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处理:~公。~事。~理。处分:惩~。法~。首恶必~。置备:~置。~货。创设:创~。兴(xīng )~。……
汉语拼音:bàn xué
Other programs may be joint offerings of two colleges within the same university, building upon the relative strengths of each college.
其他专业可能由同一大学的两个学院联合办学,建立在各自学院的相对优势基础上。There exists a great deal of relations between the formation of characteristic and environment as well as orientation of universities.
它的形成与学校所处的环境及其办学定位有很大的关系;The philosophy of New Power School is to turn out exceptional students with its prominent teaching quality, and to benefit every student.
北京市新动力培训学校的办学理念是:用卓越的教学品质,培养出杰出的学生;Since the year of 2004, the external social forces are widely participation of the National University, to be an unprecedented development.
自2004年国立大学法人化的实行至今,来自校外的社会力量广泛参与国立大学的办学,国立大学的社会力量得到史无前例的发展。The State encourages Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools to which high-quality foreign educational resources are introduced.
国家鼓励引进外国优质教育资源的中外合作办学。Since China's reform and opening up to outside world policy, leaders of this area have attached great importance to schooling and education.
自改革开放以来,该地区的领导很重视办学与教育。with its precise design, clear objective and advanced teaching module, the major enjoys great potential and a promising future.
商务英语专业定位准确,培养目标明确,教育理念先进,办学模式超前,就业前景广阔,具有巨大的发展空间。He said his schools policy (a mix of market-based ideas and tougher discipline) was better for poor children than "liberal-left" orthodoxy.
卡梅伦说他的办学政策(市场化和更严格的纪律相结合)较自由左翼正统的政策对贫困学生更有益。The concept of serving society is the cause why American Universities win the widespread support from government and society.