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One does not need to be an expert on symptoms, lesions, and cures for diseases which are kept out of the flock through proper management.
不需要成为疾病的症状,病变和治疗的专家,因为可以通过恰当的管理把这些疾病拒之于鸡群之外。It is possible that it identifies too many very early cancers that may not eventually progress to a life threatening problem.
有时候它诊断出过多的早期癌症,然而这些病变可能最终不会发展成威胁生命的病症。There was no noticeable difference in terms of the average count of MVD in the various histological types of malignant thyroid lesions.
甲状腺恶性病变各组织学类型中MVD平均计数差异无显著性意义;"A DNA test will allow us to determine to what measure the pathology of the eye may have 'tricked' him, " he said.
他接着说,“DNA测试将使我们断定眼睛的病变如何“骗”了他。”Doctors say it is possible, but unlikely, to contract a human form of the disease by eating meat from infected animals.
医生们说,人类有可能通过食用病牛肉而感染上导致脑部病变的致命疯牛病,但是可能性并不大。Patients in whom appropriate therapy fails or corneal involvement develops should be referred to an ophthalmologist.
对于那些上述治疗方法失败或病变影响角膜的病人来说,应建议其至眼科医生处就诊。With spectral data from a whole axial slice, we have been able to identify NAA abnormalities in regions remote to any T2 visible lesions.
与光谱数据从一个整体轴向片,我们已经能够确定的NAA异常偏远地区的任何时刻可见病变。Cystic lesions and retinoblastoma with orbital spread were the most common causes of orbital space-occupying lesions among the children.
先天性囊肿和视网膜母细胞瘤侵犯眼眶是儿童发生眼眶占位性病变最主要的病因。These pathological change incubation period is long, the effect appear late, very easy to be neglected.