


大,有力,强盛:强~。~士。~心。~烈。~美。兵强马~。增加勇气和力量:~胆。~行(xíng )。以~声势。中国少数民族,主要分布于广西壮族自治区及云南、四川、贵州等省(旧作“僮”):~族。~锦。~歌。……





汉语拼音:zhuàng miáo






  1. 健壮的幼苗。



  1. Cultured seedlings, the decision to transplant the main factor is the transplant survival matrix and transplanting environmental conditions.


  2. Rational close planting and conducting fertilizer and water management and disease control in time, which can be gained high yield.


  3. The key cultural technique for high yield through early seeding was to develop robust seedings .


  4. Breeding of Poplar in Agricultural Division No.


  5. Seedling is very important in the production of tobacco.


  6. At the same time can also be used as seed, can improve the germination rate, seedling cultivation.


  7. Probe into the Sound Seedling Cultivation of the oriental Plane through the Seedling Cutting


  8. An Initial Report of the Research on the Early Grown Straw berry Flower Bud Differentiation in Big Shed


  9. Study on Extrude Dominance and Planting Technique of Transplanting Strong Maize Seedling with Maize Nutrition Earthen Bowl


  1. 兵团农七师胡杨壮苗的培育。

    Breeding of Poplar in Agricultural Division No.

  2. 培育大苗壮苗能提前进入生产期。

    Cultivate large seedlings and strong seedlings can early entry into the production phase.

  3. 花烛离体培养中的壮苗审美能力的培养

    Aseptic Plantlet Hardening of Anthurium andraeanum in vitro Culture.

  4. 促根壮苗,增加叶绿素,提高光合效率。

    Promote root seedlings, increased chlorophyll and photosynthetic efficiency.

  5. 法桐实生苗扦插培育壮苗技术的探讨

    Probe into the Sound Seedling Cultivation of the oriental Plane through the Seedling Cutting

  6. 马缨杜鹃壮苗与生根培养基的筛选研究

    Selection of Medium for Budding and Rooting in Tissue Culture of Rhododendron delavayi

  7. 水稻弱苗对丁草胺得敏感性高于壮苗。

    Sensitivity of the week seedling to butachlor is higher than the sound one.

  8. 水稻弱苗对丁草胺的敏感性高于壮苗。

    Sensitivity of the week seedling to butachlor is higher than the sound one.

  9. 提高春小麦花粉植株壮苗及加倍率的研究

    Researches on Raising the Strengthening Seedling and Doubling Chromosome of Pollen Plant of Spring Wheat

  10. 超高茬麦套稻壮苗强化栽培技术研究

    Study on Intensified Cultivation Techniques for Rice Intercropped in Field of Wheat with Super High Stubble

  11. 玉米营养钵壮苗移栽突出优势及栽培技术

    Study on Extrude Dominance and Planting Technique of Transplanting Strong Maize Seedling with Maize Nutrition Earthen Bowl

  12. 花烛离体培养中的壮苗人蜕膜细胞的离体培养

    Aseptic Plantlet Hardening of Anthurium andraeanum in vitro Culture THE HUMAN DECIDUAL CELL IN VITRO.

  13. 夏季塑料荫棚池杉快速培育壮苗技术的研究

    Study on Quick Cultivation Technique of Taxodium ascendens Sound Seedling in Plastic Shed in Summer.

  14. 通过早播达到高产的关键栽培技术是培育壮苗。

    The key cultural technique for high yield through early seeding was to develop robust seedings.

  15. 不同施肥处理对南瓜呼吸速率和壮苗指数的影响

    Effects of different fertilizer on respiration rate and healthy index of pumpkin

  16. 育苗基质中适量的养分供应是培育优质壮苗的关键。

    Key problems for High quality and strong seedling cultivation are researching on optimal nutrient supply in seedling substrates.

  17. 探讨甜瓜幼苗壮苗指数与环境温度, 光辐射得关系。

    The aim of this study was to probe into the relationship between vigorous muskmelon seedling index and environmental temperature and radiation.

  18. 探讨甜瓜幼苗壮苗指数与环境温度、光辐射的关系。

    The aim of this study was to probe into the relationship between vigorous muskmelon seedling index and environmental temperature and radiation.

  19. 旱地玉米整秆加秋盖地膜保全苗壮苗技术研究

    Study on technology of full stand seedling and healthy seedling about maize in dryland covered by entire culm and plastic film in autumn

  20. 不同嫁接时间对红松果林优质壮苗培育质量的影响

    Effect of Different Grafting time on the Cultivation and High Quality seedlings of Pinus koraiensis forest


  1. 问:壮苗拼音怎么拼?壮苗的读音是什么?壮苗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:壮苗的读音是zhuàngmiáo,壮苗翻译成英文是 strong sprout; sound seedling