


1. 抢 [qiǎng]2. 抢 [qiāng]3. 抢 [chēng]抢 [qiǎng]夺,硬拿:~劫。~夺。赶快,赶紧,争先:~先。~占。~购。~攻。刮,擦:磨剪子~菜刀。当面责备或讽刺:~白他一顿。抢 [qiāng]碰,撞:呼天~地。……





汉语拼音:qiǎng yǎn








  1. 夺目;耀眼。

    清 李渔 《十二楼·夺锦楼》:“只因他抢眼不过,就使有财有力的人家,多算多谋的子弟,都羣起而图之。” 欧阳山 《高干大》第十八章:“这棵孤独的野杏,正开着满树的红花,叫太阳晒得红光闪闪,十分抢眼。”



  1. These details will also work as attention seekers, but by keeping them vague; they won't get out of hand and demand too much attention.


  2. Tea-making performance has always been a most eye-catching part on the Expo.


  3. "Earnings will not be stellar, but they will also not be a recessionary indicator, " he said.


  4. At Brioni, evening jackets with a sheen are always a key part of the collection but have been particularly strong this season.


  5. As with strong colour and 3D effects, appealing icons and buttons can add that bit of polish to help give a page a high-quality feel.


  6. It is an extremely showy beauty with its pure white, charming flowers and amazing scent that pervades the air especially after dusk.


  7. Among big-name funds, only a handful have shone, however, almost all thanks to a more bearish outlook on the global economy.


  8. Student Farah, her uncovered hair standing out in a line mostly of veiled women, said she came to ensure a good future for all Egyptians.


  9. Ronaldo has been fit, yesterday was a 70% Messi. You notice him in big games. FACT.


  1. 你会是宴会上最抢眼的人物。

    HitYou are going to be a hit at the party.

  2. 小德从比赛一开始就很抢眼。

    Djokovic was imposing the very beginning of the match.

  3. 万事达公司一季度同样表现抢眼。

    MasterCard had a strong quarter.

  4. 他们在攻守两端都会有抢眼的表现。

    They can be both defensively good and offensively awesome.

  5. 硫化铜和氧化铜也是很抢眼得替代材料。

    Copper sulfide and copper oxide were also attractive candidates.

  6. 硫化铜和氧化铜也是很抢眼的替代材料。

    Copper sulfide and copper oxide were also attractive candidates.

  7. 即使从远处看,他的狐狸戏服也很抢眼。

    Even from a distance the effect of his fox costume was stunning.

  8. 刀身太抢眼了,如今浮躁的社会,什么抢眼重视什么。

    Dao body is sharp, now impetuous society, the sharp things will be regarded.

  9. 这些首饰看上去既复古又很酷很抢眼, 真是不错。

    Its amazing because the pieces look vintage, and theyre so cool and edgy.

  10. 园中最抢眼的墨迹,自然是洗砚池旁边的御碑亭。

    The shiniest calligraphy in the garden is of course Yubei Pavilion beside Xiyan Pond.

  11. 鳄鱼恤的表现也十分抢眼,本月窜升至第六名。

    The expression of crocodilian compensate also very an eye, change raises this month reach the 6 th.

  12. 对比浅棕色独特抢眼, 压花绳带皮革装饰, 露趾设计。

    New quarter leather embossed brown rope DKNY fashion sexy high heels.

  13. 马自达3的线条流畅,外形虽不嚣张,但是绝对够抢眼。

    The Mazda 3 lines are smooth,although the contour is not rampant,but suffices outstanding absolutely.

  14. 马自达3得线条流畅,外形虽不嚣张,但是绝对够抢眼。

    The Mazda 1 lines are smooth, although the contour is not rampant, but suffices outstanding absolutely.

  15. 英格兰队天才球星在这张比萨饼上的面孔很抢眼。

    It's a striking image of Wayne Rooney for this pizza.

  16. 她是个长得很抢眼的人,总是人群中就能一眼找到她。

    She is a looker. And she stands out from the crowd wherever she is.

  17. 目前为止, 阿泰斯特绝对是球场上发挥最为抢眼的球员。

    At present up to, Ataisite is absolutely in the field displays the most outstanding player.

  18. 目前为止,阿泰斯特绝对是球场上发挥最为抢眼得球员。

    At present up to, Ataisite is absolutely in the field displays the most outstanding player.

  19. 黑白条纹新奇地设计在前襟,让黑色上衣马上变得抢眼。

    Black and white stripe designs advanced front of a garment novelly, let black jacket become immediately grab an eye.

  20. 说到最抢眼的当然是那巨大的蓝色涡轮, 完全覆盖整块。

    Speaks of outstanding certainly is that huge blue color wheel, covers the entire block completely.

  21. 说到最抢眼得当然是那巨大得蓝色涡轮,完全覆盖整块。

    Speaks of outstanding certainly is that huge blue color wheel, covers the entire block completely.


  1. 问:抢眼拼音怎么拼?抢眼的读音是什么?抢眼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢眼的读音是qiǎngyǎn,抢眼翻译成英文是 striking



抢眼拼音:qiǎng yǎn 英文:Eye-catching 解释:抢,抢占;眼,眼睛、眼球、视觉。非常引人注目,吸引大众眼球。

词例句: 1、本场球赛罗纳尔多最抢眼。

2、你的手机真抢眼啊! 3、平面广告怎么做才能很抢眼?