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1. 雅 [yǎ]雅 [yǎ]正规的,标准的:~言。~正(a.规范的;b.正直;c.客气话,用于赠给他人的书画题款上,请对方指正)。美好的,高尚的,不粗俗的:文~。高~。典~。~观。~教(jiào )。~兴(xìng )。~座。~俗。平素,……
汉语拼音:yōu yǎ
宋 柳永 《望远行》词:“幽雅。乘兴最宜访 戴 ,泛小棹、 越溪 瀟洒。”《醒世恒言·灌园叟晚逢仙女》:“只见篱上花枝鲜媚,四围树木繁翳,﹝ 张委 等﹞齐道:‘这所在倒也幽雅!是那家的?’” 方志敏 《可爱的中国》:“不但是雄巍的 峨嵋 ,妩媚的 西湖 ,幽雅的 雁荡 ,与夫‘秀丽甲天下’的 桂林 山水,可以傲睨一世,令人称羡;其实 中国 是无地不美,到处皆景。”
But in the end ambition was the better master, and he agreed to go with me one evening to Victor's elegant flat in St. James's Place.
可是到头来,仍是雄心占了上风,他同意在一天晚上和我同到圣·詹姆士广场维克托那套陈设幽雅的公寓房子去。She had at this time ready money enough to supply all that was wanted of greater elegance to the apartments.
此时她手有足够的钱来购置一些东西,把房子布置得更加幽雅。Patterns in Nature: Flowers A favorite of brides, the ethereal calla lily is often called the wedding flower.
花卉在自然界的模式。一种特别喜欢的新娘花,幽雅的马蹄莲百合花经常被称为婚礼花。I'll try my best to build my house wisely. Even if I live the house only one day, that day deserves to be lived graciously and with dignity.
我劲我最大的努力去建好我的房子,即使我在这个房子里只生活一天我也要活的幽雅,有尊严。He knocks into drums, speakers, drops his mike, picks it up, then throws it to the floor and tosses himself after it for good measure.
他敲着鼓、扬声器,扔掉麦克又捡回来,再把它扔到地板上,随即自己也幽雅地飞身躺下。Wenger should also be praised for the manner in which his team plays, with style, breathtaking pace and wonderful attacking invention.
因为他的球队的幽雅踢球方式,令人激动的速度和出色的进攻创造力,温格同样应该受到赞扬。The leaves drifted down piece by piece like a song in the autumn wind, like a dance performed in an elegant, free and unrestrained way.
纷纷飘坠,在秋风里吟一支悲凉的歌,舞,翩翩跹跹,幽雅宛转,自由自在,无拘无束。offer guests elegance and warmth environment together with up-to-date facilities and amenities.
为客人提供幽雅温馨的环境和现代化的设施和舒适。In the garden the view and the sculpture are coordinated, being solemn, respectful, quiet and tasteful.