted the professional training in the year one.

  15. 也许大凡搞艺术的人都有些类似的雅好。

    May engage in the arts are generally similar Nga some good.

  16. 大凡事物,均应先知其常而后方能达其变。

    A thing, all should prophets its often then can reach its change.

  17. 大凡教书的人总是那么灰色的,大学教授更甚。

    Teachers usually are pretty spineless, but you university professors are even worse.

  18. 大凡美丽的事物,均可让人怦然心动,心生愉悦。

    Dafan beautiful things, people can be exciting, pleasant feel.

  19. 大凡善于托词辩解者, 罕有善作其他事情之本事。

    He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.

  20. 大凡善于托词辩解者,罕有善做其他事情之本事。

    He that is good for making excuse is seldom good for anything else.

  21. 机智的顾问对大凡每一个难题都有解决的良方。

    The resourceful adviser has a solution for each and every problem.

  22. 大凡有独立见解的人都不会盲目模仿外国的东西。

    No person of independent mind will copy blindly foreign things.

  23. 大凡现代文明的社会,皆为法治较为完善和发达的社会。

    All modern civilized societies are almost the ones that have the consummate and developed laws.

  24. 大凡治好一种罪孽, 往往又在原地另生出别的罪孽。

    One vice, though cured, plants others where it has been.

  25. 大凡人死在热天, 就会冒出这种白沫来, 我见过。

    When people die in hot weather, they usually foam at the mouth just as he did.

  26. 大凡畏法度者,必不肯违反法度干见不得人的勾当

    People who are afraid of law will not break law or do shady deals.

  27. 大凡人类对于一件事,研究当中的道理,最先发生思想。

    When men begin to study into the heart of a problem, an idea generally develops first.

  28. 大凡不了解某种悲哀,而想加以安慰本是一件难事。

    It is always difficult to console a sorrow that is unknown to one.

  29. 大凡由年逾四十的汉子对女子持有意见, 均属无关重要。

    Any views are unimportant, if they are held about women by a man past forty.

  30. 大凡由年逾四十的汉子对女子持有的意见, 均属无关重要。

    Any view is unimportant, if they are held about women by a man past forty.


  1. 问:大凡拼音怎么拼?大凡的读音是什么?大凡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大凡的读音是dàfán,大凡翻译成英文是 generally speaking



“大凡”是个多义词,它可以指大凡(江西人民广播电台MYFM96.9频率主持人大凡), 大凡(词典)。