







汉语拼音:yòng shì






  1. 因此。

    《汉书·赵充国传》:“车輢将军 张安世 始尝不快上,上欲诛之, 卬 家将军以为 安世 本持槖簪笔事 孝武帝 数十年,见谓忠谨,宜全度之。 安世 用是得免。” 唐 柳宗元 《答吴武陵非国语书》:“恒恐后世之知言者,用是詬病。”《清史稿·艺文志一》:“令好古之士欲读中秘书者,任其入览。用是海内从风,人文炳蔚,学术昌盛,方驾 汉 、 唐 。”



  1. And, believe it or not, if I show you a picture of your mother -- I'm talking about normal people -- you start sweating.


  2. Well, a wristwatch, so she'll think of me when she looks at the time. Nothing flashy or expensive. Something simple -- but a good one.


  3. His lack of money was the result of caprice in spending on unnecessary things.


  4. One quick word of advice: Try to ask open-ended questions, or questions that require more than a yes or no answer.


  5. Write your problem or question on a piece of paper in such a fashion that "yes" or "no" could be the answer.


  6. It is absolutely wrong to think foreign languages useless, as quite a few people did before.


  7. If multitasking is a myth, it might come as a surprise that some people are good at it.


  8. It is wrong to think foreign languages useless, as quite a few people did before.


  9. "Dad was quite reluctant at first, " he recalls. "He felt consultants were useless and a waste of money. "


  1. 让你用是浪费

    Oh, you'd waste the sparkle pager.

  2. 用是或不是回答这些问题。

    Answer yes or no to these questions.

  3. 是,你可以用是表示谓语,表示身份。

    Is, you can have the is of predication and the is of identity.

  4. 知道这些短语怎么用是很有意义的。

    It is meaningful to know how to use these phrases.

  5. 诱导性问题通常能用是或否来回答。

    Leading questions will generally be answerable with a yes or no.

  6. 他身体棒棒的,用是不完的劲,他从不站着踢球。

    His fitness is terrific, he has that restless energy, he never stands still.

  7. 高效,抽象,可再用是使用数据结构的三大理由。

    Three reasons for using data structures are efficiency, abstraction, reusability.

  8. 即是说, 它关注这样一个问题道和物的用是什么

    All the utility becomes itself in the light of the futility of Great Tao.

  9. 我們還是用福傳語言

    We do still use Fortran.

  10. 这台机器是用。

    The machine is bedded in cement.

  11. 嘴是用来吃的。

    The mouth is also to be used to eat.

  12. 是用来看地图的。

    It's a way to read the map.

  13. 是用来看地图的。

    It's a way to read the map.

  14. 这是用来退热的。

    This is for reducing the fever.

  15. 是用来生营火的。

    For when we build our campfire.

  16. 名字是用大写的。

    The name was written in capitals.

  17. 名字是用大写的。

    The name was written in capitals.

  18. 那是用词的不当。

    It was an unhappy choice of words.

  19. 是用计算机产生的。

    They were done on a computer.

  20. 都是用外科手术刀。

    And all with a surgeon's scalpel.

  21. 只是用了不同高度

    They're just chopped at different heights.

  22. 刀子是用来切物品。

    Knives are not employ for cutting stuff.

  23. 如果你只是用来逃避?

    if you only run away?

  24. 管理是用人的技巧。

    Management is a maneuver skill of groups.

  25. 裁料的完成是用

    Is The Cutting Done By

  26. 假如是用剃须刀的话。

    If be the word with razor.

  27. 这是用木头做的。

    This was made of wood.

  28. 它是用来写字的。

    It's used for writing.

  29. 香肠是用肉做得。

    The sausage is made of meat.

  30. 香肠是用肉做的。

    The sausage is made of meat.