




人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……



汉语拼音:jìn shēn










  1. 跟随身边,贴身。

    元 武汉臣 《老生儿》楔子:“不想 小梅 这妮子年二十岁,婆婆为他精细,着他近身扶侍老夫,如今腹怀有孕,未知是箇女儿小厮儿。” 元 郑廷玉 《后庭花》第一折:“今日早间圣人赐老夫一女……近身伏侍老夫,尚不知夫人意下如何,未敢便收留他。” 元 无名氏 《刘弘嫁婢》第一折:“我与你娶一箇年纪小的、生的好的,近身扶持你。若是得一男半女,可不好那。”

  2. 紧挨身体。

    明 杨慎 《艺林伐山·袒衣衵服》:“裼袒衣,盖近身之衣。”

  3. 靠近身体。


  4. 指接近某人。

    沈从文 《从文自传·一个老战兵》:“他们则爱他的师傅,一近身时就潇洒快乐了许多。”



  1. One day, James and I were working on a close-quarters sticking exercise, and he noticed this subconscious habit to his great amusement.


  2. Given their short range, their firers need to be well armoured and able to look after themselves in close combat.


  3. Since these abilities all require TP, dancers will be required to move to the front lines and engage in melee battle with enemies.


  4. Eyes after being been poisoned would blurred can see near body very small scope, but can't attack stone the enemy of distance.


  5. Stabbed ? I can't believe it. He was an exceptional fighter, especially in hand to hand combat.


  6. We are also going to let Viper return mana from melee attacks for those cases where a melee opponent is too close for comfort.


  7. Tenderize him with a melee weapon execution.


  8. In nerd parlance, don't be the office warrior who always uses ranged weapons; endure some hand-to-hand combat on occasion.


  9. Used to hunting with a bow these troops are proficient with their bows, but will melt away quickly in melee.


  1. 远程攻击冰冻目标5秒近身攻击1秒, 1点冰冻伤害。

    Range5 sec Melee1 sec, 1 bonus Frost dmg.

  2. 没有什么实际的损失。除了一些非常喜欢近身格斗的猎人。

    No real loss here, except maybe to hunters who fancied themselves melee hunters and dual wielded.

  3. 没有什么实际得损失。除了一些非常喜欢近身格斗得猎人。

    No real loss here, except maybe to hunters who fancied themselves melee hunters and dual wielded.

  4. 隋炀帝见后龙心大悦,召她近身,想玩赏她得小脚。

    Emperor Dragon Heart Dayue see the response she was close, like enjoying her feet.

  5. 隋炀帝见后龙心大悦, 召她近身, 想玩赏她的小脚。

    Emperor Dragon Heart Dayue see the response she was close, like enjoying her feet.

  6. 用近身武器处决他。

    Tenderize him with a melee weapon execution.

  7. 因为怪几乎是不近身的。

    Because it is not strange is almost close to.

  8. 恐怖熊形态近身攻击力增加。

    Dire Bear Forms melee damage increased.

  9. 远处狗就叫, 近身不会咬。

    Dogs that bark at distance bite not at hand.

  10. 长弓得远程攻击减少2, 近身攻击减少1。

    Reduced longbow ranged attack by 2 and hand attack by 1.

  11. 长弓的远程攻击减少2,近身攻击减少1。

    Reduced longbow ranged attack by 2 and hand attack by 1.

  12. 邪术巨人的近身战斗最为有效。

    An eldritch giant is most effective as a melee combatant.

  13. 除非你能在近身前先干掉他们。

    Unless you could kill them before they reached you.

  14. 向击球手发近身球,以使其向后退

    to deliver a pitch so close to as to make the batter back away

  15. 同时, 他们还装备长剑, 以备近身肉搏。

    They also have swords to deal with enemies who come to close.

  16. 要是剃近身处,就用干净锋利的剃刀。

    For the closest shave, use a clean, sharp razor.

  17. 远处叫得凶得狗, 不会近身来咬人。

    Dogs that bark at a distance bite not at hand.

  18. 弩兵们同时还配有长剑, 以备近身肉搏。

    For use in melee Genoese Crossbowmen are also equipped with a long sword.

  19. 远处叫得凶的狗, 不会近身来咬人。

    Dogs that bark at a distance bite not at hand.

  20. 苏小姐要走近身, 他疲竭地做手势阻止她。

    Miss Su was about to approach him when he wearily made a gesture to stop her.

  21. 把地精商店门口的怪改为两个近身两个远程。

    Replaced two ranged units with two melee units to the creep camps guarding the Goblin Merchants.

  22. 很多时候总统见家里人,不及见一些近身的助手。

    A lot of times president sees his family less than a few of his close aids.

  23. 装备精良盔甲后, 他们足以与重装骑兵近身肉搏。

    Their armour can be also be upgraded, allowing them to take on heavier cavalry.

  24. 可做了二等丫鬟之后,就有资格近身伺候主子。

    Can later doing second class servant girl, entitle to a near body to wait upon a lord son.

  25. 汤快喝完了时,可将汤盘近身一侧抬高一点。

    When a little remai, you may raise slightly side of the bowl close to you.

  26. 不过,在训练和整编近身保护团方面没有取得进展。

    However, no progress has been made with regard to the training and integration of the close protection corps.

  27. 对付闪电强化的怪,使用标枪比近身使用戳刺更有效。

    For Lightning Enchanted Monsters, it's best to throw Javelins at them rather than using your melee Jab attack.

  28. 野性德鲁伊擅长于近身攻击, 但仍然可以治疗或者法术攻击。

    Feral druids are better at the melee aspects of this, but are still fully capable of healing and nuking.

  29. 或者召唤出类似突击战车的机械物,冲入敌阵进行近身攻击。

    Or summons attacks tank's machinery similarly, breaks in the position to carry on near body attack.

  30. 赫氏近鸟身上的色彩让人联想到现代的鸟类。

    The color pattern of Anchiornis is reminiscent of living birds.


  1. 问:近身球拼音怎么拼?近身球的读音是什么?近身球翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近身球的读音是jìn shēn qiú,近身球翻译成英文是 incourse

  2. 问:近身运球拼音怎么拼?近身运球的读音是什么?近身运球翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近身运球的读音是jìn shēn yùn qiú,近身运球翻译成英文是 close dribble

  3. 问:近身护卫官拼音怎么拼?近身护卫官的读音是什么?近身护卫官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近身护卫官的读音是,近身护卫官翻译成英文是 Somatophylakes

  4. 问:近身体中央的拼音怎么拼?近身体中央的的读音是什么?近身体中央的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近身体中央的的读音是,近身体中央的翻译成英文是 proximal

  5. 问:近身便携式地雷探测器拼音怎么拼?近身便携式地雷探测器的读音是什么?近身便携式地雷探测器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近身便携式地雷探测器的读音是jìn shēn biàn xié shì dì léi tàn cè qì,近身便携式地雷探测器翻译成英文是 Close-in-Man Portable Mine Detector