


1. 难 [nán]2. 难 [nàn]3. 难 [nuó]难 [nán]不容易,做起来费事:~处。~度。~点。~关。~熬。~耐。~产。~堪。~题。~以。~于。困~。畏~。急人之~。不大可能办到,使人感到困难:~免。~为。~保。~怪。~倒(……


1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:nán shuō









  1. 谓不易解说。

    《大戴礼记·文王官人》:“不学而性辨,曰有虑者也,难投以物,难説以言。” 王聘珍 解诂:“难説以言,不可以言喻也。”《朱子语类》卷一:“根既在此,又却能引聚得他那气在此,此事难説。” 丁玲 《莎菲女士的日记·三月十三号》:“我到底又为了什么呢,这真好难说!”

  2. 说不定。

    明 冯梦龙 《挂枝儿·专心》:“眼前人怎比得我冤家模样,难説普天下是他头一箇美,只我相交中他委实强。” 吴运铎 《把一切献给党·永远前进》:“‘很快要瞎吗?’‘很难说。’医生惋惜地说。”

  3. 难道。表示反诘。

    吴组缃 《山洪》二十:“有本事你怎么不对他吹吹,把他吹出来给队伍挑送东西呢?难说他又是不能挑担的么?”

  4. 诘难。

    《后汉书·儒林传上·戴凭》:“帝即召上殿,令与诸儒难説, 凭 多所解释。”



  1. 'This article has never been tested in dispute settlement, so it's tricky to determine how it might be interpreted, ' Mr. Rockwell said.


  2. We have couple of things we were looking at, but I'd like to tell the people is to keep you eyes with me, you will be seeing us soon.


  3. Difficult to say. Let's analyse. It seems to me that you made a mistake in the opening (mid game, endgame).


  4. flardh Mohamed Bin Hammam said the free e-book on paper sales of classic readings will produce negative effects, it is still hard to say.


  5. It's hard to say, because it's hard to know just how much homes were overvalued at the peak of the bubble.


  6. Hard to tell. It may take an hour or two. Sometimes it may take a day or even a week.


  7. Assessing such policies in terms of how much carbon reduction they achieve for each pound spent, these high figures are hard to justify.


  8. How much of this is bravado, how much rumour and how much fact is hard to say.


  9. There are no easy answers to how much biology and cultural expectations determine who we are as men and women .


  1. 呃,很难说

    Well, um, we'll see.

  2. 这很难说。

    Well,that's hard to say.

  3. 有这么难说么,难说。

    Here we are.

  4. 嗯,这很难说。

    Well, that's hard to say.

  5. 有时也很难说。

    You can't always anticipate.

  6. 现在还很难说。

    It is hard to tell at the moment.

  7. 现在还很难说。

    It is hard to tell at the moment.

  8. 垃圾袋,难说再见?

    Tough goodbye to flimsy bin bags.

  9. 很难说那是谁。

    It's hard to say who it was.

  10. 他来不来还难说。

    It's hard to say if he'll come or not.

  11. 最难说出口的话

    you've ever had to say to anyone.

  12. 很难说,说不定以后。

    Ah,you never know.Maybe someday.

  13. 难说,她不是那种人。

    I doubt it.She's not really like that.

  14. 难说,她不是那种人。

    I doubt it. She's not really like that.

  15. 他能否来还很难说。

    It is doubtful whether he will be able to come.

  16. 很难说哪一个较好。

    It's hard to say which is better.

  17. 因此报价的结果很难说。

    So the outcome of this offer is in the balance.

  18. 很难说他们会从哪来。

    There is no telling from where they may come.

  19. 很难说他们会从哪来。

    There is no telling from where they may come.

  20. 很难说他会怎么做。

    There is no telling what he might do.

  21. 我很难说他真聪明。

    I hesitate to describe him as really clever.

  22. 这很难说,得看情况。

    It all depends. I have certain doubts about it.

  23. 这整个事情现在还很难说。

    The whole matter is still in doubt.

  24. 很难说,我也许放弃了。

    It's hard to say. I'd probably just give up.

  25. 我们是否会破产还很难说。

    It was touch and go whether we'd go bankrupt.

  26. 她要嫁给谁还很难说。

    Who she'll marry is anybody's guess.

  27. 很难说哪种情况更加可恶。

    One hardly knows which of those is the more annoying.

  28. 这件事很难说谁对谁错。

    It is hard to say who is right in this matter.

  29. 两节诗哪一节好?很难说。

    It may be debated which is the better version.

  30. 很难说出她的确切年龄。

    It was difficult to tell her exact age.


  1. 问:难说拼音怎么拼?难说的读音是什么?难说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:难说的读音是nánshuō,难说翻译成英文是 be hard to say

  2. 问:难说话拼音怎么拼?难说话的读音是什么?难说话翻译成英文是什么?

    答:难说话的读音是nánshuōhuà,难说话翻译成英文是 difficult to talk with or communicate