








出行的,在外作客的:~行(xíng )。~馆。~次。~居。~客。~伴。商~。差(chāi)~。~社。军队的编制单位,在师与团之间。泛指军队:军~。强兵劲~。共同:~进~退。同“稆”。古同“膂”,脊梁骨。……



汉语拼音:yī chéng yī lǚ







  • 【解释】:成:古时以方圆十里为一成;旅:古时以兵士五百人为一旅。形容地窄人少,力量单薄。
  • 【出自】:《左传·哀公元年》:“有田一成,有众一旅,能布其德,而兆其谋,以收夏众,抚其官职。”
  • 【示例】:同川之甚,千钧系发,复得诸弟与松岑诸君,尽力持护,~,芽蘖在兹。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;含贬义


  1. na.
  2. narrow in territory and scanty in troops;weak in force

  3. >

  1. 这支部队是一支劲旅。

    That unit is a powerful troop.

  2. 执导一支球队,使其成为全国联赛中的一支劲旅。

    Coach a team and prove it to be a major factor in the national league matches.

  3. 执导一支球队, 使其成为全国联赛中得一支劲旅。

    Coach a team and prove it to be a major factor in the national league matches.

  4. 在一起工作了一个月, 把他们结成了一支劲旅。

    Working together for a month welded them into a strong team.

  5. 徽商是明,清时期活跃于全国商界的一支劲旅。

    Badge business is bright, quiet period is active a powerful force at countrywide business circles.

  6. 史蒂芬港一日之旅

    One Day Escape to Port Stephens

  7. 我就是这样过了一个好快好快的菲律宾一日之旅。

    That was how I spent a very fast day trip in the Philippines.

  8. 一个貌似皮革的深肤色小矮人会出现, 监护这一潜意识之旅。

    A leathery brown dwarf would show up guarding the entrance to the unconscious.

  9. 一旅心程, 百年孤旅。

    A brigade heart Cheng, a hundred years solitary journey.

  10. 一旅心程,百年孤旅。

    A brigade heart Cheng ,a hundred years solitary journey .

  11. 据报上说, 客队是一支欧洲劲旅。

    According to the papers, the visiting side is a strong team in Eu rope.

  12. 跳上旋转木马,来一趟艺术之旅吧!

    Take a ride on a work of art by hopping onto a carousel!

  13. 一趟台湾之旅似乎改变了我,我要学习!

    A trip to Taiwan seems to change me a lot, I want to learn more!

  14. 一本书的一成版税

    a royalty of ten percent on a book

  15. 每一个渴望拥有任何程度的高尚优雅的富有的年轻男土,加上偶尔出现的女继承人,都把欧洲之旅当作一桩大事来做。

    Every wealthy young man, plus the occasional heiress, who aspired to any degree of refinement, embarked on the European Tour.

  16. 因为从来没去过瑞士, 他期待一趟瑞士之旅。

    Never having been to Switzerland before, he longs for a trip there.

  17. 国王正考虑派遣一旅装甲部队前往叙利亚。

    The King was thinking of sending an armored brigade into Syria.

  18. 一趟博物馆之旅让他们对台湾的历史有所了解。

    A trip to the museum opened their eyes to the history of Taiwan.

  19. 您准备好在地球这里再跑另一趟任务之旅吗

    Are you ready to enlist for another tour of duty here on Earth

  20. 托尼告诉他得朋友艾琳他计划展开一趟芬兰之旅。

    Tony tells his friend Irene about his plan to embark on a trip to Finland.

  21. 将以每个月一到两个旅的速度重新部署美国军队。

    Would redeploy U.S. troops at a pace of one to two brigades a month.

  22. 您使得我们的任何一趟北京之旅的都与众不同,难以忘怀。

    You make any visit to Beijing very special and memorable.

  23. 一直到今天,你还是可以搭乘蒸汽船来一趟观光之旅。

    You can still ride a tourist steamboat today.

  24. 这家人趁着假期在导游的带领下作了一趟意大利之旅。

    The family took advantage of the vacation to go on a guided tour around Italy.

  25. 这家人趁着假期在导游得带领下作了一趟意大利之旅。

    The family took advantage of the vacation to go on a guided tour around Italy.

  26. 一旅野战炮队正在待命,他们的炮都已装在前车上了。

    A brigade of field artillery was waiting, limbered up.

  27. 他和狄托都支付两千万美元,才得以进行一趟太空之旅。

    Both he and Tito paid 20 million US dollars for their chance of space travel.

  28. 但他们互相仰慕,火星人受邀做了一趟太空之旅,飞向金星。

    They fell in love and quickly invented space travel and flew to Venus.

  29. 荷兰之旅没有阿姆斯特丹一站就不算完整。

    No trip to Holland is complete without a trip to Amsterdam.

  30. 抵达温暖得家。结束此一精彩得南美洲之旅。

    Arrive back home. End of Peru Journey.



