







汉语拼音:kuài chuán






  1. 行驶速度较快的船。

    清 顾张思 《土风录》卷四:“至 芜湖 与 伯颜 军请和不成,惶怖失据,阴备快船为走计。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第五十回:“我们这‘元和船’,上水一点鐘走十二英里,在 长江 船里,也算头等的快船了。” 茅盾 《子夜》一:“去年我和 竹斋 回乡去扫墓,也坐这‘云飞船’,是一条快船。”



  1. He tried the spin move at least one time in this game against the Clippers but I think Kaman stopped it by stripping him of the ball.


  2. But now that both teams are in gleaming Staples Center, will there ever be any incentive for either to make that sort of bold move again?


  3. In an exhibition game, Clippers rookie Al Thornton was "a little nervous" when he guarded Bryant for the first time on a switch.


  4. Remember when Cassell openly campaigned to leave the Clippers while he was still a Clipper?


  5. The NBA Defensive Player of the Year in 2006-07, Camby comes to the Clippers with a reputation as one of the top defenders in the league.


  6. TheLosAngelesClippers: During the mid-1800s, fast sailing ships known as clippers transported goods and passengers across the oceans.


  7. Although his eye was bloodshot, Duncan said he didn't expect to miss Tuesday night's game against the Clippers.


  8. Late at night, he jumped up to have the special pass express steamer.


  9. "turn the page on the discussion about our economy" and spend the final weeks of this campaign launching Swiftboat-style attacks on me.


  1. 捕金枪鱼快船

    tunna clipper

  2. 哎,他们始终还是快船呀。

    Alas, they are still the Clippers.

  3. 常规赛要跟快船交战四次。

    Four games against the Clippers during the regular season.

  4. 一下子, 快船从美梦中坠入噩梦。

    Suddenly, the Clippers'dream team was a nightmare.

  5. 湖人第二次胜利,这次湖人轻取快船。

    Take 2,and, again,more revelry than rivalry.

  6. 这艘快船从船头到船尾全长36英尺。

    The length of the clipper from stem to stern is thirtysix feet.

  7. 我的日子过去如快船, 如急落抓食的鹰。

    They skim past like boats of papyrus, like eagles swooping down on their prey.

  8. 我得日子过去如快船,如急落抓食得鹰。

    They skim past like boats of papyrus, like eagles swooping down on their prey.

  9. 湖人在对快船得比赛中获得45次罚球。

    The Lakers shot 45 foul shots in beating the Clippers on Wednesday night.

  10. 湖人在对快船的比赛中获得45次罚球。

    The Lakers shot 45 foul shots in beating the Clippers on Wednesday night.

  11. 掘金在休赛期就把坎比给了快船。

    The Nuggets just gave Marcus Camby to the Clippers this offseason.

  12. 哪一种威士忌的名称是1870年的一艘快船的名字

    What whisky bears the name of a famous 1870 s clipper ship

  13. 马盖蒂,托马斯为快船分别拿下了23及20分。

    Corey Maggette scored 23 points and Tim Thomas had 20 for the Clippers.

  14. 这段片段在快船得电视台放了不下十几遍。

    That play was replayed on Clipper TV network for no fewer than a dozen times.

  15. 这段片段在快船的电视台放了不下十几遍。

    That play was replayed on Clipper TV network for no fewer than a dozen times.

  16. 深夜时分,他跳上了一艘有特别通行证的快船。

    Late at night, he jumped up to have the special pass express steamer.

  17. 但是快船很快就在6分钟内回应了一个132的冲击波。

    But the Clippers responded with a 130 spurt to draw within six.

  18. 查询往来深圳蛇口及东莞虎门的快船转驳服务

    Enquiries about ferry transfer service to from shenzhen shekou humen in dongguan

  19. 其中两个最有趣的是波特兰的奥登和快船的戈登。

    The two in most interesting situations are Oden in Portland and Gordon with the Clippers.

  20. 黄蜂, 快船, 掘金和灰熊都在季后赛得边缘。

    The Hornets, Clippers, Nuggets and Grizzlies are capable of edging themselves into the postseason in their crowded conference.

  21. 黄蜂,快船,掘金和灰熊都在季后赛的边缘。

    The Hornets, Clippers, Nuggets and Grizzlies are capable of edging themselves into the postseason in their crowded conference.

  22. 船票可于东面抵港大堂的快船转驳服务柜台购买。

    Tickets can be purchased at the Ferry Transfer Service Counter in the East Arrivals Hall.

  23. 以前在快船和超音速时他就是个非常棒的射手了。

    He had been that and more during previous stops with the Clippers and Seattle SuperSonics.

  24. 洛杉矶快船今天从丹佛掘金得到了马库斯。坎比。

    The Los Angeles Clippers today acquired forward Marcus Camby from the Denver Nuggets.

  25. 这段片段在快船的电视台放了不下十几遍。更详细。

    That play was replayed on Clipper TV network for no fewer than a dozen times.

  26. 要知道,有20艘这样的快船 每晚穿梭在 亚得里亚海上

    And remember, 18 of these speed boats were coming across the Adriatic every single night.

  27. 勇士, 快船和国王还是在地下室里重新布置着那些装饰品。

    And the Warriors, Clippers and Kings were still rearranging the decor in the basement.

  28. 快船的教练们从来没想过未来,所以现在毕竟看起来很好。

    Clippers coaches never dared to think about the future, so this had better be a new day, after all.

  29. 作为回报,丹佛将得到快船在2010年的第二轮选秀权。

    In return, Denver will have optionexchange second round picks with the Clippers in 2010.

  30. 邓利维即将迎来自己在快船执教生涯的第六个年头。

    Dunleavy is about to usher in his coaching career in the Clippers sixth year.


  1. 问:快船拼音怎么拼?快船的读音是什么?快船翻译成英文是什么?

    答:快船的读音是,快船翻译成英文是 flier