


1. 汩 [gǔ]2. 汩 [yù]汩 [gǔ]水流的样子:~流(急流)。~~(水流动的声音或样子)。治理,疏通:决~九川。扰乱:“天公岂物欺,若此~时序”。涌出的泉水。沉没(mò):~没(mò)。汩 [yù]迅疾的样子:悲风~起。……


1. 汩 [gǔ]2. 汩 [yù]汩 [gǔ]水流的样子:~流(急流)。~~(水流动的声音或样子)。治理,疏通:决~九川。扰乱:“天公岂物欺,若此~时序”。涌出的泉水。沉没(mò):~没(mò)。汩 [yù]迅疾的样子:悲风~起。……



汉语拼音:gǔ gǔ







  1. 象声词。形容水或其他液体流动的声音。

    《文选·木华<海赋>》:“崩云屑雨,浤浤汩汩。” 李善 注:“浤浤汩汩,波浪之声也。” 元 康进之 《李逵负荆》第二折:“那老儿拿起瓢来,揭开蒲墩,舀一瓢冷酒来,汩汩的嚥了。”《老残游记》第三回:“池中流水,汩汩有声。” 丁玲 《阿毛姑娘》:“柔嫩的声音,夹在鸟语中,夹在溪山的汩汩中,响彻了这山坳。”

  2. 盛貌。

    唐 寒山 《诗》之八八:“不肯信受 寒山 语,转转倍加业汩汩。直待斩首作两段,方知自身奴贱物。” 唐 元结 《咸池》诗:“至德汩汩兮,顺之以先。”《新唐书·刘子玄吴兢等传赞》:“故圣主贤臣,叛人佞子,善恶汩汩,有所未尽,可为永愾者矣。”

  3. 沉没;沦落。

    晋 王羲之 《用笔赋》:“没没汩汩,若 濛 汜之落银鉤;耀耀晞晞,状扶桑之掛朝日。”《新唐书·萧嵩传》:“始,娶 会稽 贺晦 女,僚婿 陆象先 ,宰相子,时为 洛阳 尉,已有名,士争往交,而 嵩 汩汩未仕,人不之异。” 宋 林逋 《杂兴》诗之二:“一壑等闲甘汩汩,五门平昔避炎炎。”

  4. 水急流貌。

    《文选·枚乘<七发>》:“怳兮忽兮,聊兮慄兮,混汩汩兮。” 吕延济 注:“混汩汩,相合疾流貌。” 唐 韩愈 《流水》诗:“汩汩几时休,从春復到秋。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第二部第三九章:“ 晓燕 闭着眼睛没有说话,泪水顺着她的脸颊汩汩而下。”

  5. 比喻文思源源不断或说话滔滔不绝。

    唐 韩愈 《答李翊书》:“当其取於心而注於手也,汩汩然来矣。”《儿女英雄传》第十二回:“公子才把 张金凤 的一段始末因由……滔滔汩汩的告诉母亲一遍。” 邹韬奋 《患难馀生记》第一章:“不,他还有奇谈汩汩而出。”

  6. 动荡不安貌。

    唐 杜甫 《自阆州领妻子却赴蜀山行》诗之一:“汩汩避羣盗,悠悠经十年。” 宋 王安石 《答王逢原书》:“不见已两月,虽尘劳汩汩,企望盛德,何日忘之?” 清 方文 《宝筏禅堂赠大愚越尘二上人》诗之一:“汩汩风尘客,今宵借一枝。”



  1. The little girl called out to her mother, with tears running down her cheeks.


  2. Her own blood was gurgling in her throat and I yelled to the student for a suction tool to clear it out.


  3. He tried to rise once, and gave it up, falling heavily back to the floor of the launch. Then he lay there, bleeding.


  4. Water murmuring down walks and rocks and steps. A grown man trying to block one rivulet with snow.


  5. Once you get started, you'll find that words you never allowed yourself to speak aloud will flow out of you onto the paper.


  6. It's not a jazz odyssey or anything. It's not about lengthy solos, just a continuing flow.


  7. To replace the sprinklers, we could punch holes in the pipe with a hammer and nail and let water dribble out to the plants.


  8. When in quiet you may hear your heart beating , you know that life goes on like a spring spewing without stop.


  9. I thought when the sound of a guitar flowed into my ears, like a stream flowing from the mountains.


  1. 溪水汩汩,急流追。

    The stream gurgles, a torrent in its bed.

  2. 血从伤口汩汩流。

    There was a trickle of blood from the wound.

  3. 溪水汩汩流过。

    The stream gurgles by.

  4. 水流过卵石,汩汩作响。

    The water burbled over gravel.

  5. 河水汩汩地流淌着。

    The river gurgled and burbled.

  6. 一股山水汩汩而下。

    A stream gurgles down the mountain.

  7. 发汩汩声的溪水

    a bubbling stream

  8. 一条汩汩流动的溪水

    A brook bubbling along its course.

  9. 水汩汩地流光了。

    The water emptied with a gurgle.

  10. 水声汩汩, 忽然他脱下

    The water roared. All at once he took off

  11. 水从管子里汩汩喷出。

    Water was jetting profusely from the pipe.

  12. 从瓶子里喝发出汩汩声。

    drink from a flask with a gurgling sound.

  13. 水汩汩地流入稻田。

    The water gurgled into the paddy field.

  14. 渠水汩汩地流入稻田。

    Gurgling water flowed from the irrigation ditch into the paddy fields.

  15. 水从瓶中汩汩地倒出。

    The water gurgled out of the bottle.

  16. 汩汩声, 婴儿咯咯的笑声。

    Fall flop into the water. Gurgle.

  17. 汩汩声,婴儿咯咯得笑声。

    Fall flop into the water. Gurgle.

  18. 鲜血从她脸上汩汩淌下来。

    Blood poured down from her face.

  19. 那条小溪汩汩地流过岩石。

    The brook bubbles over the rocks.

  20. 水从这个地洞中汩汩流出。

    Water emanates from this hole in the ground.

  21. 她的嗓音婉转如汩汩的银溪。

    Whose voice, as cadenced as a silver streams.

  22. 旅馆大门口泉水汩汩地流着。

    A fountain bubbled at the hotel gate.

  23. 水汩汩地从管道中流过。

    Water gurgled through the pipes.

  24. 大地开裂,汩汩冒出炽热的熔岩。

    The ground had opened to disgorge a boiling stream of molten lava.

  25. 汩汩的流水笑出了酒窝的细纹。

    And the dimpling stream run laughing by.

  26. 牛奶汩汩作响地从瓶子中流出。

    The milk gurgled out of the bottle.

  27. 北沟山泉汩汩,溪水瀑布随处可见。

    North ditch spring gurgled, streams and waterfalls everywhere.

  28. 水从塞孔中流下时汩汩做声。

    The water gurgled as it ran down the plughole.

  29. 血液的汩汩声在我耳边响。

    The blood thrummed in my ears.

  30. 他凝视着一旁的小溪, 流淌声汩汩。

    And pore upon the brook that babbles by.


  1. 问:汩汩拼音怎么拼?汩汩的读音是什么?汩汩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汩汩的读音是gǔgǔ,汩汩翻译成英文是 gurgle

  2. 问:汩汩声拼音怎么拼?汩汩声的读音是什么?汩汩声翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汩汩声的读音是,汩汩声翻译成英文是 gurgle


